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Game Thread The Clone Saga: A Spider-Man Mafia 3

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I DID eat Doc, I promise!
Jan 22, 2020
Why tf is this game so long? How much do I need to read???

(Last game I complained about that, of course I’m gonna do it again to show that it was nai lol)


I DID eat Doc, I promise!
Jan 22, 2020
Poy Poy, I'm gonna give the benefit of the doubt for now. However, I will be keeping an eye open.

Please tell me how in God’s name you’re perceiving my single post about canoeing to be suspicious. Is baseless pointing the finger of suspicion at random people your scumtell? Btw I retract my statement about me helping you in pre-game; you’re on your own now.
Jul 12, 2020
Oh dear... confusion level is going to go way up. Welcome, PK. :D
Hello! No worries, I've been trying to keep up on my end. I've done a cursory readthrough of the thread, I'll just have to go over it again in detail.
Sadly, I have work for the next few hours, but I'll be back after that. Looking forward to the game!


I DID eat Doc, I promise!
Jan 22, 2020
This game is stupid big and people are probably out of RVS. I cannot comprehend anything in big games. Please somebody engage with me so you can tell me what to read I beg of you


Mentally Numb
Dec 21, 2012
Behind the Couch In the Corner
Please tell me how in God’s name you’re perceiving my single post about canoeing to be suspicious. Is baseless pointing the finger of suspicion at random people your scumtell? Btw I retract my statement about me helping you in pre-game; you’re on your own now.
Last game you and I(to a point) were in you immediately started giving one liners, left and came back with one liners. Even more we were scum buddies.

I'm not immediatly placing you on my scum list now. I'm going to wait out putting you there to see if you do or don't follow the same plan.


I DID eat Doc, I promise!
Jan 22, 2020
I'm not immediatly placing you on my scum list now. I'm going to wait out putting you there to see if you do or don't follow the same plan.

So you’re considering putting me on your list because I’ve done nothing? Because face it, I’ve done nothing. This is the first time that I’ve really shown up thus far and the only thing you’re using to determine if I’m scum is the post where I said I was tired after canoeing. There is zero readable content there, because I was going canoeing regardless of alignment lmfao. Give me a break


Mentally Numb
Dec 21, 2012
Behind the Couch In the Corner
So you’re considering putting me on your list because I’ve done nothing? Because face it, I’ve done nothing. This is the first time that I’ve really shown up thus far and the only thing you’re using to determine if I’m scum is the post where I said I was tired after canoeing. There is zero readable content there, because I was going canoeing regardless of alignment lmfao. Give me a break
I'm just as equally willing to put you on my "Town List" or the "Null List. It boils down to how well you handle yourself.


I DID eat Doc, I promise!
Jan 22, 2020
I'm going to wait out putting you there
I'm just as equally willing to put you on my "Town List" or the "Null List. It boils down to how well you handle yourself.
The first quote directly implies that you have plans of putting me there but you’re going to “wait” for now. Almost as if... youve already decided what you’re going to do with my slot but still need to go through the motions...
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