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The Lost Legends Sign-Ups


Hero of the Zora
Nov 5, 2010
Okay, so I just had this idea. I really want to write a fanfic, but I'm really suckish at thinking of plots. So: This is going to be a very creative sort of fan-fic, and very loosely a "fan-fic" at that. I'm planning on basically just using the world to build a story from. But anyway, this is going to be a collection of stories from around Hyrule, and maybe the Great Sea and Termina as well, maybe even a new map from anything you've seen. Some of these stories will be longer, some maybe only one chapter, some might involve Link or others, but probably most of them will just reference them in passing. Maybe if I happen to get a really good idea out of this, I might make it into a different work in it's own right. I'm rambling too much. Basically I just want some people to sign up with some interesting characters for me, and some story ideas, overall or individual.

Also, your characters might not end up in the story exactly as you intended them to; I might tweak a few things, but other than that I'll try to stay pretty true.

Form is basically just this: (Bolded areas are absolutely required)

Name: All I have to say is please make them make sense, and try to fit it with your species, and maybe even consider in what time of Hyrule's history they would have been born and named. Last names are not required, think about characters in actual Zelda games. And please don't give me regular, common names citing "Moe the Moblin" as an in-game example. I know he exists, but I feel like Nintendo was just having a little fun there and I'd really like it if we could stick to fantasy-sounding names (eg: Impa, Ilia, Fado, Ashei, you get the picture).

Age: No real preference, nothing crazy though, I'd say most Zelda species probably age up to, like, maybe 200 or 300. Humans probably 70 or so, 100 at the absolute max.

Species: Any of them, even enemies, so long as they could be concieved to have an intellect, such as Moblins, Bublins, or Bokoblins.

Appearance (Physical): If you've ever seen any of my sign-ups, you'll know I looooove details; so if you aren't extremely detailed, be prepared for me to to take your character into my own hands and flesh them out (quite literally). I will accept, like with Zoras and such, physiques deviating from the typical (like the band members in MM), but nothing crazy.

Appearance (Clothing): Ditto, try to keep it in line with your species though. Also consider job, social standing, where they live, and such.

Personality: I think this is probably pretty straightforward to everybody. This is one thing that really can't be left out.

Weapons (If applicable): They don't have to use any. I'm just as willing to have battle stories as I am stories of farm-life, so long as they're interesting

Magic: I'm a big proponent of magic, but not necessarily for everyone. Do as you think would best make your character believable.

Ideas: Anything regarding the story of the entire story or just something you think would be cool for your character.

Something Random: Just give me a completely random situation your character might find themselves in, and what they would do in response. This is really something I'd like you to put, because it's basically my jumping of point for the entire character development. Even if I don't actually use this in the story, it will help me understand what your character acts like, trust me.

Yeah so I would have just made a thread saying "give me ideas to write a story cause I don't have any" but I figured it might be cool to make a story out of ALL the fragments and simple ideas I get, rather than just one. So yeah, that's it. Sign up.

Note: The title of the actual story thread is "The Legend of Hyrule."
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Fulcrum Agent
Feb 14, 2010
Name: Leviath Ree
Species: Hylian
Appearance: Wiry, medium height, messy shoulder-length red hair, green eyes.
Clothing: White buttoned shirt, black trousers, and black boots.
Weapons: Sword
Ideas: Make him be a bit odd. Odd meaning exaggerated bows, sarcasm, etc.
Something random: He finds himself captures by Ganondorf's forces, and he insults them and basically wears the guards down until they are only guarding him by sheer willpower, rather than hitting him, and then whacks the guard on the head and takes the keys.
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Keyblade Master
This sounds like a good idea. I might try it one time.

Name: Reyna (last names?)
Age: 17
Species: Hylian (I am so uncreative with races...)
Appearance (Physical): has dark brown hair (it looks black but she gets REALLY mad if you say it is); kinda hazel and green eyes; tanish skin; is pretty tall and is skinnier then most others; her hair is about to her shoulders and is usually loose or held in a ponytail with hair falling out; she has a scar running down her left arm
Appearance (TYPICAL Clothing): she wears a simple black tunic and black pants; wears dark brown boots; always has a knife on her and it's usually on a belt
Personality (you may want this): is pretty nice, but irritates people on purpose; gets mad if someone says she can't do anything and will try to prove them wrong; is very competitive, but not so much that she'll get herself killed; for some reason will try to save someone, especially a little kid, whenever possible
Weapons: can she be a swordswoman? like, uses swords and travels around?
Magic: Maybe ahe can use a little light magic if you want
Ideas: It would be fairly interesting if she met Link
Something Random: N?A


Hero of the Zora
Nov 5, 2010
Thank you for that personality remark, I knew there must be something important I forgot. As for the something random, just make something up. Like "One time she went to Lake Hylia and fished for 10 hours before she realized all the fish were in the fishing hole." I just added that in so everybody will think a bit more about characters and I have something to play off of.
Name: Kylaia Sorren
Age: 15
Species: Terminian, I guess.
Appearance: sort of thin, mostly pale, has striking green eyes with gold flecks, auburn hair.
Clothing: light blue dress down to the knees, leather boots
Weapons: mostly does hand-to-hand combat, but uses a knife sometimes
Magic: can dreamwalk, see ghosts, etc. Basically, psychic (if a Terminian can use magic)
Ideas: She is an expert with healing herbs and the like
Something random: None (for now)

Hope this works!
Aug 2, 2010
Name: Serris
Age: 16
Species: Hylian
Appearance: Longish hair, faint beard
Clothing: red cloak, leather gloves and boots, wears hood up
Weapons: a number of knifes(used for assassinations) and a short sword
Magic: Can control the wind
Ideas: very mysterious, uses a very fluid fighting style, uses stealth alot.
Something random: None
Oct 31, 2011
The Boundary
Name: Siegfried

Age: 20

Species: Zora

Appearance: 6' 2", generally covered in silver scales, which gives him a pale blue sheen from a distance, have rear-hanging caudal extensions of their heads shaped like the tails of dolphins, perhaps as a cephalic form of dorsal fin. These tails undulate periodically, which gives the head the unique semblance of a fish... you know the typical Zora.

Appearance: Just a dark sea-green raincoat poncho(to hide missing arm)

Personality: Has certain disdain and hate for the Hyrulian males, loves children(males and females), could care less for the teens, kind and willing to fight to the death for anything he believes in... He is of royal blood, but deserted in order to forget his beloved.

Weapons: Hyrulian Knight's broadsword, also good(not great) at hand-to-hand combat.

Magic: None

Ideas: He is missing his right arm because he was trying to protect his pregnant bride-to-be from a group of Gerudos in white and the Castle's Knight's but was pulled away by zorian guards just before they threw bombs at them blowing his arm.(thus his missing his arm)

Something Random: passes out on a field and is taken into town by a small boy and his family... use your imagination...

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