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General Art The Sage's Orbs: By Raindrop14


Soldier for Christ!
Jan 29, 2011
Here's the next chapter.;)

Chapter ten: The Sage of Water

Rampone and Kirana, who were in the front of their line, stopped. Allen, Ashie and Tekara were talking and bumped into the two.

“What’s with the sudden halt?” Tekara asked.

“Do you see that person?” Kirana asked pointing to the figure ahead.

Tekara followed where Kirana’s finger was pointing and saw the figure, standing in the road.

“Yeah I see them. Should we go talk to them or… what?”

“Let’s go talk to them. After all, that’s how you met me.” Rampone said smiling a little.
They started walking in the direction of the person. Soon they could see them clearly. It was a boy of about fifteen years old. He was looking directly at them with his light brown eyes. As they got closer he started focusing just on Kirana.

“Hello!” Rampone yelled waving his right hand.

The stranger just stood there. The wind was blowing his short blonde hair around. It was long enough to reach his shoulders and it kept getting in his face. He ignored it and kept staring at Kirana like an eagle to its prey. As soon as they were practically in front of him they stopped.

“Did you hear me?” Rampone asked.

He stared at Kirana for a few seconds longer.

“Hello?” Rampone said waving his hand.

“What, hello.” The boy said shaking his head.

“Hi, did you not hear us back there?”

“Oh, I’m sorry; I was just out of there for a second, if you know what I mean.” He smiled at them.

He stood to be about as tall as Rampone, he had the same average body build as Rampone but his skin was a little darker.

“What brings you out here, just standing there?” Tekara asked.

“Well, I don’t really know. I just felt the urge to come out here and stand. Maybe wait a little. But I don’t fell like waiting anymore. In fact, as soon as you came I felt as though I should just follow you to wherever you’re going, if you don’t mind of course.”

Kirana looked at him closely. He looked like the average Ovsalian. Brown pants, a white short sleeved shirt, brown leather boots. All that seemed out of place was his hair. No Ovsalian she knew had blonde hair. Of course, the others didn’t know that since they weren’t natives to Ovsalia so they would kindly let him come.

“What makes us think you’re not a bad person?” Ashie asked.

“Well, I don’t know. We haven’t met before so if I told you anything you wouldn’t believe me. So I guess it’s just a matter of instincts.”

“I say we take him along.” Kirana said.

It should give me enough time to figure out who he is and why he was staring at me. She thought.

“Kirana-” Rampone said.

“I think I should make the decision since I’m practically the leader of the group.”

“How about we have a vote on whether to take him or not?” Rampone asked.

“Alright, all in favor of taking him?”

Allen, Tekara, Kirana and Ashie raise their hands.

“Looks like you’re out voted.”

Fine. Rampone thought.

“Come along! Were headed to the nearest town! Do you happen to know where that is by the way?”

“It’s the way you were headed in the first place. And thank you for taking me.” He said.

“What’s your name?” Rampone asked.

“Kyle. And yours?”

“This is Rampone, Tekara, Allen, Ashie and I’m Kirana.” Kirana said pointing to each of them.

“Let’s go!” Tekara said.

They walked towards the nearest town. Rampone was walking in the back of their line, Allen, Ashie and Tekara were continuing their talk in front of him and Kirana and Kyle were in the front talking quietly. Rampone kept a close eye on both Kirana and Kyle.

Why would she just say he can come along? There has to be something behind that. Could she know him? Rampone thought.

They had walked for hours taking occasional water brakes and soon came upon the town. The town was very small; in fact, it should be called a small village. There were barely any houses and there was just a shop as the only other building. They walked to the shop and went in. Inside was just like the one at Kirana and Tekara’s home village. There was no one inside but the shop keeper, and he was sleeping. Rampone walked up to the desk and knocked on it. The old shop keeper quickly awoke and got up.

“What’s going on? Are we being invaded?” He yelled.

“No, no, no. We just want to know where we can stay for the night.” Rampone said trying to calm the old man.

“Oh thank goodness. I thought we were being invaded.”

“Well were not. We just want a place to stay.”

“Are you sure were not being invaded?”

“I’m sure.”

“What if you’re the invaders?” The old man yelled picking up a small hammer.

“Were not, now can we-”

“I can’t trust you!”

“Just listen-”

“Stay back!” The old man held the hammer in an attack position.

“Okay, we can’t get help from you we’ll just have to ask someone else.” Rampone said angrily walking towards the door.

“You just have to be calm and quiet and not so demanding.” Kirana said.

She walked to the desk and smiled at the old man.

“I wasn’t-”

“Hello.” She said.

“Are you an invader?” He asked his hammer ready to attack.

“No.” Kirana said sweetly.

The old man put his hammer down slowly as if he were in a trance.

“We just want a room.”

“Oh, well you’ll not find any of that here. You might want to check the old Duncan’s place though; they house all the travelers who come to town.”

“Thank you. Do you happen to know where they live?”

“It’s the last house on the right.”

“Thank you.”

Kirana left him and she walked out of the room. They all had been watching with amazement. The old man seemed to snap out of something and looked at them wildly.

“Are you invaders?” He yelled grabbing his hammer.

“No, were just leaving.” Tekara said.

They followed Kirana out the door and stood outside the store.

“How’d you do that?” Allen asked.

“Do what? Talk? I used my lungs and my brain.” Kirana said.

“How’d you get him to calm down? In fact, as soon as you left he seemed like he snapped out of a trance and was back to his normal ‘are you invaders’ thing.”

“Well, I’ll be honest. I really don’t know what you’re talking about. All I did was talk to him normally.”

“You didn’t sound normal.” Rampone said.

“What did I sound like?”

“You sounded like you were enchanting him or putting a spell on him.”

“Well I can’t help you at all with anything that’s related to that because I don’t know.”

“Let’s just go to the old Duncan’s place okay?” Tekara asked.

“Okay.” Ashie replied.

There is definitely something weird about her. Rampone thought.

They walked along the dirt path to the last house on the right. As soon as they reached the door Kirana knocked on it. The door opened and they saw an old lady standing there. She had grey hair and a blue dress with a white apron tied around hew waist.

“Hello.” Said the old lady “What do you want?”

“We were told we could get somewhere to stay here.” Tekara said.

“Oh yes, you can.” The lady said delightedly.

“So can we come in?”

“Yes come in come in.”

She moved out of the way and let them in. They walked inside the house and entered a medium sized room. It looked to be the main room of the house as there were some chairs around the fireplace and elsewhere. There were some people sitting in the chairs reading books and doing other things. The lady closed the door behind them and said, “This is the main room. I’ll show you to your bedrooms. Oh but you’ll have to share with some of the other guests.”

She led them up the stairs to a long hallway. She walked all the way to the end and knocked on the door to the right. The door opened and a boy about Kyle’s age was standing there looking a little sleepy at them.

“Yes miss Duncan?” He asked.

“Do you have any room for more travelers?” Miss Duncan asked.

“No, but I think the next room has two more beds available.”

“Alright, thank you John.”

John closed the door and Miss Duncan walked to the next door. She knocked on it and a girl about the same age as Kyle opened it.

“Yes miss Duncan?”

“Do you have any room left for these travelers?”

“Yes. We have three beds left.”

“Good, because they want to stay here.” Miss Duncan said with a smile.

The boy moved out of the way and Miss Duncan pushed Allen, Rampone and Kyle into the room.

“Have a nice stay here. Good bye!”

She closed the door and knocked on the door across that room. The door opened and a girl of about fourteen years old opened it.

“Yes Miss Duncan?” She asked.

“Do you have any room left?” Miss Duncan asked.

“Yes I do. I have six beds left. Why?”

“These girls would like to stay here.”

The girl quickly moved out of the way as Miss Duncan shoved Tekara, Kirana and Ashie into the room.

“Thank you Miss Duncan!” Kirana called as the door shut.

“So, where do we sleep?” Ashie asked the girl.

“You’ll be sleeping on those beds over there.”

She pointed to some beds along the wall. There were five beds along the wall across from them facing the door and one bed against the wall to the right and to the left. There were windows above all the beds along the wall across them. Tekara and Ashie went to their beds at the far left corner of the room along the wall.

“What’s your name?” Kirana asked the girl.

“My name is Sela Alaan. And you?”

“My name is Kirana. That’s Tekara and Ashie.”

“Nice to meet you.” Sela said smiling.

Kirana walked over to her bed next to Ashie’s and sat down. Sela walked to the bed on the right wall and sat down. Each bed had a small chest at the end of it. Kirana opened her chest and saw what was inside.

Nothing. She thought. Not even clothes.

She then remembered that she had kept her dress.

I’ll put it in here. After all, I don’t want to loose it or tear it.

She pulled it out of her pack and she saw Sela’s eyes open wide. She noticed that Sela had one brown eye and one blue eye.

Hmm, I wonder why that is.

She placed the dress carefully in the chest. She saw that Tekara and Ashie had kept theirs as well and saw them put theirs into their chests.

“Where did you get those fine dresses?” Sela asked surprised.

“Well, we were kidnapped and we woke up wearing them. Don’t ask why we woke up with them on because we don’t now ourselves.” Tekara said.


“Do you have any interesting stories?” Kirana asked.

“No. In fact, I can’t remember anything at all from my past, all I remember is that I came here, Miss Duncan took me in and I’ve been living here ever since. I occasionally work at the shop to help pay for the rent here as everyone who permanently stays here has to. That’s all, nothing exciting or anything.”

“I’m sorry.”

“No it’s fine. In fact I should be talking about my past; it might get me closer to remembering.”

Just then they heard a knock on the door downstairs. Ashie, Tekara and Kirana froze.

“Don’t worry; it’s just a new person wanting to stay here.”

“Have you seen a girl with long dark blue hair?” they heard a voice ask from downstairs.

It sounded like the man who kidnapped them. Kirana’s eyes opened wide and she heard Miss Duncan say, “Why do you ask?”

She’s a smart lady. Kirana thought.

“I’m looking for her. You see, she’s my niece and she was taken from me a while back. I have been looking non stop for her and I wish to finally find her and take her back home.”

Don’t let him in.

“She’s right upstairs.”

They heard the man walk in. Each time Kirana heard the sound of his feet on the stairs she jumped a little with fright. As soon as he was at the top he walked slowly to the first door. He knocked on each one, slowly getting closer. When he was at their door her heart pounded like crazy and she had chills running down her back. He knocked on the door across from them. The door opened and she heard Allen’s voice.


Hope you liked it.^^


Jul 13, 2011
Rivendell, Middle Earth
I liked it very much. ^^

Your detail has been improving immensely. You are also getting much better at introducing characters, while not listing the details. Very nice!

Keep it up Raindrop! And stop leaving us with such effective cliffhangers! :xd:
Aug 18, 2009
Yes, it was definitely good, Rainy. :yes: I enjoyed it, especially since more characters were introduced. :)

I was curious why the old man kept asking them whether they were being invaded, I thought he was out of it, a total crazy person, but then you spoke of him being like in a trance, so I backed off with my thoughts, maybe he's just been cursed or something. Maybe the town is expecting trouble? Anyhow, I also liked where you left off, with the bad guy showing up and asking for the girl. I surely laughed out loud with these lines:

Don’t let him in.

“She’s right upstairs.”

Why? Well because I found it funny, you know, Kirana thought the old lady was smart, then she just went on to let the bad dude know where she was. :P

Anyway, good job, looking forward to the next one.


Soldier for Christ!
Jan 29, 2011
Here's the next chapter.^^

Chapter eleven: Escape

“Hello?” Allen asked when he opened the door.

“Hello, do you know a girl with long blue hair? Is she staying here?” The man asked.

Allen looked at the man as he was talking. He wondered where he had seen that face before. Then he remembered.

“No, I don’t. You might want to try asking the people across from us.”

“Thank you.”

Kirana will know what to do. Allen thought.

Kirana heard a knock on the door. Ashie got up and went to it.

“I’ll answer it. Don’t worry.” Sela whispered.

Sela went to the door and opened it but didn’t let the man look inside.

“Hello?” She asked.

“Hello, is there a girl with long blue hair staying in your room?” The man asked.

“Why do you ask?”

“I’m her uncle and I want to take her home.”

“Well I’m sorry, she isn’t here. I wish you the best of luck though.”

She gave him a sweet smile. He looked at her a little angry but then quickly hid his anger and smiled back.

“Thank you.” He said.

Sela closed the door and they heard him walk down the stairs. Kirana gave a huge sigh of relief because the whole time she had held her breath.

“Thank you.” She said to Sela.

“No problem.” Sela said smiling.

“I guess he’ll just leave to the next town then.” Tekara said.

“Yeah. Who was that guy anyway?” Sela asked.

“He’s the guy who kidnapped us.” Ashie said.


They heard two people walking up the stairs then. The people walked all the way to the end of the hallway and knocked on the door with the boys.

“Do you have any room for this man?” They heard Miss Duncan ask.

“No, we have no room. You can try the next room though.” They heard Allen say.

“No, we have room.” They heard someone else from the room say.

“I was just leaving so he can take my bed.”

“Splendid.” The man said.

They heard the man walk into the room and Miss Dunacan and the other boy walk downstairs.

Oh no, what will they do? Kirana thought.

“We can’t stay here now.” Kirana said.

“Why not?” Sela asked.

“Because he might investigate every room. And he’ll get us again.”

“Well, we could leave town. There is a town not too far from here that we can stay in. We just have to climb out the window and go.”

“We could do that. Although, how would the boys find us?”

“We send a secret message to them. The old lady will tell them the message. Tonight, they can take care of themselves.”

“Alright. Anybody have rope?” Tekara asked.

“I do.” Ashie said.

Ashie pulled out her rope and they hung it out the window.

“I’ll hold onto the rope while you guys climb down. Since he doesn’t know me I’ll just come down by the stairs.” Sela said.

“Okay.” Tekara said.

They put their packs on their backs and climbed down the rope. It wasn’t too far so it took them a very short time. After that they saw Sela pull up the rope, close the window and walk away. They went to the front door and waited for Sela. Sela came out after a few minutes and they headed in the direction of the other town.

“Did anyone tell Miss Duncan about the message?” Tekara asked.

“I did.” Sela said.

And so they went. It was very dark out and so they took their time. They had only walked for about an hour when they reached a small town. It looked somewhat like the other town except this one had an inn and a blacksmith. They went into the inn and walked up to the bartender.

“What can I do for ya?” The bartender asked.

“We’d like a room for four.” Kirana said.

“Alright. How many nights?”


“Okay then, here’s your key. That’ll be twenty gold pieces.”

The bartender held put his hand waiting for them to pay. They all reached their hands into their pockets but found nothing but dirt. Kirana smiled at the bartender and said, “Could we pay in the morning?”

The bartender looked just like the old man, in a trance.

“Sure.” He said.

“Thank you.”

Kirana walked away and they followed. As soon as they were in their room they all looked at Kirana with awed faces.

“You did it again!” Tekara said.

“Did what?” Kirana asked.

“The trance thingy! You did it to the old man then you just did it to the bartender! How do you do that?”

“Do what? I simply asked if we could pay in the morning, that’s all. Anyone could have done it.”

“Not like you did! You went all sweet on him, you used a certain tone of voice and he looked at you as if you were his master or something!”

“Well honestly, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Kirana set her things down on the bed at the end of the room.

The room was sort of small and it had four beds along the wall to the left. There was also a fireplace on the right wall and a window on the wall across from the door.

“I guess it doesn’t matter, we have a place to stay.” Tekara said.

They all picked a bed and put their things on the floor beside the bed.

“Well, good night.” Ashie said.

“Night.” They all replied.

Kirana had a hard time falling asleep. She was thinking about what the others had said. About her putting people in trances or hypnotizing them or something. She looked out the window, the moon was shining brightly. She could see the stars scattered about the dark sky. She closed her eyes, thinking about the night her brother had left to be the wind keeper. She suddenly opened her eyes not wanting to think about the horribleness of that night. She thought about how Allen and the others and how they will handle the man. As she thought about various things her eyes slowly closed and she slowly drifted off to dream land.

Hope you liked it.;)
Aug 18, 2009
Alright, so this was actually shorter than other chapters, I read swept through that easily like a cold breeze sweeping a town in mid November. ;) It was good too, you let us know that the girls opted to leave as a precautionary measure. As to Kirana, well, she had trouble falling asleep and was dealing with all these sort of thoughts about the night her brother left, and she also wondered how the boys would deal with the man. I wonder that too, but hopefully soon enough you'll get to those parts. :) Thanks for keeping me entertained for a while, can't wait until you update again. ~Atsie


Soldier for Christ!
Jan 29, 2011
Here's the next chapter.^^ Although it's a short one.

Chapter twelve: The Man

“What do you want?” Allen asked looking angry at the man.

“I want to get Kirana back; she is my niece you know.” He replied.

“No she’s not and you know it!”

“Okay then, she’s not. But she is a vital part to our plan.”

“What plan?” Rampone asked pulling out his two swords out and pointing them at the man.

“Now you know better than that.” The man said with a smirk on his face.

“I’ll do it.” Rampone said bringing the swords closer to the man’s neck.

“No you won’t.”

“And why not?”

“Because then you’ll never know the plan.”

Rampone slowly brought the swords down knowing the man was right and put them in their sheaths.

“That’s better.” The man said.

“What’s your name?” Rampone asked.

“My name is Falor.”

“What is your plan?”

“Why should I tell you?”

“Because if you don’t we’ll…”

“You’ll what?” Falor asked smirking.

“We’ll kill Kirana!”

Falor started laughing quietly, then loudly, finally he was laughing so hard he almost fell on the floor.

“You think I want her alive?! Ha! You’re all pathetic fools! I’ll never tell you my plan!”

“Oh so it’s your plan eh? Then we’ll just kill you in order to make sure that it’s not completed!”

Rampone pulled out his two swords and swung them at Falor. Falor ducked in order to avoid the blades and pulled out his own sword. He swung upwards at Rampone but Rampone was quick enough to block it with his own blades. Allen joined in using his wind magic to try and prevent Falor’s hand from moving. He blew a large gust of wind at Falor and set him flying to the wall. Kyle pulled out his sword and ran at Falor ready to shish kabob him in the gut. Falor quickly rolled out of the way and got up running to Rampone. Rampone thought he was going to try and charge him so he swung at Falor. Falor saw that and brought up his blade to block it. However, Falor was unsuccessful and got a cut minor on the back. He ran around Rampone to Allen, who had no defenses. Allen had his eyes closed and he was mumbling some words. Rampone saw that Falor meant to kill the helpless ones first and jumped at Falor. He landed on the floor and had Falor’s feet in his hands. He pulled him down and Kyle came to help pin him to the ground.

Before Kyle got there Falor had sliced at Rampone, and in order to not get killed Rampone had to let go. As soon as he let go Kyle came over and kicked the blade out of Falor’s hands. Rampone saw his opportunity and grabbed Falor’s legs. Kyle went over to a chest and got some rope out of it. He tied Falor’s legs and arms so he couldn’t move. They sat him on a chair that was in the room and put their weapons away.

“You lost Falor.” Rampone said.

“Have I?” Falor said with an evil smile.

“Yes. Now tell us your plans!”

“I though you wanted to kill me to foil the plans?”

“We have you as captive so we don’t need to.”

“But I still won’t tell you.”

“We know how to make you tell us.”


“We have a secret weapon.” Rampone said smiling.

“And what would that be?” Falor asked smiling.

“Allen, go get Kirana.”



Allen left the room and knocked on the door across from them. No answer. He went in and saw no one. He looked around, under the beds and in the chests.

“Kirana, it’s okay, we’ve got him tied up.” Allen called out softly.

No reply.

He went back to the boys’ room and told Rampone.

“So, where is this secret weapon?” Falor asked smiling evilly.

“Don’t worry.” Rampone said. “Allen go downstairs and ask the old lady if they left.”

Allen did as told and asked the old lady.

“Yes, they went to the next town, Kortana. They told me to let you know.” Miss Duncan said.

“Thank you.” Allen replied.

Allen went upstairs and into the room and told Rampone that the girls were in Kortana.

“Kortana eh? Well then, we’ll just have to go there.”

“We have no way of transportation.” Kyle said.

“We’ll get horses from the old lady.”

They went downstairs and asked Miss Duncan for horses. She gladly gave them three horses and some food. They went out to mount the horses and rode off to Kortana. Rampone had Falor on his horse to make sure he wouldn’t get away. As soon as they saw the town they rode harder and when they reached the town they dismounted. They carried Falor to the inn and asked the bartender where the girls were.

“Three girls about fourteen, sixteen and nineteen eh? Yeah there in the third room upstairs.”

“Thank you.”

They went up the stairs and knocked on the third door.
Hope you liked it.^^
Aug 18, 2009
Yes, I actually keep liking it more as new chapters are introduced and keep the story moving along. The story was good, especially the fight with Falor. Rampone didn't do much but he did assist in his capture. And now they've gone after the girls, with Falor captive, hopefully Kirana will be able to get something out of him. ;)

Anyway, here's one minor thing I see as a mistake.

However, Falor was unsuccessful and got a cut minor on the back.

I think it would sound better this way:

However, Falor was unsuccessful and got a minor cut on the back.

However, I leave that up to you to decide, it's your story, Rainy, and this is just my opinion, nothing more. ^^


Soldier for Christ!
Jan 29, 2011
Sorry for the long wait but here are the next two chapters.^^

Chapter thirteen: The Plan

Kirana awoke to the sound of knocking on the door. She got up and went over to the door, but suddenly stopped.

What if it’s that guy?

She went over to the others and woke them up. They all got up but she motioned for them to be quiet. They heard a knock on the door again. Kirana went over to the door and put her ear to the door.

“Who is it?” She quietly asked.

“It’s us, Rampone, Allen and Kyle. We have Falor tied up.” Rampone replied from the other side.

“Who’s Falor?”

“The guy who kidnapped you.”

Kirana opened the door and let them in. Tekara had already started up a fire for light and they saw Rampone and Allen place Falor on a bed, all tied up. Kirana closed the door and walked over to them.

“What happened?” She asked.

“We fought him and we won.” Kyle said smiling.

“Okay, why is he tied up? Why don’t you just kill him now?”

“Because we need information out of him.” Rampone said.

“Oh, well then get it and be done with him.”

“He wont tell us, and that’s the problem. We need to find a way to make him talk.”

“Rampone suggested that we use your special thingy to make him talk.” Kyle said.

Rampone nodded at her and motioned for her to step forward to Falor. Kirana hesitated a bit but then moved forward. She stood in front of Falor’s tied up body and looked at him. She felt fear building up inside here and then suddenly calmed, not wanting the others to see her fear.

“You have to wake him up.” Tekara told Rampone.

Rampone walked over and shook Falor. Falor woke up and tried to get out of his bonds. Kirana took a step back believing that he could do it. Rampone held Falor down.

“It’s no use Falor, you’re stuck in out custody.”

“What are your plans?” Kirana asked a little nervous.

“I won’t tell you!”

“Falor,” She said in a more sweet tone. “Why did you kidnap me?”

Falor stopped struggling and Rampone stepped back. Falor seemed to be hypnotized by Kirana’s sweet stare.

“You were essential for our plan.”

“Who is ‘our’”?

“Me and the- no, just me.”


“You are, someone we needed, to get rid of the-the others.”

Falor now had a soft voice and calmed. He seemed almost afraid of Kirana as she continued to speak though.

“What others?” Kirana asked.

“The sages.” Falor replied.

“How would I help in that?” She said in a more angry tone.

“Please! I don’t know! I was just told to get you! I don’t know anything!”

Falor tried to get away from Kirana but she took a step forward and he rolled off the bed.

“Tel me who told you to kill the sages!” Kirana said angrily.

Her face was getting red and she clenched her fists, Allen came over and got in the way of her and Falor. She looked at Allen and lost all her anger. She suddenly closed her eyes and fell in Allen’s arms.


Chapter fourteen: The dream world

Kirana was standing in the same place as she was when she met the sage of Death. She saw in front of her a line of people. In that line she saw Ashie, Tekara, Kyle, Marlidia and others she didn’t know. She made a movement to go to them but she suddenly woke up. She was lying in one of the beds in the room from the inn. Tekara was standing over her with her eyes closed and was murmuring something. Tekara opened her eyes and looked at Kirana. She smilied at Kirana and walked away. Kirana then fell back asleep.

She was in the same place and saw the same line of people. This time she stayed where she was and just looked at them. They all had their eyes closed and they seemed dead here. Suddenly Marlidia opened her eyes. Kirana gave out a gasp but realized that Marlidia was a friend, and smiled at her.

“Marlidia.” Kirana said.

Marlidia turned to her and smiled.

“Kirana.” She said.

“Why are these people here? And me?”

“We are the sages. You should have known that, since you knew Ashie and I were sages and that when you saw me here that this is where the sages dwell when they are not conscious in the real world.”

“Well I know you and Ashie are sages but I didn’t know Tekara was a sage!”

“Now you know. Now you know who is a sage and who is not. This way it’ll be easier for you to find them and stop the Rain.”

“Why am I here?”

“You should know. All sages, when they are here, have knowledge for anything they want.”

“But I’m not a sage!”

“Good bye Kirana.”

Marlidia waved to her and Kirana awoke in the bed again. She looked around but it hurt her head to move it so she let it rest. She was about to speak but Tekara came over and laid something on her face. It was a wet piece of cloth that smelled like incense. She thought of the smell of incense and how she always hated it. She wanted to pull it off but her hands were bound to the bed. Se felt drowsy by the smell and fell back asleep.

She was standing in the same place with the sages standing in the line. Marlidia was no longer awake and the others were still asleep. Or so it that’s the way it was in this world. She took a step forward but she didn’t wake up. She was still in the “dream” world. She took another step, and another, then she walked over to Tekara and Ashie and looked at them.

“Hey, wake up!” She yelled at them.

Nothing. They still had their eyes closed. Kirana walked over to the sage first in the row to the left.

If I study their looks and keep them in mind I’ll have no problem finding them! Kirana thought.

She looked at each one of them and kept the pictures in her mind. She started to smell incense and woke up in the bed. The cloth was gone and she was no longer bound. When she turned her head it didn’t hurt and so she looked around. All she saw was the bed next to her on the right and the wall to her left. In the bed to her right was Falor.

Tekara came over then and looked at Kirana.

“She’s awake.” She called to the others in the room.

The others gathered around the bed and Tekara helped Kirana sit up. She looked at each one of them with a blank stare.

“You three are sages.” She said pointing at Kyle, Tekara and Ashe.

They all looked at her in surprise and then Tekara walked away. She came back with a bowl of soup.

“This will help your delirium.” She said.

She gave the bowl to Kirana but Kirana didn’t take it.

“You have to eat it. It’ll help you get your strength and your mind.”

“No. I know what I’m saying.”

Kirana pushed the bowl away and Tekara put it down.

“I’m telling you, Ashie, Tekara and Kyle are sages.”

“Which ones?” Allen asked.

“The only one I know for sure is Ashie, and she’s the sage of fire.”

“She got that right.” Ashie said.

“Which one am I?” Kyle asked.

“I don’t know. I only know Ashie.”

“How do you know that?” Rampone asked.

“I don’t know.”

“Why not?”

“I just-”

“What kind of dreams have you had?”

“I don’t know!”

“Stop it!” Tekara yelled. “She needs healing from whatever happened to her and you need to respect that.”

Tekara grabbed the bowl and gave it to Kirana again. This time Kirana took it and started eating.

The others walked away from the bed and sat somewhere else and atalked. Tekara sat on Kirana’s bed and watched her eat. After Kirana finished Tekara took the bowl.

“Now rest. When you wake up you can move around.” Tekara said, and walked away.

Kirana fell asleep and found herself in the same sages area. She looked at the other sages and studied them again. Then she noticed that they were holding orbs. She looked at the orb in Marlidia’s hand and saw Justin’s face in it. She realized that Justin was the keeper of death and that the other orbs must have the keepers to the sages as well.

She looked at Tekara’s orb and saw someone she didn’t recognize. She looked at Allen’s orb and saw Haru, Tekara’s fish friend. She looked at Ashie’s and woke up in the bed. She was still sitting up and she looked at where the others had been before. They were gone. Falor was gone as well. Only Tekara remained in the room. Tekara was sitting by the fire making more soup.


Tekara turned around and looked at Kirana.

“Yes?” She said.

“You are a sage. I know it. When I was asleep I was in a different world. I saw Marlidia there. She told me that this is where the sages go when they are not conscious. I saw you there.”

Tekara looked down at the floor.

“Have you been there?” Kirana asked.

“Yes. When I saw Ashie and Kyle I thought it was just a coincidence. I never thought about it being real.”

Tekara looked back up at Kirana.

“Did you see them holding orbs?” Kirana sked.

“Yes. Although I never bothered to look at the orbs.”

“I did. The orbs hold pictures of their keepers. I saw your keeper. I don’t know who she was but she had very short red hair. Kyle’s keeper is Haru. And I didn’t see Ashe’s.”

“Keeta is my keeper!” Tekara said getting up.


“Keeta, the girl I told you about!”

“Oh. Do you know how to get there?”

“No, do you?”

“Yes. You just sleep.”

“I see. But how were you able to get there? I’ve never seen you there before?”

“I don’t know. But Marlidia said that when a sage is there the sage has the ability to have all the information they want. So I want you to go there and find out. You’re a sage so you can do that.”


Kirana lay down and closed her eyes. She heard Tekara move around and then silence. She fell asleep and awoke in the sages place. She saw Tekara awake there and she moved toward her. Tekara moved to Kirana and the both looked at each other.

“Now you can have all the information you want.” Kirana said.

“Wow. I’ll start by finding out why you can come here.”

Tekara looked like she was thinking hard. Kirana moved to where Ashie stood and looked at the orb.

What? No, that’s not the keeper of fire! He should have attacked us by now if he was!


Hope you liked them.^^
Aug 18, 2009
I think something bad is gonna happen...I just have that feeling. Good chapters, Rainy, the wait was worth it, as theothervavi said. I found no typos or mistakes, although I wasn't inspecting your work for any, I merely enjoy reading your story. ~Atsie


Soldier for Christ!
Jan 29, 2011
Okay, I am very sorry but I'm taking a little break from writing right now. I just can't seem to think of what to write next.:sweat: You probably wont see another chapter for another week or so. I hope you all understand, all writers get it sometimes. So, yeah, but who knows, I might get a brain storm tomorrow, I'm feeling very writey(if that's a word:roleyes:) recently so maybe I'll have a chapter soon, who knows. Thanks for waiting though.^^
Aug 18, 2009
Take a break, you probably will get ideas soon enough. It's happened to me before, so no sweat. I'll probably work on my own story and introduce Kirana while I am waiting. Good luck to you, Rainy. ^^


Phantom of Time
Oct 2, 2011
Wow! 8D This is fantastic so far, Rainy! ^_^

I haven't signed up for this, but I gotta say...I really admire your writing style! :3 You breathe so much life into each character. Yours is most definitely one of the better stories I've read here on this forum so far.

I look forward to reading more. :D


Soldier for Christ!
Jan 29, 2011
Thanks for reading guys.^^ Here's the next chapter. It's shorter than the others but oh well.

Chapter fifteen: The unanswered question

Kirana woke up in her bed and saw that Tekara was still asleep. She looked around but they were still the only ones in the room. She got out of the bed and walked over to Tekara. At first she wobbled a little but found her balance by leaning on the bed. When she reached Tekara she sat on her legs by her. Tekara was leaning against the wall on the floor and was sleeping quietly. Kirana shook Tekara a little bit but Tekara still slept.

I’ve got to tell someone about it. She thought.

Kirana shook Tekara harder and Tekara’s eyes shot open.

“What happened?” Tekara said.

“Nothing, I just woke you up.” Kirana replied.

“You? Your supposed to be in bed!”

Tekara got up and pulled Kirana up with her.

“I know, but I wanted to tell you something.” Kirana said.

“Well let’s get you in bed first.”

Tekara helped Kirana to the bed and laid the blankets over her.

“What is it you wanted to tell me?” Tekara asked getting some more soup.

“I wanted to tell you something about that sage world.”

Tekara froze. She still held the ladle in her hand ready to pour it into the bowl. She then resumed her action and poured the soup.

“What about it?”

“It’ about Ashie and-”

Just then the door opened. Allen, Rampone, Ashie, Kyle and Sela walked in carrying the provisions that were needed for their journey.

“Awake now are we?” Allen asked walking over to Kirana.


“And she’s about to go back to bed after her soup.” Tekara said.

“Why?” Kirana asked.

“Because you still need to rest.”

Tekara brought over the soup and handed it to Kirana with a spoon.

“I’m not going to eat this.” Kirana said taking the bowl.

“Yes you are. You need strength and sleep. That way we can leave by tomorrow.”

The others distributed the things in the bags. Tekara sat on the bed waiting for Kirana to eat.

“It’s too hot for me to eat anyway.” Kirana said.

“No it’s not. I made it so that it would be the perfect temperature for you so you could eat it right away.”

“Well I’m not hungry.”

“You’ll eat it or we’ll leave you here with Falor.”

“So? You don’t scare me with that.”

“Fine, don’t eat. What was it you wanted to ask me about the sage place?”

The others were done packing the stuff and were sitting around the bed.

“What sage place?” Rampone asked.

“It’s just a dream. I wanted to ask her if she’s ever had that dream before. Maybe it’ll help us to know why we think we’ve seen each other before.”

“Hmm, maybe.”

“Well no I haven’t. Now will you eat?” Tekara asked.

“Yes, I’ll eat now.”

Kirana ate the soup and settled under the blankets. She quickly fell asleep and was not in the sage’s place.

Hope you liked it even though it was short.^^

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