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The New Community Music Competition: Week 1

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Johnny Sooshi

Just a sleepy guy
Nov 1, 2011
a Taco Bell dumpster
Hello everyone! Welcome to the most recent incarnation of the Zelda Dungeon Community Music Competition. As some of you may know the music competition, while previously hosted by David, has not had participation as of late. Well I'm here to tell you that you need not worry because the Community Music Competition is now back and ready for participants.

Now in this competition the main idea involves participants signing up and submitting musical works. These works can be done through just about any medium, instruments, computers, even singing. However these entries MAY NOT be the original work of someone else. The spectators for the competitions will have a chance to vote for the music they like the most and the owner will be pronounced winner for that week.

Competitors:Here is the basic flow of how things are going to work. Each week a theme will be announced. You will have seven days from the announcement of the competition to fully compose some form of music that fits the theme and turn it in. After the deadline has been passed the host will no longer take entries for that competition. You can submit your work by either PMing (Private Messaging) or emailing the host (for the latter choice please ask before submitting in this manner. I'm fine with emails but my co-host(s) may not be so keen on this option) your work. Please make sure that all music entries are done through YouTube (yes you will have to upload your work on YouTube in order share the link). The host will create a new thread that features the submitted works, a poll for voting, and the next theme. There will be a seven day voting period and at the end of that week the participant with the most votes will be crowned winner and receive an award for their work.

Now let's discuss rules. You can find the basic rules here.
No recycled work. While themes may clash and overlap at times it's important to never resubmit something that you submitted in a prior competition. Not only does this keep the competition fresh, new, and exciting, it allows you and others to see how well your work has developed over time.
Keep all work original. As I stated earlier please keep all entries original. Under no circumstances should you submit something that isn't yours. If you didn't make it we won't accept it.
Submit entries before the deadline. You'll have exactly one week. For some that maybe difficult but we are on a schedule and this needs to fit our timeline as much as possible. No exceptions will be made for something turned in late, even by a few minutes.
Follow the theme. Not much really needs to be said here. Each week a new theme will be announced. Just follow it and you'll be fine.
No self votes. Give to others. It's a lot nicer to vote for something else than yours, even if you think yours is better. In the event that somebody votes for themselves their vote will not be counted.
Please submit entries through YouTube. This is the easiest and most convenient way for others to see your work. It's not very hard to submit your work as a YouTube link and when all submissions are revealed they can be shown in the thread very easily.
Entries may follow any medium. As stated previously you are allowed to use any an all mediums available. Computer programs, instruments, singing, whatever you want. In addition all compositions can be recorded through any means. Computers, microphone, camera, etc. Please be sure to make all recordings fairly good in quality.
Post Feedback. This is directed at both competitors and spectators. Please post feed back on the works of others as much as possible. It's a good practice and it lets them know what others thought of their work. Please keep all feed back positive. Criticism is fine as long as it's done in a constructive or positive manner. For example "I didn't like your song as much because it was too much heavy for my taste." and "Next time try making the melody a bit more defined." are both acceptable. "I think your song is stupid. How could anyone ever like this garbage?!" is not acceptable. If there are any comments such as that the poster will be reported and dealt with by the mods.
Have fun and don't be depressed if you lose. These competitions are supposed to be fun. It doesn't matter that lose as long as you had fun participating. Maybe you're new to making music and your first submission doesn't win. Don't get bummed out about it. You may find that you liked making music and that you want to work harder to try and win the next competition. Others may find that they can make songs for certain themes better than others. Overall this is great incentive to try and your hand at the competitions.
Please let me know if you have any questions. I know that composing music can be difficult and time consuming so if some of you think that you need more time then I'll take that into consideration and possibly make it a two week competition.

Now that all of that is out of the way It is time to unveil the first theme for The New Community Music Competition. Cue drum roll. Here is your very first theme:

The Legend of Zelda

I know this seems rather broad but it's a good opener for the competition. So please share your Legend of Zelda music. All entries should be in by Monday, July 2nd at 9:00 PM EST.

Well then, hope you all enjoy. Put your fingers to the keys and make some noise!


Soldier for Christ!
Jan 29, 2011
Hmm, I guess I'll give this a shot. So if I make like my own modified version of a Zelda song with say my ocarina then would that count? I'm not to sure how this works out as far as going with the theme.

@ _VioLink_: You can use a camera, a microphone from the computer, an mp3 player(probably depends on the model), a recorder. Or ask a friend to borrow one of these.

Johnny Sooshi

Just a sleepy guy
Nov 1, 2011
a Taco Bell dumpster
how do u record ur music?

You can use any method available. It can be as simple as using a mic held up to a pair of speakers or as complex as studio level recording software. Anything goes.

Hmm, I guess I'll give this a shot. So if I make like my own modified version of a Zelda song with say my ocarina then would that count? I'm not to sure how this works out as far as going with the theme.

Yeah that works. You could even perform the exact song, without modification, on your ocarina. The idea is to make perform a song based on the theme (The Legend of Zelda) so it can be the original done by you or modified/remixed style done by you. Anything goes so long as it isn't somebody else's work and not yours (if you have a group of friends and you can get together as a band and do it that's fine). Just don't present work that you didn't have a hand in.

Hope this helps answer some questions!:D


May 10, 2012
If the theme is "Legend of Zelda" I can write any song on any instrument as long as it was inspired by the game, not necessarily video game music? I want to make sure I understand it correctly. If so, I am going to have so much fun with this <3 I have already written songs in the past inspired by my favorite video game!!!

Johnny Sooshi

Just a sleepy guy
Nov 1, 2011
a Taco Bell dumpster
If the theme is "Legend of Zelda" I can write any song on any instrument as long as it was inspired by the game, not necessarily video game music? I want to make sure I understand it correctly. If so, I am going to have so much fun with this <3 I have already written songs in the past inspired by my favorite video game!!!

I'd like the first week to have music from a Legend of Zelda game. This means you can try your hand at an exact copy of a song or create your own version with your own twist. I'd like to hold off on the idea of "music inspired by The Legend of Zelda" for now because I would like to use it as a theme later on. Hope this answers your question.

One more question, is there a time limit as to how long your song can be?

There's no specific time limit but I'd suggest a range of 4-8 minutes simply because if it's too short it may not capture the attention you want and if it's too long people may not like it because it might seem repetitive.

I guess I may as well join this here competition. Seems fun!! So, completely computerized MIDI tracks are okay, correct? Lol.

That is perfectly acceptable. As I said any medium of making and recording is acceptable so long as it's your work and not someone else's.

Hope this helped you guys;)
Apr 29, 2012
I have three points quickly before I begin work on my masterpiece. ;)

1. Youtube? Ew. I only use youtube because it disguises the horribleness of my recording studio. XD
2. Can we submit entries that have already been made? I think a load of people have seen some of my stuff on Zelda Dungeon's front page before. Would I be allowed to submit that?
3. I have very little time right now for doing this kind of thing, so would it possible to find out what the winner gets? I'll still participate, I just need to know if I should go all out in the time I've got.

Johnny Sooshi

Just a sleepy guy
Nov 1, 2011
a Taco Bell dumpster
I have three points quickly before I begin work on my masterpiece. ;)

1. Youtube? Ew. I only use youtube because it disguises the horribleness of my recording studio. XD
2. Can we submit entries that have already been made? I think a load of people have seen some of my stuff on Zelda Dungeon's front page before. Would I be allowed to submit that?
3. I have very little time right now for doing this kind of thing, so would it possible to find out what the winner gets? I'll still participate, I just need to know if I should go all out in the time I've got.

1) Okay that's fine. I'd like to open this option up to everyone. You can send me dropbox public links instead. The quality wouldn't be reducee nearly as much, if at all.

2) It's your work? If so then yeah. Others can't submit your work but that goes without saying.

3) I'm actually new to hosting competitions:lol:. Give me a bit and I'll get the exact info on the prizes. As far as I know you get a ribbon, like bragging rights.
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