If you love the style, that's fine, more power to you. But as someone who's first Zelda games were OoT and MM, and whose favorite game in the series is TP, I'm just so sad that we're staying on this path from now on.
My first two games were OoT and MM, although I was to young to get through the first part of MM, the 3rd and 4th were TWW, a game I thought was childish, and TP, which I at the time thought was awesome. When I became a teenager I went back to these games.
I learned that MM was amazing. It really made me personally feel immersed in the world. I also learned that WW was amazing for the same reason. I just simply didn't feel the same with TP, it just felt like it was trying to hard to be "cool", and the world didn't feel as real to me.
But whatever, if you feel immersed in these games via graphics, fine by me.
I accepted when we saw the first SS trailer that my expectations and original interpretations of the Zelda series, a series that would get a bit darker and cooler like OoT and TP in contrast to SO MANY OTHER colorful Nintendo franchises like Mario, Kirby, Pokemon, Yoshi (the list goes on), just didn't apply anymore to the modern Zelda series.
This is where I disagree with you. You seem to think that "bright and colorful" means "goofy fun games" This:
does not equal this:
Also, "dark" does not equal deep, meaningful or interesting. Majora's Mask was amazing because of the way the characters are developed, they gave me a reason to save the world. It wasn't because they had awful problems, it was their emotional reaction to those problems that gave them depth. I felt immersed because the characters made the world feel real and alive, not because the base color was brown, or because the writers tried to come up with the most horrific things to happen to someone.
That's fine, I'll play the games and hopefully have fun with them from a gameplay perspective. But as for ever being a truly unique EXPERIENCE that I can envelop myself in and never forget, instead of just another fun game? Zelda isn't the series for that when it comes to the factors I hold in high esteem, unfortunately
Here is where I will bring in TWW, a not only beautiful game, but a game that I would never call "another fun game." I'm not very happy that MM and this game didn't do well on release, because if it did, I think we would be getting more Zelda games with unique characters and worlds.
TWW had Tetra, a female role that wasn't the cliche 'damsel in distress' but also wasn't the cliche 'kick butt sassy pants'. She was stern, intelligent, confident and a leader. She had sassy moments, and fell more into her 'damsel in distress' role after she went 'full Zelda', but even then she still had pretty distinct personality. Ganon in this game, although extremely easy to defeat, actually had depth. I'm not saying his dialog was perfect by any means, but he was more interesting then any Ganon we've seen before.
And the other characters in this game also played big roles in creating an interesting world. They introduced you to likeable characters(Medli, Makar, Aryll, Grandma, Mila, Maggie, Valoo, etc etc) that changed and were effected as the story progressed. Everyone seemed helpful, and there were only a few really irritating characters(except for Tingle

But of course, we all enveloped into a game for different reasons, I just would like to point out that these bright colors does not mean that we are getting just 'another fun game'. I agree that graphics do help; but with the detail there is in Link and the monster, and the smoothness of the entire thing, I think this game's graphics are just right to express a cool game.