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Tri Force Heroes The Purple Petition

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Oct 14, 2015
As we all know, it has been a rule of thumb of Nintendo to always have 4 or more players in all of their multiplayer games. Yet in Triforce Heroes, they have broken this rule of thumb and have the audacity to only include three Links, as purple Link has been removed from the game entirely with no mention or encounter with him whatsoever. We cannot let this type of blasphemy ensue in one of our most beloved and oldest franchises, we have to stand up and tell Nintendo that they cannot push us around like that and just simply remove one of their icon characters of the multiplayer Zelda Games. We must stand up or we will fall back.

If you want to re-connect the missing Link and bring Triforce Heroes' multiplayer aspect to standard, then you can sign this petition by simply stating your name and reason for signing. We at Zelda Dungeon encourage you to sign up now, and we thank you for your time!


Braava Braava
Feb 18, 2010
Soul Sanctum
why i am fairly sure in all the 4 player games having Four people always became confusing people seemed to mix up the links they were playing as and such, plus on the 3DS it is likely easier for the game to track only 3 people instead of 4 in multiplayer and in single player especially with the timing it'd be easier with 3 instead of 4.

What i think you are truly griping about is the fact that Nintendo has cut the 4th player out and not really for Purple Link because lets face it you don't need a 4th link i'd daresay the only reason it had 4 links was because it sounded better than 3 links or 2.
Oct 14, 2015
why i am fairly sure in all the 4 player games having Four people always became confusing people seemed to mix up the links they were playing as and such, plus on the 3DS it is likely easier for the game to track only 3 people instead of 4 in multiplayer and in single player especially with the timing it'd be easier with 3 instead of 4.

What i think you are truly griping about is the fact that Nintendo has cut the 4th player out and not really for Purple Link because lets face it you don't need a 4th link i'd daresay the only reason it had 4 links was because it sounded better than 3 links or 2.
You're not a true Zelda fan until you learn to Embrace!!


Braava Braava
Feb 18, 2010
Soul Sanctum
You're not a true Zelda fan until you learn to Embrace!!

I am not a true zelda fan because i don't think Purple Link is necessary? I've been playing the series for years if you want a specific year 1998 when i started with OOT i then went back and played from the very start. And i will state day long Purple Link has always been useless in his featured games, the only time the 4 link mechanic was done well was in Minish cap, in Four Swords you had it become multiplayer each person playing with a different link ditto four swords adventures and to be brutally blunt all that happened was a lot of crossed wires both single and multiplayer, hell the original four swords you couldn't play unless you had 4 people playing it.

And as i said above, if you are playing single player in Triforce Heroes trying to control four variations of link is gonna screw up your timing until you learn it, hence they deducted the 4th link because of new gamers. It would be even worse in multiplayer because hell i've seen some of the vids out there on multiplay TH and to be blunt Crossed wires with people not knowing what to do at all and that's with 3 people. The confusion is only ever worse with 4.


The Cassandra
Site Staff
Nov 29, 2008
I think it'd be cool if they added the ability for each player to choose their color, so it can even include colors that haven't been used before. But I seriously doubt it'll happen.
Oct 14, 2015
The only confusion here is your paradox claims. You say you've been playing the series since OoT, and then you come back around and say Purple Link is useless. You can't be a fan and not like Purple Link.


Braava Braava
Feb 18, 2010
Soul Sanctum
The only confusion here is your paradox claims. You say you've been playing the series since OoT, and then you come back around and say Purple Link is useless. You can't be a fan and not like Purple Link.

Really? thats just an exceedingly stupid thing to say. I can easily say that, i wouldn't have spent 5 years on a zelda forum dedicated to guess what LEGEND OF ZELDA. Jesus wept on a sesame bun


The Cassandra
Site Staff
Nov 29, 2008
Let's not do the "you can't be a fan if you don't like what I like" okay? That's just not going to go over well. I think everyone can pick out something in the series they don't exactly like. But the fact that they're all here on this site means they like the thing overall.
Oct 14, 2015
Pah. It's a universal truth that purple Link brought about the pinnacle of the Zelda series. All you kids don't know that, though.
Oct 14, 2015
Because Zelda has little relevancy to the series, if any. Purple Link is to thank for the life and love of the series. But you kids don't know that, do you?


Sep 19, 2011
V2 White Male
Nintendo aren't going to take any petition from this website seriously after our last petition failure, let's just say naked feather juice box didn't exactly go to plan. I also feel purple link is a rather bland character anyway and has a real attitude problem.
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