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Twilight Princess The Bond That Link Has with Midna


Hi Fwiends!
Feb 19, 2011
Gabesawakening's house in Castle Town.
Hello! I have a question for all of you! What do you think of Link and Midna's friendship? You see, at first Midna uses Link to help her fix her big problem. But as you can see Link helps Midna and Midna thinks everything over. Over a long period of time you can also notice a tiny friendship. Later Midna grows a strong bond with Link. I have just beat the game and I want to know what you think about this Link and Midna friendship. I understand but want to see what you guys think!:):):):)

Azure Sage

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Hmm. I think Midna was selfish at first and saw Link as nothing but a tool for her to use to reach her own ends. But eventually she comes to think of Link as an important friend and in the end, they develop an unbreakable bond.

That's how I see Link and Midna's friendship.


~Dancer in the Dark~
Jan 30, 2010
I haven't finished TP, but from what I have seen so far, Midna is using Link...but also getting to like him at the same time. She is generally quite a flirty person but I think she likes Link for more reasons than he is helping her. I think Link likes Midna but is also a bit scared of her sometimes, but trusts her enough to do what she says. So I think they share an interesting bond but they both help each other out and share trust.

Chilfo Freeze

Emma Jean Stone
There is no doubt that at the beginning, Midna uses Link. You can just tell that she uses him by her skeptical and joking words.
They do, however, grow a deeper bond throughout the game. It definitely develops into a friendship.

Spoiler: At the very end cut-scene, when Link is shocked by Midna's true form, I do believe that Link felt a bit more of her than a friend at that time, and vice versa for Midna.
However, it could never develop into anything more because Midna went back the Twilight Realm. (Isn't this how it always is with Zelda? Poor Link...)

Anyways, they definitely did become friends throughout the game. As for a romantic relationship; it's all up to what the players of LoZ believe.
Feb 19, 2011
At Home.
Midna is mean and selfish at first but later on they grow a big bond i can tell because when you fight ganadorf when she teleports The princess and link away link trys to stop midna from Leaving.


You Mean, Green Thing
Mar 11, 2011
Amsterdam, NY
I love the relationship between Link and Midna. At the beginning, Link has to help her to help himself, and Midna is bossy. She is rude, but if you look between the lines, you can see her desperation for help. Through the game, she and Link develop a true friendship, and the comments become joking or are serious advice. You can see how much they rely on one another, and how their friendship becomes more than just that. STOP SPOILERS ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When she sends Link and Zelda away to save them, you can see the loving look. This look is also seen when she breaks the barrier aroud Hyrule Castle. But at the end, when she sheds that last tear, and her parting words are spoken, you can see that she loves Link. And I don't mean brother and sister love people. Link also shows his tenderness and love to Midna. It is a pity that she broke their love apart, but for the better or worse we can not change that. As Link may never see her again, it makes their last moment together all the more loving and serene. SPOILERS STOP HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Link and Midna have a complicated relationship, but it is a relationship all the same.


I also think that Midna uses Link toward the beginning, but he is helpless and follows her anyway. Throughout the game, however, she starts to develop feelings for Link, which are fullyexpressed at their finial good-bye. Link seems to appreciate Midna and love her as a friend, but he really loves Ilia. It's a sad thing that Midna never really gets to have a happy ending, but it's the way it is.
Mar 14, 2011
Link's a good lookin' bloke this time around, and quite the ladies man. So I'd say she's just smitten with him. :)


Yeah, that's right!
Aug 21, 2010
I almost cried at the end of Twilight Princess. The story between the two is really one of the best the Zelda series has ever seen.

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