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Sword People

Oct 21, 2010
remember what you had to use to create the sword in MM? gold dust, wasn't it? maybe the gold dust is connected to this guy... i don't know, just a thought...

Sgt. Backwash

Jan 3, 2011
I have a hard time believing he has any kind of connection to the Gilded Sword. It's not part of a legend like the Master Sword or anything. It's something another Link, far in the future(and in another world) had made out of the Kokori sword and some Gold Dust. THE END.

This guy just happens to have a few things in common with its design that are getting over-analyzed.


Mar 28, 2010
Great Bay, Racing the Beaver Brothers
I think they are part of a race of sword people.

I've been thinking that this could be a new plot idea. Basically
that dude could be a sword spirit gone bad, and Link has to create the Master Sword to destroy him. Not exactly the dark interlopers theory I've been hoping for, but this is probably more likely.
All just speculation and theory, at this point.

Din Akera

Jan 27, 2010
My own little world
This is actually a theory I had as well. That maybe there was some sort of 'race' of sword-people, though, that sounds fairly far fetched. I think it would be more likely that the swords would have 'being' that the could form into resembling a human form. I really think the idea of the guilded sword going rogue and the skyward sword and Link trying to bring him/it down is very cool. But I don't know how probable it is, especially because the guilded sword has only been seen in Termina

Just for fun though, if we run with that idea, it could be destroyed in the end and separated into the two parts that are used to be put together in MM. Gold dust, which if i remember correctly only the Gorons have, and the razor sword, which must be foraged form the kokiri sword. To account for the Termina location, i guess the dust could be transported there to try and separate the kokiri sword and the dust... But I think that is the biggest stretch of all, not to mention the guilded sword in MM was good and basically was the reason I did so well with the game.


But you called me here...
Aug 6, 2010
One interesting thing that I noticed about Majora's Mask, after thinking about it, is the way the owl statues address Link and his sword. They have this phrase engrained in stone:
Ye who hold the sacred sword, leave proof of our encounter.
Referring to the Kokiri Sword and its upgraded forms. I just thought that it was extremely interesting that the Kokiri Sword is considered "sacred" in Majora's Mask. There are only a few items considered sacred in its prequel, OoT. Those items are the Master Sword, the Hover Boots, and the Triforce. Nowhere in the game's text does it refer to the Kokiri Sword as being a sacred object.

Another interesting thing is the design of the Kokiri Sword between the games:

The differences almost make them look like two different swords. The differences could possibly make up for the differences in "sacredness." Also interesting to note that the one from OoT has a crystal in it, much like the Master Sword and the Gale Boomerang, which we know to contain spirits.

Also, up-grading swords is not unique to Majora's Mask. In A Link to the Past (the game I think a lot of Skyward Sword's story will revolve around) you got to upgrade the Master Sword twice. Both of the upgrades still allowed the Master Sword to contain the power to repel evil, the obvious proof are the sword beams as no other sword, except for the Four Sword (when powered to repel evil), have beams. So, the sword still contained the spirit of the Master Sword. If the Kokiri Sword is indeed sacred, then it might contain a spirit as well.

The only flaw that I see, besides our lack of knowledge of Skyward Sword, is the fact that the Gilded Sword is an upgraded version of the Kokiri Sword where the upgrading of the sword took place within a game dated long after Skyward Sword. However, an explanation of this could be that the Gilded Sword was modeled after the sword that our new character takes on. Its a probable theory that could explain it, but until we get more information from Nintendo, or Skyward Sword, we cannot be certain.


and Tonic
Nov 29, 2010
The Flying Mobile Opression fortress
I do not see any problem with the new guy looking like the Gilded sword even if he is not associated with the proper Gilded sword we have already seen. It could very well be another sword based on the design that looks very similar. It is not like we have not already seen swords that have a very recognizable design in the past.



Personally I like the idea of there being more swords that are magical and important to the story. Especially one used by a villain since that has been so rare in the series. Some antitheses to the Master sword sounds like an interesting dynamic adding something we have not seen in previous Zelda games. A rival swordsman to Link instead of some giant monster or dark wizard of some type, also using a sword that can rival the master sword in power. Or atleast be capable of challenging it.

Even swords from Termina appearing in Hyrule has happened before.


It is interesting to note that the sword Phantom Ganon uses was made by the snowhead blacksmiths that made the gilded sword and seems to have a similar level in power. While also in both appearances the sword remains after Phantom Ganon was defeated for Link to use in the dungeon somewhere else. So is it possible that Phantom Ganon was a manifestation of this sword as well? Only named after the previous Phantom Ganon of OoT that Ganondorf banished "to the void between dimensions."

The sword appears to be a real forged item that can be held while Phantom Ganon has the same appearance of the sword itself.

Which is also not the last time there was a malicious spirit tied to a weapon.

Jan 24, 2011
I do believe in this theory so far, as said before, I think that MM's gilded sword may be modeled after some sword that existed way before, and maybe the spirit of this sword was this person...it just looks too much like it...
Nov 7, 2010
now I find Zubora and Gabora a little suspicious


the phantom ganon sword reads in hylian "Zubora Gabora" and now their glided sword looks like this guy?o_O

I can imagine them changing the kokiri sword in MM for the "glided sword", maybe, giving it that name because they can let link to know its real name (it would be the name of the sword guy or something) and finaly we can have a sequel to MM with link finding who is the glided sword xD

ok ok, ignore it xD

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