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Breath of the Wild The Great Plateau's wall

Okay so this could easily go in the theory thread but I cant even begin to hazard a guess to the potential answers...

The question is this; why is there a wall around the Great Plateau?
Its not a natural wall, its clearly man-made given its design, but why?

The Plateau is also raised from the rest of the land, meaning that the plateau is higher than most of Hyrule's landmass.

It may be a protective wall to stop invaders and the Temple of Time may have been built upon higher ground for the same reason of protection, but is that all it is?

What do you think?


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit

There has been specualtion that this area is in fact old castle town from Oot which is why there is the temple of time within and a ruined well nearby.

el :BeoWolf:

When all else fails use fire
Feb 5, 2016

There has been specualtion that this area is in fact old castle town from Oot which is why there is the temple of time within and a ruined well nearby.
I'd like to see where death mountain is compared to that road. If it was just right of that picture, it would definitely help with the idea that this is OoT Castle Town
Nov 14, 2015
Honestly, based on the size of everything, and the fact they can literally fit a forest, ruins of locations we already know of, a snowy mountain (possibly a long-past dormant volcano), and what appears to be a dry, arid location (possibly Gerudo Desert after life began to slowly return or something) I wouldn't be surprised if the entire area of the Great Plateau was Ocarina of Time's entire overworld


A Cool, Cool Mountain
May 24, 2015
I really think its sole purpose was to protect Link while he was sleeping/resurrecting. The old man said that it was a sacred place, and the wall was built around it to protect the castle town and Link.
Oct 1, 2016
Is it raised up? Floating? Or what? It really hard to tell. Maybe it becomes an island in the sky at one point. Can't wait to find out when it comes out!


and Tonic
Nov 29, 2010
The Flying Mobile Opression fortress
It looks like it is trying to represent a floating island to me. Reminds me of the Sacred Isle that lowered down to the ground level. And since they really love to reuse concepts from previous games I would expect some kind of throwback to SS in some way.


Oct 1, 2016
Chunk generation bug...
They probably used a spell or technology to raise up the Great Plateau, or they dug around the great plateau which were a hill.
Oct 4, 2016
GameXplain talked on their analysis about how parts of the world might be able to be raised/lowered as the game progresses. I'm not too sure about this, but it is an interesting theory, and would explain why the plateau is significantly higher that the surrounding land. It could have been made to protect the temple of time and the surrounding towns, but in the ruined condition it is in, this wasn't the best form of protection, if it was at all. To be honest, I think the only way we can know for sure is to play the game thanks to the way Nintendo has released information. Thanks Nintendo!

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