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The Legend of Zelda: Underworld

Daku Rinku

Defender of the Gerudo
ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023
Ashai’s Classroom
The Hero amongst the cheers took her great blade and wiped it with some learher as he smiled. The Villagers began preparing a feast of finest meats cooked on open fire pit and bowls of rice. Rinku sat beside the fire a people poured him sone Saki, he sipped it out of respect.

Among them was a young woman with long flowing red hair, her kimono white and blue as she came to him with some Edenami, pods of warm green beans.
“Hello Hiro, I brought you this. My name is Maron.”

Rinku took a pod in hand and smiled,

She sat next to him on a trunk shaped bench.
“You saved our village.. my Father wishes to offer you his greatest gift.”

Rinku chewed the beans as she finished, saying,

The Hiro choked on the grinded up greens in his mouth.
“Uh.. um..”

Maron chuckled,
“Custom says I must give you thus locket.”

She took a golden pendant with a dragon head off and offered it to The Hiro.

Placing his hand, palm out, He said,
“That is too dear a gift..”

Maron sighed,
“It is tradition, if you do not take it. You will offend my father.”

Rinku took it and held it in hand. He then slung it over his neck. To this Maron said,
“Good. Now we are bethrothed.”

Rinku spit some Saki out of his mouth.

Maron leaned against him beaming.
“You should know I want twelve kids at least.”

Rinku’s eyes became big and white as his mouth hung open.

A wind swept up as this exchange and jubilant feast happened, some blossoms began to fall, one landing on Rinku’s cheek, it was cold to the touch. He darted his eyes as he looked and saw ice at the threshold of the town l, it spread and a pointed roof house became a solid black of ice. Rinku rose up as he held his sword, his great blur eyes scanning the area. Maron stood by his side with a frying pan.
“What is it?”

Walking in distance from spreading frost was figure, tall, slender, long flowing white locks around a grey metal face plate with spikes like a crown. His right armor clade in gnarled plate, his tunic red and black as he held two Swords, one long and not dissimilar to the Hiro’s, while the other was short.

The Frost spread, one man found hus feet frozen to groubd and screamed, another was trapped inside the ice house. Rinku dashed forward with his Blade in the air, hovering slightly about the ice. The Dark Warrior let out a laborious and menacing breath as he partied the great blow, holding it in lock up. Then with the flate of his shorter blade he smacked Rinku and sent him flying into frozen house, causing a great ball of ice and dust, Maron came skating on the ice at the Dark Son, and swung her frying pan as she shouted,
“Leave him alone you meanie!”

The Cyromancer turned his attention to this fiesty farm girl, he pan ringing as she hit his breastplate repeatedly. As she swung low he dug his plate boot into it and taking his shirt blade waved it back and forth. Suddenly a topaz blue blast fired out of the frozen crypt, hitting the Dark Warrior, throwing him into a another house.

Rinku rose out of the frosted building and came to Maron,
“Are you alright?”

She nodded with determined look as she held her frying pan.

The buiding began to shake and debris was thrown at Rinku and Maron who dodged as pieces of a chimney and furniture came falling. Emerging from the dust was Dark Son who began to slowly walk towards them, Rinku drew his longbow and fired a arrow, the shft and it head bounced off The Dark Warrior’s armor who kept approaching slowly. Holding out hhis spiked plate gauntlet, The Cryomancer began to summon a purple energy, and from if spirits began to appear, Poes that laughed and lunged at Maron and Rinku. Rinku cut one spirit in twain, when he was hit with pummel of The Dark Son’s Great Sword, sending him against a post, swinging the Dark Warrior’s blade almost cut him, digging into red post. Rinku turned and held his sword in a guard that placed the flat of blade above his eyebrows and pointed like a wing to his left.

The Dark Son halted as a portal opened and figure in silver armor, with long white hair and eyes, his face painted with red and blue markings and in hand his blade a great helix of green and teal.

The Cyromancer removed his face plate and looked upon the deity.
“Another one..”

Daku did not retreat, instead he leapt into air with hid blades, The Fierce Deity swing his great blade that struck the Dark Son’s weapons with such force he crashed into ice he had forged. Rinku looked at this new ally, who towered above him. Daku rose up from rubble, floating, his gauntlets swirling with purple fire as he unleashed it and it hit the helix blade, half of it turning black as it melter away. The Deity looked at his weapon which now was more of Naginata.

“I am no ordinary demon..”
Daku floating as he conjurer more of the forbidden power.

The Deity dashed behind a building, Rinku now standing his ground as The Fierce Deity sought to flank the foe.

“I was commanded to bring you in alive.. however, if I kill you.. I prove you are not what the Demon King thinks!”

He pointed his gauntlets and beams of purple shot out that Rinu dodged, black trails that then melted. Daku floated after him, when he saw Maron who screamed as he reached out his spiked fingers.

Rinku came circling back as he found Maron unconcious laying on the ground. He rushed to her and then felt his head thrown down into ground, and spike dig into his scalp.

“How can you be His Heir? You have no strategy, no form, and your power is marginal. You are pathetic..”

Daku felt a blade dig into his back plate, The Fierce Deity trying to peel it off as he applied blunt force.

“Curse the gods!” shouted Daku who then released Rinku and called to his great blade, and swung it over his shoulder. Hitting the Fiet e Deity in the head, knocking the making the mask fly clean off and the titan fell and there was young lad where a man had been. Daku turned around, his eyes ablaze.
“A child? The Fierce Deity is a child? Hahahahaha! How amusing!”

The Boy crawled after the Mask when Daku dug his tip into it and raised it up, looking at it.
“So the power of a god resides in this piece of wood?”

Rinku rose up and slashed at Daky’s back plate, leaving a great gash. Turning The Dark Son raised a brow.
“Be content to claw at me.. for that is all you shall do.. now to finish this!”

Maron taking her frying pan leapt and hit Daku at the back, making his armor ring. The Dark Warrior turned around,
“You are tenacious.. I think I will take you too.”

Grabbing Maron who screamed and the Mask of the Fierce Deity he floated into air. Rinku and the Mysterious Lad below.
“If you are truly the Hero.. come save your Milk Maid.. and recover this Mask in Snowhead.”

With that Daky warped away in purple smoke. Rinku raised his sword and the Mysterious Lad said,
“We are going to need help.”

Daku Rinku

Defender of the Gerudo
ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023
Ashai’s Classroom
Daku walking in knee high snow, his gothic plate armor cutting through the white powder, Maron was unconcious and slung on his shoulder as he ascended a great cliff side. There a Castle with great ice spikes rising as towers from the top and blanketing the walls like spears.

At thr gate golem like ice and snow ball beings were guarding with razor icicle teeth and and claws that matched. Handing the Girl over The Dark Son said,
“Take her to cellar..”

As Daku removed sleets of ice from his his plate boots at an arch and entrance of his keep, emerging in a dress of black with fur of red around her hood. She saw a young girl being taken away,
“Who is this husband?”

He looked up in his mask and said,

Phaedra smiled as she reached and removed his crown faceplate.
“Did you find him?”

Daku with his face now exposed gave a nod,
“And a Deity.. who wore this.”

He held the mask out to her which she took and examined.
“Apparently the power of the gods resides in it.”

Phaedra looked at it and said,
“Strange.. do you intend to use it?”

Daku nodded,
“Harness it somehow..”

Phaedra felt the aura around it and got a premonition,
“Be wary my beloved, this mask could be a trap of the gods..”

Daku nodded,
“I agree Dearest. If it comes to it, I will destroy it.”

Phaedra took her cloak off and placed the Mask in it and said a spell.

Daku went to a long ebony table and sat on a throne chair, Phaedra taking a seat beside him.
“The girl.. is she special?”

Daku took a small black saucer and sipped some Saki.
“She was important to him. He will come for her and then I will crush him.”

Phaedra placed her hand on his cheek.
“You defy the Demon King..”

Daku nodded.
“He will see what folly it is to make this weakling his Heir.”

Ashley the Witch

Monster: A word used to discriminate the unknown.
ZD Champion
Oct 9, 2023
(Can I have Ashley being the RP as a neutral witch? She'd be one to not want anything to do with the conflict, but end up being in the middle of it.)

Ashley the Witch

Monster: A word used to discriminate the unknown.
ZD Champion
Oct 9, 2023
(Okay, let me go with the flow. Which means I have a few questions. What in the bloody hell is happening? Where is everyone? And where did I put that probe the alien gave me? Don't answer that last one.)

Daku Rinku

Defender of the Gerudo
ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023
Ashai’s Classroom
(Okay, let me go with the flow. Which means I have a few questions. What in the bloody hell is happening? Where is everyone? And where did I put that probe the alien gave me? Don't answer that last one.)
Ganon is the Demon King who intends to consume Termina in a Dark World like scenario that will open the gates of Hell (Japanese version) and kill all the inhabitants of Termina and replace them with a demonic progeny.

Link is of course here to stop the Legions of Demons, to save Termina again. He is however.. well that would be telling. :D

Dark Link and His Wife Phaedra have other plans. Dark Link is one of Ganon’s Sons.

The Gods, Zelda, Fierce Deity, and Midna (no one playing her yet) have come to aid Termina and prevent the Hades to come.

Ashley the Witch

Monster: A word used to discriminate the unknown.
ZD Champion
Oct 9, 2023
Ashley was in her cabin on the foot of snowhead in a clearing in a snow covered forest. Being an Arctic Fox with an anthropomorphic appearance, she was quite acclimated to the climate. She was living quite contently with her family and friends in the forest, and always wishes to be with them in peace. However, fate has different plans.

Daku Rinku

Defender of the Gerudo
ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023
Ashai’s Classroom
Ashley was in her cabin on the foot of snowhead in a clearing in a snow covered forest. Being an Arctic Fox with an anthropomorphic appearance, she was quite acclimated to the climate. She was living quite contently with her family and friends in the forest, and always wishes to be with them in peace. However, fate has different plans.
Link and The Lad who wore the Mask of Deification made there way up into woodland on the border of Snowhead. The frost that touched the trees made The Lad shiver and cover his arms.

Rinku felt something, magic…

Ashley the Witch

Monster: A word used to discriminate the unknown.
ZD Champion
Oct 9, 2023
Ashley heard the rustling of the trees, and the crunching of the snow when they enter the forest.
It seems we have company.
She sighs.
And all I want to do is live in peace. Angel, stay inside. I'm heading out, I want to keep an eye on them. I don't want them getting near our house.
Angel nods, as Ashley heads out towards the two intruders. Staying out of sight, but just close enough to keep an eye on them. She stalks them, making sure they don't get any closer to their home.

Daku Rinku

Defender of the Gerudo
ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023
Ashai’s Classroom
Rinku sheathed his sword on tge scanbard hanging on his back as he held his hand to stop The Lad.
“Something is approaching.”

The Hiro had come to border of where The Demon Prince had said he haunted and that Maron was undoubtedly captive. He was on a rescue mission, and yet he knew the peril was beyond his strength. The power of the Prince had unmasked a god. He had to find a way to sneak in and set Maron free, he needed help.

Daku Rinku

Defender of the Gerudo
ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023
Ashai’s Classroom
The Lad looked up at The Hiro,
“Without the Mask.. I am nothing.”
Rinku turned ans looked at the Young One,
“Strength fails.. even for gods. What matters is you do what you can with what you have. The Demon that awaits in the Snowhead is beyond my power to exercise. I go to save Maron, to give her a chance to be free of being the possession of evil.”

The Lad kept his face obscured beneath a hood,
“I go to reclaim The Mask.. then I can be of aid.”

Rinku nodded,
“It is best a Demon not have a god’s power. I will help you retrieve it.”

The Lad picked up a branch that laid on some frosted grass.
“Then I will help you save the girl.”

Rinku smirked as he then took some steps deeper into the forest, seeking a path that would lead them to Maron and The Mask.

Ashley the Witch

Monster: A word used to discriminate the unknown.
ZD Champion
Oct 9, 2023
The Lad looked up at The Hiro,
“Without the Mask.. I am nothing.”
Rinku turned ans looked at the Young One,
“Strength fails.. even for gods. What matters is you do what you can with what you have. The Demon that awaits in the Snowhead is beyond my power to exercise. I go to save Maron, to give her a chance to be free of being the possession of evil.”

The Lad kept his face obscured beneath a hood,
“I go to reclaim The Mask.. then I can be of aid.”

Rinku nodded,
“It is best a Demon not have a god’s power. I will help you retrieve it.”

The Lad picked up a branch that laid on some frosted grass.
“Then I will help you save the girl.”

Rinku smirked as he then took some steps deeper into the forest, seeking a path that would lead them to Maron and The Mask.
Ashley realizing they're no longer a threat, allows them to pass through. Still trying to stay hidden from them, however she whispers through the air.
A man trying to save their love, I feel empathy for you. You may pass, but do not enter the cottage along the way.

Prince Sidon

Twilight General
ZD Champion
Apr 5, 2024
The Twilight Realm
The Masuku arrived at Clock Town and started wrecking havoc, hoping to get his new masters attention. Then the screaming started.
Down at the Clock Town fairy fountain a fairy exited the sacred realm.
"Ah the nice beautiful Hylian air," Cief said.
(If info is needed on Cief please visit this RP here)

Daku Rinku

Defender of the Gerudo
ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023
Ashai’s Classroom
Maron awoke in a frigid cell, chains hanging eith frost in the libks from a black stone wall. She sat up and looked around, some torches of purple flame outside the dark steel bars, that gave no warmth. Her breath was like a cloud from her mouth as she shivered all over. Then she heard a noise, a towering figure in a cloak, who held a shawl of black that they held out to Maron, who took it.

Peeking beyond the hood was a face of as smooth as fine pearls, eyes of gray sparkling.
“Are you hungry child?”

Maron nodded, and with a wave of her hand the cell door opened and she offered a manicured hand, nails white as snow. Maron reached for it and felt an ice that filled her and then there was no cold. The Mistress lead her from dungeon up stairs of obsidian to a great hall with a table long and black, windows open to the snowy wasteland outside, great oaks of gnarled wood bending in a howling wind. Maron was sat down at and the Mistress took a seat at the end of the table. Instantly Maidens in finest red appeared and placed goblets of silver ans poured white and res liquids therein. Plates of fruit, breads, and cheeses were brought. Removing her hood to show her snowflake white locks, Phaedra said,
“Take.. eat.”

Maron took a piece of bread and slice of butter that she spread over it, and began to eat as she took a handful of grapes. The Mistress looked in amusement at young girl as her appetite compelled her to sample from each plate.

A pheasent was brought and cut by a maiden as Phaedra ate a grape.
“You are from Diadren, a little village outside of Clock Town are you not?”

Maron nodded and after swallowing some meat said,
“Yes Lady, our village is near the Great Town.”

Phaedra took a sip of Dark Pursuit, a vintage she preferred.
“My Husband sometimes forgets how to treat guests. I hope to rectify any confusion, a chamber will be prepared with a warm hearth for you.”

Maron sipped some drink which made her head spin. Phaedra smirked as she stood up and took a pitcher of clearest glass with water inside that she poured into Maron’s drink.
“It is a strong vintage, this will help mellow it.”

Maron took another drink and nodded.
“When can I go home?”

The Mistress returning to her seat wrinkled her nose.

Maron burped and her face became red with embarssment.
“Forgive me..”

Phaedra chuckled,
“No need, what is your name Child?”

The Girl replied,
“Maron, what is yours Milady?”

The Mistress replied,

Maron bowed her head,
“That is such a pretty name.”

Phaedra smiled,
“You are sweet thing.. tell me, who was in your company?”

Maron replied,
“Rinku, he’s a knight or well.. I think he is.”

Phaedra face became like stone,
“Rinku you say.. are you sure?”

Maron nodded,
“Yes Lady Phae, that is his name.”

Phaedra rose from her chair, her face troubled.

Maron alarmed said,
“Did I say something wrong?”

Phaedra forced a smirk,
“Oh no Child.. you are delightfully forthright. Exuse me.. enjoy some more of the feast, I shall return soon.”

She left the Great Hall and made her way to a tower, rising up a circular stone stair case, she opened the great wood door on its black hinges to find Daku on his knees in a circle of candles. She moved as silently as snowfall to come to him, his closed dark eyelids rose as flesh curtains to reveal blood glowing eyes.

Phaedra said,
“The Hiro is Rinku..”

The purple wax candles began to levitate, the flames snuffing out to create puffs of smoke all around as Daku rose and turned to His Better Half.

“So.. the Base Born has revealed himself. I shall then right two wrongs when he comes…”

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