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General Zelda Symphony of the Goodness.

Snow Queen

Mannceaux Signature Collection
Mar 14, 2013
Grand Rapids, MI
Transwoman (she/her)
So, Zelda has music, right? Like, orchestral music. With trumpets, violins, all that stuff. Ya know what I think? All this orchestra is getting old and tiring. I say we get a new beat for the raerest of Seldas.

What do you think think of a more modern soundtrack for the Zelda series? Think about things with a faster pace, more electronic. Think about stuff like rock music for boss fights.

Heroine of Time

Rest in peace, Paris Caper...
Aug 6, 2011
Take a guess.
Well, I've always adored modern orchestral music, so I'm rather fond of Zelda's newer music style, like that of Skyward Sword and A Link Between Worlds. I don't know what to say when I hear that it's old and tiring. I thought it was finally going in the right direction. XD I don't hate rock, of course. I've just never really thought of it as fitting Zelda.

You're right that Zelda doesn't have many fast-paced, rock/electric style songs. I immediately thought of Kid Icarus: Uprising, whose soundtrack had a brilliant combination of electric guitar songs and orchestral pieces. Something like that could potentially work with Zelda if done right. There's absolutely no harm in adding some rock songs -- at least a few of them. I'm sure there's at least one or two bosses in any upcoming game that would be well-suited for rock background music. I don't really want a full soundtrack genre revamp, though.

I find it so odd that I can't even think of a Zelda song in this style. With 27 or so years of music to choose from, I'm kind of surprised there's never really been a rock song, at least that I can think of off the top of my head...

My second thought was Hyrule Warriors, which had an electric guitar cover of the main Zelda theme in the trailer. Hyrule Warriors's upcoming soundtrack will probably be full of that kind of thing. I've heard that Dynasty Warriors is known for having that style in their games, if I'm not mistaken.


Sep 21, 2013
The Expansion
You know, I don't really care much what style Zelda U's music will be. As long as I enjoy listening to it, and it helps engross me into the game, then I'll take it.

And no, I don't think orchestral themes for Zelda are getting old and tiring. I quite like them, in fact.

I immediately thought of Kid Icarus: Uprising, whose soundtrack had a brilliant combination of electric guitar songs and orchestral pieces.

If I had to choose any single style, it would be this. Symphonic rock-ish themes would be great for Zelda, in my opinion. I'd shoot for something like The Reaper's Line of Sight, which starts off orchestral, until later when the guitars kick in, and it pumps you up so much!!


no you're not
Jul 21, 2011
i think Zelda should do what Xenoblade did with classical songs, metal songs, and combinations


Apr 17, 2011
Where you least expect it!
Uhhh no... It doesn't fit. Zelda games are Fantasy/Medieval themed not modern or futuristic (even though orchestral music is still modern), and orchestral isn't tiring, it's very beautiful and I feel that there is more freedom with what atmospheres can be created with orchestral music. I'm sorry but I just can not imagine Zelda music with the type of music your suggesting... maybe a bit electronic (seeing how before Skyward Sword all Zelda music was done through sampling with MIDIs :P )

Random Person

Just Some Random Person
Feb 6, 2010
I don't really want to see that. It feels like a forced idea. Zelda is old world, so I can't see the reason why this would be put into the game. It completely goes against the mood. If Zelda was set into the future, maybe it would work, even still, implementation is key. The music would still have to sound good and sound "Zelda".


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
My second thought was Hyrule Warriors, which had an electric guitar cover of the main Zelda theme in the trailer. Hyrule Warriors's upcoming soundtrack will probably be full of that kind of thing. I've heard that Dynasty Warriors is known for having that style in their games, if I'm not mistaken.

You've heard right.

i think Zelda should do what Xenoblade did with classical songs, metal songs, and combinations

Exactly. Zelda's soundtracks needs more variety; the majority of the songs sound great and are equally memorable, but overall they sound a lot alike. Many of them are remixes from past games (i.e. Fairy Fountain and Zelda's Lullaby), and while those are still beautiful, they don't contribute to diversity. The series would do well to implement a combination of other styles, such as steady themes for towns, upbeat themes for overworlds, and energetic themes for battles.

Uhhh no... It doesn't fit. Zelda games are Fantasy/Medieval themed not modern or futuristic (even though orchestral music is still modern), and orchestral isn't tiring, it's very beautiful and I feel that there is more freedom with what atmospheres can be created with orchestral music. I'm sorry but I just can not imagine Zelda music with the type of music your suggesting... maybe a bit electronic (seeing how before Skyward Sword all Zelda music was done through sampling with MIDIs :P )

Just think of Final Fantasy, which is a long-standing franchise that's been out just as long as Zelda. FF's soundtracks implements a lot of orchestral and choir tracks, often combined with electronic or rock pieces, specifically for battle tracks. And yeah, while FF is set in the future in some repects, it still bears many fantasy/Medieval attributes itself. In comparison, Zelda mostly has toned-down battle themes and adventurous themes for the various overworlds, with the rest of the themes used for easy listening, at best. A tad bit more musical variety wouldn't kill the series' atmospheres, but rather add more flavor to the instrumental side, which is quite frankly close to stagnating.

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