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The Official Fire Emblem Fates Thread

  • Thread starter Deleted member 81859
  • Start date
Dec 14, 2008
Louisiana, USA
I believe it's been 100% confirmed by Nintendo that the face-petting is definitely not present in the English localization of the game. I've also read that dialogue was changed in some instances to be less blatantly sexual, along with a certain scene being completely retooled in order to not seem homophobic to western cultures.

I honestly don't care. As I've said before, I want to play Fire Emblem, not Fire Emblem: Dating Simulator. As long as there are other means to increase character affinity (I'm assuming the traditional way of just having them next to each other in battle will still work), and the character development is still strong, I don't take much of an issue with it.

Pre-ordered both games today and can't wait.


Still Fandom Trash
Jul 7, 2015
Furthest Ring
Being a pretty new Fire Emblem fan, Awakening being my first game, I can say I'm very excited for Fates, if it's anything like the previous. I really like the gameplay, story, and characters of Awakening, so I'm assuming it'll be a similar experience. I've watched some gameplay, and I'd say I'd like to find a way to experience both sides of the conflict, if I have enough money saved up, because I can't say which one I'm leaning more towards.

Deleted member 81859

So we have confirmation that Skinship is out.

They start talking about it arround the 55:00 mark.
They are going to keep the idea of it, with the characters coming to your room to have passive conversation. This keeps the voice acting and 3D models intact, gives characters who have lesser roles in the story more dialouge, and removes the creepy vibe of the skinship.
Honestly, this is the perfect compromise. I disliked skinship because of the fact that you could touch minors in a creepy way, but liked the insight that came from some characters dialouge. What do you guys think of this change?


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Champion
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
im not really that bummed out that this was omitted,its not the reason why i wanted to play the game of course
but i ain't gonna lie,i wanted to have a bit of fun on the side [different kind of fun],so while it sucks that it was removed entirely,just gonna have to live w/ it


A Cool, Cool Mountain
May 24, 2015
Since all of the content is still there, be it voice acting, models, ect. I'm pretty happy. Especially since they have made it a mode that I will likely use. So yeah. The original vision of the game is still intact, no content is really cut. I am satisfied.
Dec 14, 2008
Louisiana, USA
Since all of the content is still there, be it voice acting, models, ect. I'm pretty happy. Especially since they have made it a mode that I will likely use. So yeah. The original vision of the game is still intact, no content is really cut. I am satisfied.

I'm actually much happier with what we're getting in the west, to be honest. The face petting seemed like something that was put in solely for Japanese appeal; I'm kind of relieved that it isn't going to be something that's present in the vast majority of copies being played (I'm assuming it sells more around the rest of the world than it does just in Japan).

Deleted member 81859

I'm actually much happier with what we're getting in the west, to be honest. The face petting seemed like something that was put in solely for Japanese appeal; I'm kind of relieved that it isn't going to be something that's present in the vast majority of copies being played (I'm assuming it sells more around the rest of the world than it does just in Japan).
It sells pretty well in Japan, actually.


A Cool, Cool Mountain
May 24, 2015
Wow, this game is coming in only about 3 days. Boy how time flies!
I think I am going to pick it up at launch. Since I can't get my hands on the special edition, I am going to go all digital for this one, it seems.
It will be amazing to have a really good SRPG again, thats brand new.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
Censorship madness aside, everyone here knows that Nohr is the best route gameplay wise right? Don't let its story dissuade you from picking THE BEST route. I myself am going to buy Conquest in t minus two days, getting it at 6.75% discount too. Then I will buy Birthright, then I will get valla, then map pack dlc 1 sometime in march. Birthright is more of a better Awakening, and can be made more or less challenging by avoiding/utilizing Eugenics. Valla is...well, it's alright. Nohr's gameplay is fantastic and is closer to classic FE if anyone remembers it.

Let me say this however: the best route difficulty wise is Hoshido > Valla > Nohr. This allows you to ramp up the difficulty with Birthright being the easiest (Lunatic Birthright is easier than Hard Nohr, let that sink in) and Conquest the hardest.
The best route storywise is Hoshido >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Valla >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Nohr (oh god that story)
The proper way to play these three cut portions games is doing Hoshido and Nohr first, then Valla.


A Cool, Cool Mountain
May 24, 2015
Really Gamespot....
This is why I hate these guys with a passion.
Hoshido's side got an 8/10 btw.
But Nohr's side, of course, gets shafted... Why? Because the reviewer is a terrible player, and gets mad about it... Well who could have guessed that?
Eventually I had to relent; by allowing a few too many people to die (three), I had doomed my little army to a massacre. If I had the chance to grind for more experience to bolster my party, I would have, but Conquest wouldn't allow it. Conquest is a forward march that offers little time for anything other than story missions, and while the challenge of playing under strict conditions led to tense battles and meaningful victories, I ultimately missed having the opportunity to take a step back and enjoy the long-game of raising an army.
So, in short, the game is too hard for this scrub, and he wants to grind.
Never did he ever mention the Child Epilogues that could be used in that way, and providing more content for him that he so "desperately needs".

Really?! I mean, why does the review have to suffer only because the journalist is bad?
I can't even believe that he is mad that he lost some units. This is a STRATEGY game. You are going to have some casualties. If you could just grind to have no deaths, then what is the point of playing the game? I don't review Mario and strike the game down a point just because Mario lost a life. So why is this a detriment to the game? The reason there are characters that you get to know, is so that they can die, and you could feel bad for your loss. That makes every single decision hard, but that is also the reason that FE is so great.

Don't get me wrong. I thought the reviews for Birthright and Revelations did an amazing job with the review under Alexa's. They were very fair, made fair criticisms, and were very well thought out. But Peters review of Conquest is just stunted, with only the excuse of "The game is too hard and I cannot grind". It isn't like the game is impossible by any means. So why is this such a big detriment?

Really. Gamespot does a terrible job of finding the right reviewers for their games. I would have loved to see Alexa's opinion of Conquest as a matter of fact.

Kylo Ken

I will finish what Spyro started
Aug 10, 2011
Really Gamespot....
This is why I hate these guys with a passion.
Hoshido's side got an 8/10 btw.
But Nohr's side, of course, gets shafted... Why? Because the reviewer is a terrible player, and gets mad about it... Well who could have guessed that?

So, in short, the game is too hard for this scrub, and he wants to grind.
Never did he ever mention the Child Epilogues that could be used in that way, and providing more content for him that he so "desperately needs".

Really?! I mean, why does the review have to suffer only because the journalist is bad?
I can't even believe that he is mad that he lost some units. This is a STRATEGY game. You are going to have some casualties. If you could just grind to have no deaths, then what is the point of playing the game? I don't review Mario and strike the game down a point just because Mario lost a life. So why is this a detriment to the game? The reason there are characters that you get to know, is so that they can die, and you could feel bad for your loss. That makes every single decision hard, but that is also the reason that FE is so great.

Don't get me wrong. I thought the reviews for Birthright and Revelations did an amazing job with the review under Alexa's. They were very fair, made fair criticisms, and were very well thought out. But Peters review of Conquest is just stunted, with only the excuse of "The game is too hard and I cannot grind". It isn't like the game is impossible by any means. So why is this such a big detriment?

Really. Gamespot does a terrible job of finding the right reviewers for their games. I would have loved to see Alexa's opinion of Conquest as a matter of fact.

Well, why can't you grind in Conquest? I'm getting Conquest, and if I lose online battle after online battle because they can grind their units and I can't, I'm going to be pissed.
Dec 14, 2008
Louisiana, USA
Well, why can't you grind in Conquest? I'm getting Conquest, and if I lose online battle after online battle because they can grind their units and I can't, I'm going to be pissed.

Because it's supposed to reflect the traditional roots of the series. A vast majority of Fire Emblem games progress on a chapter-like basis in which you can't revisit old levels. This added to the intense strategic factor of those games - you can't blaze through a level, neglect one unit, and just say you'll grind that character up later. You have to plan out which characters you're going to use and how you'll get those characters the experience they need to be effective. Conquest is apparently all about catering to pre-Awakening fans who thought Awakening casualized the series too much (I don't agree with that) by making things much easier/forgiving.

If it's possible to do PvP with players with access to the other versions, it seems like a stupid addition given how different they are.

Anyway, it's just another reason why "gaming journalism" and review sites are such a joke these days. I never, ever listen to any of them, because a majority of the time they have no idea what they're talking about and are just fishing for clicks. I'm happy to say I don't frequent a single gaming site at all sans this forum and a few Youtube channels.

Kylo Ken

I will finish what Spyro started
Aug 10, 2011
I don't get it though, the original formula didn't work, though. The series was most popular in Smash, not Fire Emblem games. Once Awakening came around, then the franchise blew up in popularity. So you'd think they would stay away from the old formula because it almost killed the franchise.


A Cool, Cool Mountain
May 24, 2015
I don't get it though, the original formula didn't work, though. The series was most popular in Smash, not Fire Emblem games. Once Awakening came around, then the franchise blew up in popularity. So you'd think they would stay away from the old formula because it almost killed the franchise.
How would you feel, if they took the niche series Metroid. Took away all of the exploration aspects of discovery to make it easier for new players. Along with simpler controls, a more cinematic story that retcons a lot of prior games, and simpler level design that makes the game easy?
Oh yeah, they did that with Metroid Other M.

The same thing happened with Awakening really, except Awakening caught on. I really like Awakening, but dude. They took away all of the challenge, tenseness, and amazing story that Fire Emblem used to have. Really, I am glad they have made a distinction with that, and made Conquest. People have been loving Conquest according to reviewers, because it provides a way deeper experience than Birthright. But those that are new to the series still have what they like as well. It is literally a win-win situation.

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