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Tattoos and Piercings

Feb 7, 2014
South Carolina
Well, tattoos are actually incredibly bad for your skin, and I don't think they're that particularly attractive either. I don't plan on ever getting any tattoos, and it doesn't help that they're permanent.

I've just got my ear lobes pierced once and that's all I'm getting. Seriously, do people really think metal stuck in their skin looks good? It's one thing if it's only your ear a few times but anything else is just... ugh.

If getting a certain piercing or getting a tattoo is painful, then why go to the trouble? Just don't do it.

Just different preferences honestly.

Sir Quaffler

May we meet again
I once had my left ear lobe pierced, but I haven't had an earring in it for many years. That's because I discovered I'm allergic to sterling silver; the back of my ear lobe has been stained black ever since I got it pierced back in high school. That's why I'm never going to get a piercing again.

As for tattoos I'm extremely against it for myself, although I'm rather indifferent to it in general for others. I take the teachings about my body being a temple of God very seriously, and I don't want to do anything to it that'll desecrate it. The only one that I would even seriously consider is tattooing a cross on my back, taking the whole 'taking up your cross daily' part quite literally. Other than that, no thank you. [Although even that is too drastic for my tastes; I think that having a cross on a necklace gets the point across sufficiently without seriously defacing your skin. Plus I'm really scared of needles :P]

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
Dec 2, 2012
Oh, I forgot to mention in my previous post...

If I am still at this site in the next 4-10 years, don't be surprised if I end up with gauges and/or my eyebrow pierced. Just something I plan to do within the next couple of years, once I'm old enough to get these things done myself.


luke is my wife
Apr 9, 2010
I had my ears pierced when I was in second grade, but it hurt when I finally took out my earrings the first time so I never put them back in and the holes closed. I'm really not a fan of earrings so I don't really mind. I don't expect to get any piercings in the future but I have considered a single cartilage piercing or a nose piercing.

I really, really love tattoos though, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to get all the ones I want. It's not typically considered professional to have lots of tattoos, especially in the medical field. My favorite ever tattoo is this one:


It's a 3D tattoo, which, first of all, is incredibly cool. But it also represents a lot of things that I stand for and I think it would serve as a helpful reminder should I ever find myself in a place where I start to forget what's really important.


Something like this would also be cool. I'd love to travel the world someday, and it'd be neat to fill in the map with colors as I visit new places.


Sort of like the first one, I'd like to get important quotes tattooed, as cliche as it might sound. Not that quote in particular, but others. I love quotes because they're often ways to express my feelings in a more concise route than I'd usually take. Quotes are important to me because, again, I can be reminded of what matters to me just by looking at them. Since tattoos are permanent, it would be like a permanent reminder of what my goals are. No matter how bad things get, I'd always have my greatest thoughts on my skin.


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
The only piercings I have is in my both ears. Just one in each ear. As for tattoos I don't have any unless you count birthmarks and scars as well :P
@ Nicole: that first one is incredibly cool. I saw a 3D tattoo on FB. A man had a tattoo of an animal on his chest and it looked like the skin was ripped open by claws. It looked so incredibly real!


Hello Sweetie!
Jun 18, 2011
Well, tattoos are actually incredibly bad for your skin, and I don't think they're that particularly attractive either. I don't plan on ever getting any tattoos, and it doesn't help that they're permanent.

I've just got my ear lobes pierced once and that's all I'm getting. Seriously, do people really think metal stuck in their skin looks good? It's one thing if it's only your ear a few times but anything else is just... ugh.

If getting a certain piercing or getting a tattoo is painful, then why go to the trouble? Just don't do it.

Different people have different ideas on what is beautiful. For some people it's bleach blonde hair and breast implants, for some it's bodybuilding and fake tans, for some it's applying a lot of make-up, for some it's skinny, for some it's curves, for some it's beards and chest hair, for some it's clean shaven/waxed... and for some it's piercings and tattoos.

I know some people think hair in all colours of the rainbow is unattractive, while I find it gorgeous (and have dyed my hair blue, green, pink, purple, red, black...). I know some people think tattoos and piercings are unattractive, for me it really depends on what kind of tattoos and piercings and how they fit that person's face, body and personality. Anything from small tattoos to treating the body as a canvas can be beautiful, it just really depends on how it's done, and what kind of person has had it done. And anything from pierced ears to complete pin cushin can be beautiful.

And some things we do to ourselves in the name of beauty is painful, but we find it worthwhile because we like the end result. This isn't just limited to piercings and tattoos, but also waxing, tweezing, and a bunch of other things. But the important thing is that we choose it. We don't have to do any of it if we don't want. If you don't want a tattoo, don't get one. If you're unsure about getting one, wait until you are sure, and even take a lot of time to decide the motive, because it's permanent. If you don't want a piercing, don't get one.

*M i d n a*

Æsir Scribe
Aug 18, 2009
I haven't done weird stuff to my body, thus I have no tattoos or piercings. I'm natural. :cool: But I've considered the idea of getting an earring, just haven't done it. :P


Feb 14, 2014
So, I have no tattoos or piercings and never plan on getting them. It's just not my thing - not really attractive to me. I don't even really like ear piercings that much. It's not cause of religious reasons or anything cause I'm not religious at all. And I don't mean any offense to anyone who has them - we could very well still be best friends if you had some. But it's just not for me.



Innocent but not fearful.
Jul 27, 2012
Canada, eh
I have in total, 6 piercings: 3 on my left ear starting from the lobe and going up, 2 on my right, and 1 on the left side of my nose. I would like to get the helix (cartilage) on my right ear pierced, and then that would be it. As for tattoos, I don't have any at the moment. I would like to get one, though probably not anytime soon. I want to think about it more, and get something that means something to me - something that I won't regret as I age.


Dec 31, 2011
New York
I prefer to draw on myself because I can just wash off whatever I've drawn an draw something else. Also, I don't think I could pull of piercings so... yeah.


つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Nov 12, 2007
In bed
My ear lobes were the first thing I got pierced, because that was the THING to do! And I got my nose done later on. I probably wouldn't get any additional piercings done, but never say never! I said that after my ears. :P

I also have a tattoo of a rose in a place only special people get to see, but I don't really like it and I wouldn't get any other tattoos. Mainly because of the reason that I get bored pretty easy. I constantly buy new clothes and try my hair in new ways, and different ear-rings and stuff. Tattoos just stay the same. You can get more, but, not different. So they aren't something that particularly interest me. :)

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