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Game Thread Survivor "Mafia"

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Sole Survivor
Apr 10, 2017
Deku: Well, I guess someone should probably get to playing this game

I think it's safe to say that we're the two safest in this tribal. Tristan would be up there too, but he's a possibile candidate with the whole time issue.

So I'll turn to you as of now, who are you thinking of voting for?

Doc: i was thinking Kokirion was a safe first Lynch. She even admitted that she’s a good choice, so that works. I actually already voted because I didn’t think I’d have time to get online again.

Doc: I also think that Mezlo may be a good target at some point, if we lose the challenge again. I think he could be a potential threat, maybe in late game.

Doc: What are your thoughts on Kokirion and Tristan?

Deku: They're both good, but we don't know how much we can expect to hear from them in the future. I'm inclined towards their suggestion of karu though.

Koki I especially want to give a chance, since we didn't get to see how he did at the last one. As long as the times change for when challenges happen, he'll be able to help I think.
Kokirion: Tristan and I discussed a bit among ourselves about who we should vote for. The decision for us was not that hard, since both of you have been very active last night. Though we recognize that we too have not been the most active members of this group so far, we had our reasons for that and are still dedicated. We think that perhaps Karu would be the best candidate for our votes.

We wanted to open this chat with you guys included because we thought that whatever choice we would all make, the survivors of this vote will have to work together. We do not think that our group will benefit from it if we now all start to make secret plans against each other. So I’m order to maintain the group cohesion we suggest that the survivors all vote in unanimity.

Tristan: Koki and I are merciless. We will do whatever is necessary to make sure our team wins. I'd suggest giving us a chance and hearing what we have to say.

Dekunut: I'll listen to your thoughts. Obviously since this is the chat you're thinking Karu?

Tristan: That is correct.

Doc: I'm interested and willing to vote for Karu.
Karu: I contributed the least in the first challenge, and koki you said shouldn’t be in the Gala tribe?

Can I vote for myself? I know the rest will vote for me either way.

YIGA: Koki was not meant to be in the Ragah tribe.

I suppose you can vote for yourself...
YIGA: This conversation is for everyone in the Gala Tribe. Anything said here can be read by any other Gala Tribe Member. This will be replaced before the merge, but not accessible by new tribe members after the Swap or Merge.

Anything may be discussed here, but let's try to keep it to game talk, and relevant topics.

Tristan: hey friends

Doc: hey tribe buddies

Karu: What up guys? I should be more active tomorrow or the day after; right now I’m 75% blind.

Kokirion: well hello there

what a fun tribe to be a part of

Deku: My thoughts:



Idk the rest

Tristan: Alright I got the first one. Dime, Pluto, and Rhode Island are all the smallest in total size of their group of things (smallest coin, smallest planet, smallest state). Need to think a bit more for the other ones.

Tristan: gdi deku you freaking ninja

Tristan: Florist, Furniture Store, Obstetrician

Places you take your wife? Or places related to marriage?

Deku: You may be onto something. Let's put marriage as our current guess but keep thinking.

I've been staring at heads tails cross for a whole now. I guess in the UK there was a time when they used the terms cross and pile were used instead of heads and tails, so it may still be coin flipping. The use of cross was to throw us off and get a third term in there.

Deku: Also, to explain my Lincoln thing:

Lincoln is the name of Ford Motors' luxury branch

Abraham Lincoln is on the US $5 bill

Lincoln is the capital of Nebraska

Deku: I'm thinking the last one may be makes noise, and the Africa one is red. Idk how that makes sense, but between red riding hood and matadors' red sheets I think that may be it. But they could both very well be wrong.

Doc: For the Matador, Africa, Little Red Riding Hood one, the answer could possibly be red?

Matadors use red, the Red Sea is in Africa, Little Red Riding Hood is obvious.

Doc: Deku, stop being a ninja!

Deku: Hey, You made the connection to Africa that I didn't. You brought something to the table my post didn't.

Tristan: Lincoln was assassinated in the Ford Theatre.

Doc: I think the chemistry lab one is tube(s)??

Chemistry Lab-test tubes

Bike tire-isn’t the wheel a tube?

Toothpaste- tube of toothpaste

Karu: This might be nothing but am I the only one that finds it weird that 'fan, junk, hot' are the only words in the entire challenge that are lowercase? Every other word is capitalized

Doc: That’s actually a super good point. Do you think that might be the thing in common?

Deku: I'm gonna have to punch Yiga at some point for it but probably.

Karu: There maybe some other thing but it could be a possibility

Doc: I just looked at bike tire and toothpaste are also lower case.

YIGA: Don't punch poor YIGA...

Deku: *punches Yiga*

Tristan: When it's hot you let your junk hang out and turn on the fan

But idk, maybe that one has to do with bedrooms? I know my bedroom is always way too hot for my liking.

Tristan: **** i think the other group is right on the money.

Doc: Yep, this doesn't look too good.

It's possible that our red may still be correct though??

Doc: Welp, its not and one of us are getting kicked off the island. What are everyone's thoughts?

YIGA: Attention:

Because Survivor is not interesting to view when no one can view it (Private conversations can't exactly be viewed by the public), I've decided to take a risk and make Tribal Council public, and in the game chat. The other tribe may not participate, but may still view (which is the downside of doing it publically). All votes will remain private though.

Good luck, Survivors

Kokirion: Dammit. Why did that entire phase happen during my night? Not very convenient for me : /

Deku: We could exile Tristan. He said he only joined for the numbers after all. Though he was admittedly helpful. If he plans on playing it out let's let him survive, but if he's too busy to be active over time it may be for the best.

Tristan: You wanna get rid of me already? Wow love you too fam.

But in all seriousness, I'm not sure how helpful I'll be able to be from here on out since I am quite busy these days. I'm alright with it if that's the way you wanna go, it's probably the safest option, but I am quite intrigued by this game now that it's started.

Karu: I say vote Yiga, he was the least helpful of our group...

Definitely not DekuDeku, Doc, or Tristan since they contributed the most. I’d say kokirion but they said that all this happened during their night; an obviously I’m not gonna vote for myself so...

YIGA: Uh... Guys...

Don't forget that you guys could be doing this privately in new conversations. That way you don't have to show your hand so to speak to the rest of the tribe if you don't want to. All you have to do is say that you and whoever you want to join are making a conversation in the chat.

Or you can do this

Deku: I vote we do this

Kokirion: feel free to vote me out, though. Probably more of the challenges will happen during my night and even if I participate, I'm not a native English-speaker or British/American, I am absolutely clueless about these questions last night.

YIGA: That was my bad more than anything, Kokirion. Besides, the challenge phases will happen at different times. The next challenge should be possible for everyone.

YIGA: The Ragah tribe requests for you to share your answers to the challenge with them just out of curiosity. You may decline to give them what they wish. In the game chat you may post what your thought processes were and where your mind was at, ect. No more than that is permitted (Ex: Actual talking with the other tribes)

Kokirion: I would not like to share it

YIGA: Kokirion would you mind leaving the Ragah tribe chat? You're still on their chat, and I can't remove you. You have to hit the "leave conversation" button to leave. if not, you will be penalized and I will be forced to make them a new chat

Kokirion: Actually I am not in the chat, I already left right after you added me. I suppose it is a glitch since I don’t have access to it and have not withnessed a single post.

YIGA: Well then... Ok then. Thank you.

Deku: It had to be done

Sorry friend

YIGA: Karu, please leave the chat.

Tristan: Sorry Karu. It was fun playing with you though.

Musicfan asked why we chose Karu. I don't think we should tell him, because he doesn't need to know our thought processes, but if someone wants to then I'd be fine with it.

YIGA: Not allowed. Sorry.

Karu: Avenge me!

Bye quiznakers

Doc: Sorry, Karu! Someone had to go and unfortunately we chose you! We will avenge you and no other Gala Tribe members will be forced to suffer the same fate!

Karu: I left the chat why am I still receiving notifications?

YIGA: This isn't good... Try again?


That's what I got from the numbers. I just associated each one with its respective letter of the alphabet, although I'm having trouble unscrambling the letters so it may not be right. It's possible that the numbers actually associated with the opposite letter (for example, 1=Z, 26=A, etc.) though that doesn't seem right either.

I'll think on it a bit more, but what do you guys think?

Tristan: OK nvm, YIGA's latest hint throws that out the window XD

letter o=6, that's what we know now. So I'm thinking 18 is either T or G.


Deku: For two letter words that end with O, I have:

To, So, Do, go, no, yo, ho, lo, Jo, yo

The last 4 are unlikely but worth mentioning

Tristan: 18 could also be F or S potentially.

Deku: Fo?

Tristan: o doesn't have to be the second letter of that word, remember that they're supposed to be scrambled.

The first word could possibly be for?

Deku: Oh i missed that they were scrambled


Deku: So my list of possible 18s in TSDGNYFHRWX

Tristan: Just posting this here for easy reference:

1, 18, O - 1, O, 18, 24, 24, 2 - 14, 2, 20, 3, 1 - 9, 1, O, 18, 20, 18, 7 - 18, O - 9, 13, 24, O, 26, 13, 25, 25

Tristan: I'm thinking the two letter word is of or or.

Let's try 1=f and 18=r

F,R,O - F,O,R,24,24,2 - 14,2,20,3,F - 9,F,O,R,20,R,7 - R,O - 9,13,24,O,26,13,25,25

Or, the alternative

R,F,O - R,O,F,24,24,2 - 14,2,20,3,R - 9,R,O,F,20,F,7 - F,O - 9,13,24,O,26,13,25,25


gdi my brain hurts

Tristan: Actually that letter combination doesn't make sense because of that second word :/

Tristan: S=24, E=1

Doc: Do yall think that last word may be survivor?

Tristan: E,18,O - E,O,18,S,S,2 - 14,2,20,3,E - 9,E,O,18,20,18,7 - 18,O - 9,13,S,O,26,13,25,25

This is what we know for sure.

Doc: Nevermind, there's not enough repeats

Doc: I'm thinking 18 is N, based on the first word.

Doc: I'm certain it is, I think the second word is season.

Making 18-N and 2-A

Tristan: Nah that was my bad, the 12 was supposed to be a 13. So survivor lines up.

Tristan: I figured it out. The numbers denote the order of letters in the alphabet based on rarity. E is 1 and U is 26.

Tristan: Actually that doesn't make sense either...

Doc: E,N,O - E,O,N,S,S,A - 14,A,20,3,E - 9,E,O,N,20,N,7 - N,O - 9,13,S,O,26,13,25,25

Updated with what I'm fairly certain is correct so far.

Words unjumbled to be


Doc: Assuming the last word is survivor,

9 and 26 are U and I, but I'm not sure which.

Similarly, 13 and 25 are R or V. I don't think it matters too much because neither show up again in the code.

Deku: E,N,O - E,O,N,S,S,A - 14,A,20,3,E - 9,E,O,N,20,N,7 - N,O - 9,R,S,O,R,13,V,V

I is used more than U, so I'll suggest using I as 9 for now.

Deku: The third word is maybe something denoting a specific player or location. Another word for winner, loser, contestant, or location maybe?

Doc: The words aren’t in the correct order, so the third word could actually be first in the sequence. If that was your reasoning.

Tristan: Remember that the sentence itself is apparently scrambled too though.

Tristan: Gdi why do you people always ninja me

Tristan: One, season, no (or on), survivor. These are the words we think we know.

Tristan: 4th word







That's if 9=I

If 9=U, then:


and I can't think of any others...

Deku: Guys. Survivor Zelda Dungeon

Deku: Now We just need to get the order right becayse that's probably it.

Doc: Zelda dungeon, it’s zelda dungeon

Tristan: Zelda Dungeon Survivor Season One

Survivor On Zelda Dungeon Season One

I think we've got it! Just need to make sure the sentence is structured properly.

Doc: We ninja each other way too much

Deku: Changing my status to Survivor Ninja

Tristan: No I think it's Survivor On Zelda Dungeon Season One

Tristan: Shall we go with that?

Deku: I agree. Post it friend.

Doc: Survivor Season One On Zelda Dungeon makes sense to me

Tristan: I have the post written out but I don't want to get the sentence wrong.

Tristan: And now we wait...

Doc: God this is stressful

Deku: I think Tristan's first answer makes more sense. Just have a post of that prepped in case were wrong.

Doc: The moment Yiga says anything, whoever gets there first posts the other answer.

Tristan: Yes, if the sentence was wrong then we've given the other team the answer. We have to beat them to it.

Doc: YeH, the first answer on second thought may be correct actually.

Deku: Everyone prepare the post. Ninjas are allowed.

YIGA: Congratulations on winning the challenge.

Doc: Yeah, we did it! Good job everyone!

Yiga, now that the challenge is over, are you able to explain the code or tell us how you made it?

YIGA: Sure! I first wrote down the alphabet, and then assigned random numbers to each letter. THEN I decided what to spell. When I realized that that would be too easy, I scrambled the words, and then the sentence as well.

There was no secret method, unfortunately.

YIGA: Would you like me to ask the Ragah Tribe where they were at in the challenge like they did to you?

Doc: Man, you had me researching ancient code making techniques and such to try and crack it!

Tristan: Might as well ask. I'm not expecting anything though since we didn't give them anything haha. I am curious to see what they were thinking.
YIGA: This conversation is for everyone in the Ragah Tribe. Anything said here can be read by any other Ragah Tribe Member. This will be replaced before the merge, but not accessible by new tribe members after the Swap or Merge.

Anything may be discussed here, but let's try to keep it to game talk, and relevant topics.

YIGA: Kokirion please leave this chat. I added you accidentally

Music: Dime, Pluto, Rhode Island they are the smallest of what they are

Ford, $5 bill (American), Nebraska they are all American

Florist, Furniture Store, Obstetrician

Head, Cross, Tail

Chemistry lab, bike tire, toothpaste

Matador, Africa, Little Red Riding Hood

fan, junk, hot

Astrologer, Highway, Catcher

Piano, Radio, Car Engine they all end in a vowl

Music: for 2nd to last one they can all have something to do with stars astrology is the study of the stars, highway star, a star catcher.

Funnier: Man those are good, I feel like matador Africa and LRRH all involve the color red, and my guess for piano radio car engine was they all make noise. Lol if fan junk hot is literally that they’re all not capitalized.

Music: fan food junk food and hot food

Bok: I agree with the first two, not sure about the last one ending in a vowel. I feel like "Matador, Africa, Little Red Riding Hood" all have to do with the colour red.

Funnier: Chemistry lab bike tire and toothpaste that they’re all made up of two words?

Bok: I think the radio, car engine and piano one is they all get tuned

Music: that makes more sence

Bok: Dime, Pluto, Rhode Island: Smallest

Ford, $5 bill (American), Nebraska: American

Florist, Furniture Store, Obstetrician

Head, Cross, Tail

Chemistry lab, bike tire, toothpaste

Matador, Africa, Little Red Riding Hood: Colour Red

fan, junk, hot

Astrologer, Highway, Catcher: All have signs

Piano, Radio, Car Engine: All get tuned

Bok: Added that Astrologer, Highway, Catcher all have signs. (astrological signs, highway signs and catchers make signs to the pitcher for what pitch to throw

Funnier: Catcher has a sign?

Music: Florist, Furniture Store, Obstetrician

Head, Cross, Tail

fan, junk, hot

Astrologer, Highway, Catcher

are ones that Im not 90% sure we have

Funnier: Ohh.

What did you think of his food answer?

Bok: Chemistry labs have test tubes and toothpaste comes in tubes and i guess bike tires are tubes as well?

Music: I like the two word things but was tooth paste an accidental thing because laboratory accidents the accidental invention of rubber

Bok: What's fan food? hot and junk food makes sense but not fan food. Unless I just don't know what that is.

Music: they are a tpye of intertube

Music: Also DQ's slogan for the fan food part

Music: https://www.walmart.com/tp/bicycle-tubes

Bok: Dime, Pluto, Rhode Island: Smallest

Ford, $5 bill (American), Nebraska: American

Florist, Furniture Store, Obstetrician

Head, Cross, Tail

Chemistry lab, bike tire, toothpaste: Tubes

Matador, Africa, Little Red Riding Hood: Colour Red

fan, junk, hot: Food

Astrologer, Highway, Catcher: All have signs

Piano, Radio, Car Engine: All get tuned

Funnier: You two are making me extremely disappointed in my logical abilities. Either of you have any idea what cross has to do with head and tail?

Music: head cross and tail is coin


Bok: I was thinking coin to but that almost seems too vague, guess we can use it for now.

Music: minish I dont meen to be sexist but we need you(joking by the way)

Bok: also heads and tails are sides of a coin, so unless the edge of it is called the cross i don't think that works

Music: I dont feel like looking up Obstetrician is what I mean XD

Music: but they are all sides of a coin

Funnier: How is cross a side of a coin? Btw apparently an obstetrician is a pregnancy specialist.

Funnier: I mean like, that image is of some Indian coin so just because it shows up on the side of a coin someplace doesn’t necessarily mean it has to do with a coin right?

Music: the corss side of a ruppee

Bok: I want to go buy socks but I want to solve this first

Bok: Ok florists deliver flowers, Obstetricians deliver babies and furniture stores deliver furniture.

Music: Head, Cross, Tail

fan, junk, hot

I dont feel comfortable in


Bashes head into wall

Well I think that’s everything.

Music: Does any one want to see if we can make a deal with the other team to see if they have any ideas for the and try and trade them info?

Music: I dont feel confident in ours for food and coin though


Bok: Dime, Pluto, Rhode Island: Smallest

Ford, $5 bill (American), Nebraska: American

Florist, Furniture Store, Obstetrician: Deliveries

Head, Cross, Tail: Coins?

Chemistry lab, bike tire, toothpaste: Tubes

Matador, Africa, Little Red Riding Hood: Colour Red

fan, junk, hot: Food?

Astrologer, Highway, Catcher: All have signs

Piano, Radio, Car Engine: All get tuned

I think we're right on all of those except the ones i put yellow. The fan food being specific to DQ makes me think it's something else. I'm gonna go now but I'll think about it and try to post here if anything comes to mind.


Bok: Dime, Pluto, Rhode Island: Smallest

Ford, $5 bill (American), Nebraska: American

Florist, Furniture Store, Obstetrician

Head, Cross, Tail:

Chemistry lab, bike tire, toothpaste: Tubes

Matador, Africa, Little Red Riding Hood: Colour Red

fan, junk, hot: Mail

Astrologer, Highway, Catcher: All have signs

Piano, Radio, Car Engine: All get tuned

Funnier: Sorry got excited there. o-o

Bok: Ya the mail makes more sense. I'll be back now.

Music: Dime, Pluto, Rhode Island: Smallest

Ford, $5 bill (American), Nebraska: American

Florist, Furniture Store, Obstetrician Delivery

Head, Cross, Tail has to do with coins

Chemistry lab, bike tire, toothpaste tubes

Matador, Africa, Little Red Riding Hood: Colour Red

fan, junk, hot food?

Astrologer, Highway, Catcher: All have signs

Piano, Radio, Car Engine: All get tuned

Music: sorry missed the last ones my bad

Music: So for the florist furniture delivery makes seance

Funnier: Oh and I’m okay with our tribe color being pretty much any shade of blue but I’d prefer turquoise, cobalt, or electric.

Bok: Headwind crosswind tail wind, thank Canada's ****ty weather for that one

Music: Should we post them I think we are good

Funnier: I’d like to ask Yiga if we can encrypt our answers or if that’s against the rules or some such first but if you really want to.

YIGA: Encrypt? Probably not, but could I see an example?

FUnnier: Like for instance could we get away with a bare minimum of answer such as “smallest” and possibly rearrange the letters like “lemtlsas”?

Bok: Wait I think matador riding hood and Africa could be they all have capes. Idk for sure tho

Funnier: Do you think a hood counts as a cape?

YIGA: You may not crypt your answers like that. They will be read as written, so you writing lemtlsas will be what I take as your answer. Typos and incorrect spelling will be excused

Music: I think its more solid then just red

Music: any objections to me posting our answers at 9:30

Dime, Pluto, Rhode Island: Smallest

Ford, $5 bill (American), Nebraska: American

Florist, Furniture Store, Obstetrician; delivery

Head, Cross, Tail : Types of wind

Chemistry lab, bike tire, toothpaste: is related to tubes

Matador, Africa, Little Red Riding Hood: Has a cape

fan, junk, hot: types of mail

Astrologer, Highway, Catcher: All have signs

Piano, Radio, Car Engine: All get tuned

Funnier: I say hold off until tomorrow so they can’t copy off our answers immediately. How about in the morning?

Music: but what about if they post theirs over night?

Funnier: Then that’s kay, unless their answers are somehow better than ours.

Funnier: WAIT NEVERMIND I didn’t realize they’d win automatically if their answers are all correct, post ours whenever you’re ready.

Minish: The second one is Lincoln I think, not American.


Man I need to spring clean my brain. :c

Minish: Other than that one, I agree with all the other answers. Good job guys!

Except you Bok.

Funnier: Yiga did we winnn?

YIGA: Congratulations, you are all guaranteed a 1 in 9 chance at winning Survivor. While you are not voting in tribal council, you also may not participate at all.

Considering that Survivor would be no fun if it was all just PMs, and that is what it's drifting to, I'm making the decision that tribal council will be public in the game chat. As I said, you may not participate.



Funnier: Hey Yiga, can you have the other tribe post the answers they had for the challenge? Doesn’t really matter I’m just curious.

YIGA: It's up to them. At the end, all conversations will be made public, including the answers, so if they say no, you'll have to wait

YIGA: I have informed the Gala Tribe of your request.

Bok: Thanks Jeff

YIGA: They declined. You'll see it when it's all over.

Bok: So I feel like this is obvious but the plan is to get to the merge with numbers and then stick together and make it to the final 5 right?

Music: I know that these arent for us but... Questions:

1- Who was the biggest contributor to the challenge in your group?

Bok or minish. minish gave us the final answer to do the challage

2- How much talking has been happening around your tribe?

3- How do you feel about losing the challenge?

4- What names do you think will appear in the votes tonight?

5- Describe who contributed the least at the challenge, and why you can or can't excuse what they did or did not do.

storm did not contribute at all but that may be due to internet issues.

Funnier: I for one feel awful we lost the challenge, all musics fault tbh.


Bok: So is anyone gonna respond to my proposal?

Funnier: I’m not well versed in survivor but that seems like what we’re supposed to do.

Music: Yeh that's the plan

Minish: Yeah, that's ideally the plan. Since they're probably going to try and stick together as well. But if we can keep winning immunity challenges we'll have the numbers advantage and hopefully that will help us with the swap as well. Since we still have that to worry about.

Music: How ever lets address an elphent in the room I think we should all be honest who we think is the weakest link. Even though we won we should look at our performances and think of ways for them to improve if possible. Out of those who participated funnier was the weakest link. I think it was because he was afriad to be wrong. It would have been better to spit ball ideas that way something may click in one of the others heads.

Funnier: Dresses up as an elephant, parades about the room

Bok: Lets just stick together for now. I'd rather just sweep all the tribal councils and go into the merge strong. We can discuss what went wrong if we lose a challenge.

Music: Im not saying anything wen wrong its just improvements that can be made

Funnier: Do we announce it in the thread or in here? Has the challenge started for the other tribe? I nominate stormo to sit out as he may not show up anyway and am I allowed to make that decision myself?

Funnier: Never mind I didn’t the last sentence very carefully, how long do we have to decide?

Bok: Storms sitting out, he hasn't even posted yet.

YIGA: Announce it in chat to make it official

Bok: Wait 10 minutes then announce it kek I have yo do something quick here

Funnier: I can if you want.

Funnier: It looks like an alphabet code, let me see.

Bok: A, R, F - A, F, R, X, X, B - N, B, T, C, A - I, A, F, R, T, R, G - R, F - I, M, X, F, Z, M, Y, Y

Funnier: I’ll work from the beginning someone else work from the back, I believe the first word is “Are”

YIGA: I should really have made a key with at least one clue... I think I'll do that

Funnier: Nevermind I’m dumb, man you did that fast

Funnier: 18 must be either T D or N.

Funnier: No wait, I forgot S. I think it is S actually.

Funnier: Actually I better stop saying things cause I keep jumping to conclusions every five seconds, will say something when I get something concrete.

Bok: What's the first word then? If 18 is s then






Bok: wait nevermind we have to unscramble the words as well so the letters might not be in order right now? This doesn't seem possible if we do it like that hmmm.

Funnier: Yeah I realized my mistake, all I was referencing this by word number 5, but I didn’t consider that O must be the first letter not the second so 18 must be a letter that can come after O cause it’s scrambled so it doesn’t come before like I was thinking. Which completely rules S out actually.

Funnier: Which means (I’m pretty sure this time) that it must be R F or N.

Bok: e, 18 o

e, o 18, s, s, 2

14, 2, 20, 3, e

9, e, 6, 18, 20, 18, 7

18, o

9, 13, s, o 26, 13, 25, 25

Funnier: How?

Bok: he posted another hint

Funnier: e, 18 o

e, o 18, s, s, 2

14, 2, 20, 3, e

9, e, 6, 18, 20, 18, 7

18, o

9, 13, s, o 26, 13, 25, 25

Okay, so knowing 18 must be R N or F I think we can safely say the first word must be ore, one, or foe.

I would say ore is highly unlikely and that it is most likely one or foe. Since we can take those and add them to the next word we can also use that to see if we can form a logical continuity.

Bok: I think the last word is "survivor" is would mean 13 is either v or r and then 26 is the other letter but neither numbers show up in another word so it doesn't really matter which we use as which.

Bok: e, 18 o

e, o 18, s, s, 2

14, 2, 20, 3, e

9, e, 6, 18, 20, 18, 7

18, o

9, r, s, o 26, r, v, v





e = 1










o = 6



r = 26

s = 24



v = 13





Funnier: (Putting this here to help me think)










If you’re right bok then we can toss out 18 being R so that’s good. Though I think you mean 25 not 26.

Bok: ignore the 26 i left in the last word there

Funnier: Yiga, can you tell us if they are any apostrophes in the puzzle, for either a contraction or possession?

YIGA: No there are not

Funnier: Also, the only vowel we don’t know is A assuming you’re correct about survivor and you probably are so we can deduce that the A is likely in word 3.

Funnier: Let me try a little bigger on the scenarios.


E o n e s s 2

14, 2, 20, 3, e

9, e, 6, n 20, n 7 (9 is either an I or U)





E o f e s s 2

14, 2, 20, 3, e

9, e, 6, f 20, f 7 (9 is either an I or U)



Bok: e, 18 o

e, o 18, s, s, 2

14, 2, 20, 3, e

9, e, 6, 18, 20, 18, 7

18, o

9, v, s, o 26, v, r, r

So that's what we know assuming that the last word is "survivor". I'm starting to think that 18 is n and 2 is a so the second word is "season" but idk for sure.

Funnier: Accidentally added an extra E in mine, yeah season sounds right.

Funnier: One


14, a 20, 3, e

9, e, 6, n 20, n 7 (9 is either an I or U)



Bok: So assuming that the last word is survivor, 18=n and 2=a then



14, a 20, 3, e

i/u, e, 6, n, 20, n, 7



Funnier: Faced, place, gated, cable, cheap, ached, and bleak are words that might be number 3, if by some chance that makes sense.

Funnier: Also Zelda T_T

Jumps off cliff

Guess we better start talking alliances.

Funnier: I’m kind of annoyed there wasn’t a “why do you think you lost” question cause I was ready to rant and rave about forgetting the sentence was scrambled.

YIGA: You can add any input you want in addition to the questions. Actually, it's an open discussion for the tribe during tribal

Bok: Might as well be straightforward here. Everyone but one person has yet to contribute in any challenges or even post and that's storm. Everyone else has shown some sign of wanting to win but Storm hasn't done anything at all. I'm going to be voting storm tonight since I think that's our best chance of winning the next immunity.

Music: Same sorry for not being on today. I was with a friend I haven seen in a while.

Also word scambles are not my strong suit.

YIGA: The Gala tribe requests what you requested of them for the day one challenge, except for the day 2 challenge instead. You may choose to decline

Bok: Decline, since they did as well.

Funnier: Haha as if they really expected us to accept that. XD

I'll do the many other conversations later. I have to give my hands a break right now. I had to do a lot of copy paste

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
Forum Volunteer
1. I'd say a 10. Been a big Survivor fan forever now, so it's cool to play an online version.

2. 7

3. Like everyone else has said, the challenges need work. There needs to be a system where everyone can be included in them, despite the timezone differences. Plus the types of challenges could use a bit of work. I liked the first one and the arcade one the most. I also think that the jury should be able to discuss things before the final tribal. In the actual game, jury members are sent to Ponderosa after they're eliminated and get to discuss things there. I think that would be good to include in this version as well. You gotta be able to persuade jury members to want to vote for you, because they can influence the rest of the jurors as well.

4. I'd like to play again. Maybe a few times a year, or just whenever there seems to be enough interest/people wanting to participate.

5. Sure, I don't see why not. It could generate more interest as well if it were. Bok shouldn't get anything....though maybe he can have an award so he'll at least have some accomplishment for once.

6. Pretty decent.

7. I think the only other thing I really want to comment on is how the tie was dealt with. If we had known beforehand that it would be a rock draw if there were a tie, that could've factored into strategy. But regardless, I don't think it should have happened then. Since Bok had won immunity he should've been safe no matter what, so only funnier should've technically been in danger had they not reached a consensus on the re-vote.


I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
  1. 10/10 loved the idea of this game. I always push for non-mafia (or at least non-traditional) games to show, and Survivor, big surprise, didn't disappoint.
  2. It still succeeded but wasn't perfect. I haven't read the other responses yet, but I'm assuming many of them - and probably even your own analysis - agree with me that the challenges in this game were lacking. This is a hard format for that, so I'll give you an 8. The game itself was still find regardless.
  3. As I said, challenges. That in itself could be a community discussion, since ideas are hard.
  4. There definitley should. I'd say maybe once a year, just to keep things interesting.
  5. Not really. The site is mostly about Zelda. Just like it's always been, mafia is simply a niche community within it. These games will mostly be played by members of the subcommunity more than the community itself. Maybe they'll just earn a special shout-out at the Mafia Awards, or a vote for Best Survivor at the awards if there are multiple games in a year. I just dont think this really escapes the Mafia community enough to be a sitewide thing.
  6. Despite the lack of abs I've seen, your demeanor and questions were spot on. #LongLiveJEFFahim
  7. Good game on all sides, especially Bok. He earned that win, the villain that he was.


Sole Survivor
Apr 10, 2017
Sounds like once or twice a year is recommended. I can do that :D

Now let's see about more of these conversations that take so long to put up...

Tristan: I feel like we all contributed quite well with that last challenge; and by we all, I of course refer to the three of us. Because, let's face it. Koki's my good bud, and I totally understand that the challenge phases have so far both happened during his night, but that's the problem. With his timezone being around 6-8 hours later than ours, I feel like he isn't going to be all that useful to us in the long run. I was the one person that voted for him after the first challenge phase, because I believe him to be our weakest link for that reason alone. It's not his fault, but like I said, I'm merciless. I had been planning to oust him during the entire day, I was just playing along with him so he wouldn't do the same to me. So, should we lose another challenge, or should we ever need to throw someone under the bus, he's the one. I'd like to see the three of us make it to the final five.

Basically, I'm proposing a truce in advance of the next challenge, to agree that we all stay in no matter what.

Doc: No, this totally makes sense. It’s unfortunate that Kokirion’s time zone is interacting with their activity but it can negatively impact our team. Of course, it’d be best if we don’t have to oust anyone else, but if it comes down to it, Kokirion may be our best option.

The switch up should be happening after the next tribal, I think.

Deku: Yeah, this game's moving quickly. If it isn't coming next cycle, it will definitley be the cycle after. Soon well be down to eight people. If we go through with the merge at, say, 5 players, we'd need to do the switch with no fewer than 7 left.

Well see where everyone is when the switch ends, but an alliance sounds like a good plan for all of us.
Funnier: Hey Deku, me and Minish are going to be voting kokirion if you care to join us.

Deku: I was planning on it anyways, so I'm down.
YIGA: Just like the first, but new people.

Tristan: Medium riddle: Fishmen

Easy riddle: Mipha

Hard riddle: I'm thinking Mikau

Tristan: I should explain.

Fishmen is fairly obvious. They're across the Great Sea, and they draw maps helping you find your way around the overworld easier.

The second one, I immediately thought of the Champions, and Mipha seems to be the only one who has a real emotional connection to Link.

The third one took some more thought, but I thought of Majora's Mask, and Mikau survived longer than any of the other mask spirits.

Tristan: The second one may not specifically be one of the champions actually, as it could be any of the other NPCs Link talks to who he doesn't remember.

Doc: For easy access

Medium: Across the Sea, you'll find me. I'll give you help, and you'll see!

Easy: I failed you, I'm sorry. You don't remember you met me.

Hard: I'll have more time than others, but I don't want it this way... I'm having great Struggles, and help me you may.

Doc: I think that you're right on the money for the easy riddle; I don't think any NPC in BoTW "failed" Link in any way. It's more accurate to say that, for those who were alive, the people believe Link failed them. Out of the champions, Mipha is the only one I would think of who would say "I failed you, I'm sorry."

I'm also assuming the riddle is directed towards BoTW because I can't think of any other times amnesia played a major role in Zelda.

Bok: The fish in wind waker who draws the maps is what I assumed to be the medium riddle.

For the easy one, the only other time I can think of amnesia in Zelda is Iila from twlight princess but I don't think this riddle applies to her. It also could be Zelda from BOTW but Mipha is a good bet as well.

No idea on the third one. Gonna look back at OoA characters and see if anything applies to them.

Bok: I'm almost thinking the easy one is Zelda since she originally failed in her quest to awaken her power and stop Ganon.

Doc: ^^Good point.

For the hard one, I don't think its Mikau for the sole purpose of the "I don't want it this way" line. To me, it sounds like this character doesn't want to have more time than the others, which certainly doesn't apply to Mikau.

Tristan: Ya Zelda's a definite possibility as well for that one. It would be a little less "random" than Mipha so it makes sense.

And I'm not very confident in my third answer. It was the first thing I thought of, but it's very possibly not Mikau.

Bok: Hard riddle could be Nayru from OoA? I don't remember enough about the game but she is the oracle of ages.

Bok: @YIGAhim is "Struggles" capitalized for a reason?

Tristan: Ooh, good catch.

Sadly, I've only played OoA once and really don't remember much from the story or characters.

Bok: Ya I played OoA a long time ago and nothing on the wikis im reading seem detailed enough to make me confident in that answer.

Bok: What do you guys think about just submitting something? There isn't a limit to how many guess we get do we? And it's not like we're split down the middle between two choices for the hard one so even if we get it wrong it won't make it super easy for the other tribe. But it couldn't hurt to throw out a guess early.

Tristan: I'm all for it. It's a race after all and we don't really have anything to lose if it's wrong.

Bok: So

Easy: Botw Zelda

Medium: Fishman from WW

Hard: Nayru from OoA

Tristan: Sounds good.

Music: ok so im apparently not getting email notifcations any more for threads sorry that I wasnt able to help.

Let me check to see if I have the right email set to this account.

YIGA: I will tell you now capitals don't mean anything. Just an inconsistency

Tristan: OK two of the answers were wrong.

I'm feeling really confident that fishman is the sea one, so I'm gonna post my other original answers and see what's up.

Tristan: Pretty sure Kafei is right for the last one.

Ninja'd funnier by like 5 seconds, that was intense lol

Bok: Nicely done.

Doc: Good job you guys, sorry I wasn’t all that helpful.

Music: Sorry I felt like they were correct but riddles and spelling are not my strong suit. Im better at stuff like the first one.

Bok: @YIGAhim ask the other tribe if we can see their progress, like how it was demanded of the other tribes the first two challenges.

YIGA: I get the feeling that this is going to happen every time, and each time each tribe will refuse.

That being said, I certainly will ask

Doc: I mean...we know how far into the challenge they were...

Bok: That's the point Doc.

Tristan: I'm not sure if they got all the answers themselves or used our answers as a base to help figure there's out. That's why it would be good to know their process, so we know what we're up against, but tbh I would decline if they asked us.

YIGA: *Ahem*

"They can have it right after they lose the next challenge and vote Mez off.

Bok: Well at least someone in their tribe has a sense of humor

Tristan: 1 guess as to who said that.

YIGA: Please do

Music: Funnier
Kokirion: I’d like to vote for Karu tonight

YIGA: Noted

Kokirion: I’m gonna vote for Kokirion
YIGA: Just like the first, but new people.

Funnier: Hi, is anyone even here, we’re dead, and I think the easy answer is Mipha.

Funnier: Idk what the medium one is besides it’s obviously a WW thing, the hard one sounds like someone from MM but I don’t know lemme go stare at them some more.

Funnier: Struggles implies multiple problems so it’s probably not the cursed skulltula family like I was thinking.

Funnier: I’m thinking the medium one could be Medli.

Funnier: Across the Sea, you'll find me. I'll give you help, and you'll see!

How many people do you find in WW that help you? Tetra, Medli, Makar,

Great fairy?

I failed you, I'm sorry. You don't remember you met me.

Mipha surely.

I'll have more time than others, but I don't want it this way... I'm having great Struggles, and help me you may.

How many people ask for help? It seems like an immortality curse which means that rupee guy in TP or the skulltula family in OoT but that doesn’t seem quite right.

Deku: My thinking is the middle one is Ilia. She did lose her memory after all, and Link failed to protect her from the Bublins early in the game.

Funnier: But... that would mean the answer is TP Link wouldn’t it? And... he doesn’t talk.

Deku: The reference to sight makes me think Aryll (she was across the sea in the Fortress and gave Link the telescope) or

Deku: But it would be about Ilia, even if not from her perspective

That said, I don't know a ton about BotW stuff, so it ould very well be Mipha.

Funnier: But he already had her telescope when he saved her, so finding her to get help doesn’t really make sense. I agree it fits in a weird sort of way, but it feels like a stretch.

Deku: Even so, I think we should focus on the reference to sight. It's our only real lead outside "Wind Waker"

Funnier: I agree, only I wondered whether the you’ll see was simply for sake of rhyme.

Funnier: What do you make of the third riddle?

Funnier: Yiga supposing we answer wrong how quickly can you tell us if we’re wrong and we have limitless guesses right?

I’m thinking we could go back and forth over these for quite a while and it would probably be worth it to take the plunge and rotate out what answer we think is wrong before the other team has a chance to answer.

Funnier: I can also find a reason the third riddle could be Kafei as he could have more time cause he was cursed to be a child.

Funnier: If anyone wants to input on trying the answers we have that’d be great. o-o

Deku: Welp

All that sounds right to me

Funnier: I have a feeling the Fishman answer is probably right, I really doubt the third riddle is Nayru for several different reasons, the other two are from 3D games and it only makes sense they would all be, Nayru is saved fairly early and doesn’t really have “struggles” anyway this is just a long way of saying I highly doubt they have all three right and we should keep thinking.

Deku: Then lets focus on that third one, just in case.

I'll have more time than others, but I don't want it this way... I'm having great Struggles, and help me youmay.

If not OoA, the other games that heavily feature time travel are OoT and SS. The clue is probably referencing time travel somehow

Funnier: No thoughts on my idea of someone cursed to be immortal?

Deku: I must've missed that PM, and it does make more sense.

Govanni from TP Maybe? I don't know the eccentricities of his curse.

Deku: Or Saria maybe. Do we know Yiga's preferred OoT ships?

Funnier: Yeah I was thinking him or the skulltula family or Kafei.

He gets turned to gold forever basically until you reverse it.

Deku: Its not a curse, but Batreaux could maybe fall under that

Funnier: I don’t really see what that has to do with time. A riddle on him would probably reference his appearance.

Deku: Probably true, but I always assumed demons live long lives. Idk why, I guess it's never stated.

YIGA: I always try to give results as fast as possible. Yes you have unlimited guesses.

Funnier: I’m going to try our answers and hope for the best.

Funnier: I’ll take all the blame for that, curse my slow typing and not putting fishman first.

Minish: Sorry I wasn’t around to help guys. :(

YIGA: Guess what? The Ragah tribe would like to see your answers/thought process like you have asked and has been asked of you before. You may choose to decline

Funnier: Tell them they can have it right after they lose the next challenge and vote Mez off.

Or simply decline but that’s not as fun.

YIGA: Would you actually like me to "Tell them they can have it right after they lose the next challenge and vote Mez off.
"? That would be interesting to see

Funnier: Yes


Funnier: Thanks Jeff. <3

If you want my opinion on the challenges Yiga, if you can keep changing it up that would be really cool.

YIGA: Could you give me an example of what I have been doing vs what I should be doing? After this is over, and we have our sole Survivor, I'd like all of the feedback I can get

Funnier: Well besides the delays the past couple days which you explained I think you’ve been doing a great job, no changes needed. I think we should do it a little more often than once a year though.

YIGA: Music to my ears. My Princess Bride mafia in the queue is going to have to change to another one of these

Minish: Just a suggestion, but maybe you could figure out a better way to do challenges. It's a little hard with the timezone differences and whatnot for everyone to be here for them. And I assume that's going to become an even bigger issue after the merge. Not exactly sure how to fix it, but maybe see if there's an agreed upon time by everyone?

Funnier: Oh yeah, that’s true. But since he gave notice of when it would be almost every time it seemed like the people who couldn’t make it would’ve said something?

Minish: This previous one didn't have a notice, or I could've possibly been around for it in time if I had known. I did know I wouldn't make the second one, but didn't say anything because I figured it might not be a huge issue just that one time.

I thought of a potential suggestion for when it gets to individual immunity, but I'm not sure how well it would work. But Yiga could just have people message him when they were ready, and he could send the challenge then. Then they reply back with the answer, and he uses the timestamps of the messages to see who did it the quickest. It's not really ideal, but I think it would allow those who aren't on early to have a fairer chance.

YIGA: It would be very hard for the challenges to be coordinated so that everyone does it at the same time. Almost impossible. The merge will actually fix this issue for at least one challenge, because that challenge involves getting a high score by a certain time. That means everyone will be able to participate.

It's really hard to have a global game take place at the right time for everyone. A system will be developed hopefully by the end of the game
Minish: We need to try and figure out a way to get one of them on our side. I was thinking we could either convince kokirion by saying that he was on the bottom before (since they were trying to determine whether to vote him or karu). Or convince Deku by saying that kokirion isn't around for the challenges. Deku may be the better option to get on board so we have someone who is around during the immunity challenges. But I'm fine with going with whoever we think we could convince the easiest.

Funnier: Oh I think we can get deku easy, I wasn’t really going to bother cause I figured it would probably come up in the tribal questions and then it would be easy to be sure. Plus you’re right, Deku is good to have around.

Minish: So this is interesting. Do you think we should throw the next immunity and vote Deku out. So we have the numbers going into the merge and don't risk one of our original tribemates being voted out?

Funnier: Throw the next immunity and vote deku out? So that’s what strategy is supposed to be, hm. Well considering the other team has people we’re both more likely to lose against I’d rather if they had to vote someone out, it’s not like it matters if it’s one of our tribe since we’re trying to be last person standing anyway and isn’t getting rid of the opposition more important? Maybe you’re right but gimme more details.

Minish: If they go to tribal and vote one of our original members out, then we're back to being tied. Then say the merge is next, and at that point it's crucial to have alliances since only one person will get immunity. If we have the numbers going into the merge, we can vote off the rest of the other tribe one after another, assuring us at least final 4. Then we just have to deal with each other. I feel like Deku is a pretty big threat as well. So it would also keep him from teaming back up with Tristan and Doc, who both also seem like they could be pretty big threats. If we get Deku out now, we can potentially get Tristan out next, as long as he doesn't win immunity. And I know you want to beat him. Haha.

Funnier: Welllll, I suppose that makes sense, but I guess I don’t really like the idea of throwing the challenge cause the challenges are fun. o-o But isn’t the merge when we reach five people? Right now we’re at seven, so we would need to win immunity once or one of us is gone. (Or at least I assume so, I can’t remember what the rules say about only two people left for a tribal so you probably know better than me)

Minish: Hm, it says once approximately half the people are eliminated, then the merge happens. I would have expected it after this next tribal, but it could be at 5. In which case, if we voted out Deku and lost immunity I assume we would have to do a head to head challenge. If it's at 5 that would make it a bit trickier. We would need to win this next one and hope the other tribe votes out either Doc or Tristan. Though I'm not sure how likely that would be. And then after that we could throw and vote Deku out, so we'll still have the numbers if they vote one of our original tribemates off.

Funnier: Can you make the time tomorrow?

Minish: Nope, unfortunately. I'll be asleep at that time.

Funnier: Ask Yiga if he’ll change the time?

Funnier: If not I’ll do my best.
Deku: Hi, just calling to inform you that you have a traitorous little vegetable in your alliance. He suggested that Doc and I vote for Tristan today so he can join the two of us and betray you guys next Tribal.

Honestly, we don't trust him. He's already proven to us that he's willing to let go of an alliance, so we don't feel comfortable allowing his previous alliance to stand while ours is weakened. With all three of you alive and only two of us, he would have a 100% chance of going to the final four, and a high chance of going to the final 3, no matter which side he took. It isn't worth it from our side to work with him.

I just wanted to warn you. Do with it what you will, and good luck during tribal.

Deku: My dear associate Doc wanted me to add to this that our agreement with Tristan is specifically that all three of us will reach the Final Five. Not sure why it's such a big thing to add, but I'm just the messenger boy. You decide what to think of it.
Doc: I figured we'd make a secret conversation to talk about what Bok is proposing. He makes a good point about numbers and how if we lose whatever challenge YIGA has for us, we'll be ousted.

My biggest concern, however, is that he's asking us to vote out Tristan, and not one on his side. I don't trust that Bok will stick to his promise and take us to final three. From where I'm standing, Minish is a much better option to be put next to in final two.

I was thinking we try to expose Bok to Minish or Funnier. If they believe us will be left to chance, but I'd much rather try to do this than blindly trust Bok to take us.

I also cannot, on good conscience, vote for Tristan. I swore I wouldn't vote for him until after final five and I'm staying true to that.

Deku: Then we tell him to, as a sign of good faith, off Minish. If it's part of the plan already, it doesn't matter when we do it. By the time Funnier realizes what's up, well already be a majority and have our pick between the two... or Bok himself, if we so choose.

Thoughts on that?

Doc: I think its worth trying, if anything to at least gauge his reaction when we do that. Especially because the first plan hinders on whether or not Minish and Funnier are in on this proposal or not.

Deku: I'll put it forward to him then.

Deku: The other question to be asked is if he's simply trying to pull our votes away from him so he can survive. It sounded like Funnier was ready to let him go. Tristan was leaning that way too. He's probably worried for death.

Doc: I'm skeptical of Funnier's open position on the matter, because he likely didn't want to stir the pot. It is entirely possible that Bok is bluffing, but Funnier did mention an alliance. It wouldn't surprise me if they made a deal similar to us.

It comes down to whether Bok is exaggerating the strength of their alliance or if Funnier is downplaying it. I'm leaning towards the latter because Bok assumed we all made a strong alliance, when, as Tristan put it, we mostly formed a truce. In my opinion, he'd only make the assumption that we made an alliance if they had done the same.

Tristan will definitely vote Bok, I think. During the swapped tribe, me and Tristan discussed voting out Bok if we had the chance.

Deku: You make a good point on the matter, and you're probably right; I just wanted to bring it up.

Doc: How are you feeling about this? Are you feeling better about the deal?

Deku: Not at all.

Deku: Unless you can see a reason to push the alliance with him, I'm gonna tell Minish and Funnier of the traitor. Unless you have issue with that, I'll send it out in around 20 minutes. Just to give you time to make your case if you disagree.

Doc: Good, I was feeling the same. I think we should attempt to expose Bok to the others. And let Tristan in on what's happening.

Deku: I'll finish my message to the other tribe then. You wanna talk to Tristan?

Doc: Yeah, I can handle that. Do you think it'll be best to discuss this with them both or to break into two different conversations with them?

Also, would you mind sharing the message here first? I'm super worried that they'll assume we're lying and the message has to be perfect.

Deku: Ah... too late

Deku: Hi, just calling to inform you that you have a traitorous little vegetable in your alliance. He suggested that Doc and I vote for Tristan today so he can join the two of us and betray you guys next Tribal.

Honestly, we don't trust him. He's already proven to us that he's willing to let go of an alliance, so we don't feel comfortable allowing his previous alliance to stand while ours is weakened. With all three of you alive and only two of us, he would have a 100% chance of going to the final four, and a high chance of going to the final 3, no matter which side he took. It isn't worth it from our side to work with him.

I just wanted to warn you. Do with it what you will, and good luck during tribal.

^ There's what I said. If there's anything you want to suggest that I add in a separate message to better explain our position, feel free to mention it.

Doc: I think it's important to emphasize that the three of us aren't in a strong alliance. That our agreement was a final five deal.

Because I doubt that they'd be willing to side with us even if Bok is disloyal if they lose numbers. From the perspective, after they lose Bok, it'd be them against you, me, and Mezlo. So for us to change their mind, they have to feel safe with Bok out of the picture.

Doc: So we may have to convince BOTH funnier and Minish to vote for Bok because Tristan has apparently already voted, and it wasn't for Bok.

Deku: Can't you change votes in this game? I didn't see any rules saying you can't.

Doc: Yeah, after day two, I got confused and thought we were at tribal before we actually were. I voted Kokirion early before switching it to Karu.

YIGA clarified after that point, no switching of votes will be allowed. So we need to convince them to change their minds or we're done for. Have they responded to your initial message?

Deku: Nothing so far.

Deku: I think we pissed someone off.

Doc: Yeah, he's definitely gonna be gunning for us

Bok: Now I realize that you two and Tristan probably have an alliance the way Minish, Funnier and I have one from the original tribes. Since the vote is 3-3 I imagine you three will vote for one of us, while we will vote for one of you and a challenge will occur that decides the balance of the game. I guess you can put your faith in whoever is in your tribe but I have another solution that will tilt the power in our favour instead of leaving it up to a challenge.

How would you two like to form a secret alliance with me and try to get to the final three together? To do this, I would tell funnier and Minish that I convinced you two to vote for Tristan and that we'll vote you two out next. What they won't know is that I intend to stay loyal to you to and betray them next tilting the odds towards the three of us. Minish Funnier and I will bevoting Tristan, and if you three (tristan doc and deku)vote for one of us and lose the challenge, the two of you will probably be going next.

The two of you have my absolute word that I will stick with you two over them and I do not expect either of you to vote for me if you were in the jury and I were to make it to the final after breaking my word. So, we can leave it up to chance and stick with our old alliance, or we can make this interesting, take out one of the strongest players, go for funnier next week and try to make it to the finals together.

Deku: As you probably assumed, Doc and I had a short discussion on the matter, and we're interested in this alliance. However, while we have reason to trust each other, we have no such reason to trust you. You're the one who's making the suggestion, and yet you ask to vote off someone we have a sort of agreement with.

If you want to do this, then we want to vote off Minish first, instead of Tristan. You can prove your loyalty to the cause, and we will also leave no other pre-existing alliances standing.

You're the one in minority here. It's you who would have to make the first sacrifice.

Bok: Nope, Funnier, Minish and I are voting Tristan and that's not going to change. Lets be honest about a few things. One, you two are in no danger today, Tristan is. Two, Minish isn't the threat in our alliance, I am and funnier is to a lesser extent but he's in no danger today since he has immunity. You could easily just be trying to get me to vote Minish and then you could backstab me with Tristan and eliminate what you guys probably believe to be the biggest threat of the three of us. If I have three votes on Tristan I know I'm guaranteed to at least have a fighting chance where if I vote Minish I leave it up to blind faith and basically surrender myself to be possibly voted out. Yup, this is what I'm asking you to do but it seems like at this point either you're going to put your faith in Tristan to win or in me to be honest. I've given you my word but not funnier and minish. And besides, Tristan will be a harder target to take out later.

So let me be blunt since my mind has been made up this entire time.

Either you vote Tristan and put your faith in me to honor our deal (which would practically cripple my chances of winning the entire thing if I backed out of). Or you vote one of us and put your faith in Tristan. If he loses you two will be the next to go as I won't be interested in a deal at that point.

Deku: You could just as easily be trying to backstab us. Weaken us, take out a member of our alliance. Put yours in majority. Go to the final three together. We have just as much of a reason to trust you as you have of us. Maybe even less, since you've already demonstrated that you are willing to jump out of an alliance when it's helpful to you.

It's been nice doing business with you, Bok. Good luck.

Bok: Actually, this would have been helpful to you. I want to win, which I'm sure you can understand as well. I wouldn't tell people not to vote for me in the finals if I screwed them over and the proceed to screw them over. And I have been rather open with the two of you about what I'm planning. I'll give you to the vote to make up your mind. If Tristan gets voted out then we can talk, otherwise I'll assume this deal is closed.

Doc: ^^^

You're asking us to do the exact same for you. Blindly put our faith in someone we have no reason to trust. If we agree to this and send Tristan out, you come out looking great to both us and Funnier and Minish. We end up being one man down and you can decide to side with whoever you want. I don't see any reason why you would choose me and Deku over Funnier and Minish.

Bok: Because this offer is different than what I owe them. My connection to them is being in an alliance. My connection to you is reaching out and making a deal that could get us farther that doesn't involve which tribe we were selected into from the beginning. Just by reaching out to you and making this offer I'm already taking a risk. Like I said, I want to win (and you guys damn well want to as well) and it would look awfully bad if I betrayed you after asking you to put your faith in me. Obviously I'm asking you to risk something and break the stalemate.

Bok: I take it this means no?


or, uh... no works too I guess

Bok: Well, to whichever one of you participates in the challenge tomorrow, good luck.
Tristan: Well, whoever would've thought we'd be here?

I know you're probably planning on voting me out, and I can understand why. The previous challenge was very intense towards the end. I want to ask that you do not vote me out this day, and I will not vote you out next challenge phase if you don't win.

I have, however, already placed my vote. And it's not on Bok. Speaking of Bok though, don't let him fool you. I have inside info that he intends to betray your alliance. Tread carefully.

Funnier: Wow very dramatic, yeah that’s nice Mez, for goodness sake it’s not really that important to me that you get voted out, especially since I’ve got other things to do. A shame you’ve already cast your vote, as I had a proposition for you as well. I won’t be voting you though if you must know.
Doc: Heyo.

We haven't really had the opportunity to interact much in this game. So I figured now would be the perfect time. I'm curious where your thoughts are about the upcoming tribal.

Minish: Hi!

Well, with music quitting things certainly got a bit tougher. I assume that your original tribe was planning on sticking together once the merge came. I mean, that's the most logical and obvious choice. At this point individual immunity means a lot, so I think it'd be better to get rid of some of the bigger threats to have a better chance at winning.

Doc: Actually, me and my original tribe are planning on breaking apart after this vote. We didn’t really form an alliance, we just made a truce not to vote for one another until final five.

I’m fairly certain Tristan already has his sights on me or Deku.

Minish: Wouldn't it have been more beneficial for you all to get Tristan out now then, if he's potentially going to target you all next? You never know what will happen with the next immunity challenge. It could put you in a better place than now. And Tristan is a pretty big threat when it comes to immunity. I feel like we've all been thinking that at least.

Doc: I wanted to honor my deal with him. I promised him I wouldn’t vote him until final five and was set to do that.

Besides, Deku is more of a threat IMO. At least to me. He overhypes me during the tribals, despite the fact that I have really only made one big contribution in a comp. So I’m thinking he’s trying to paint me as a bigger threat than he is. He also played a larger role in each of the comps than Tristan.

Minish: If there happens to be a tie today, are you all sticking to your final 5 promise on the revote?

Doc: I can’t speak for Deku but I will. All I can give people is my word, and if they can't trust that, then I have nothing.

Although, I'd rather not even see it come to a tie, frankly. I'd really like to be get Bok out of the game, because he seems like a huge threat. From what I have gathered, he and Funnier are powerhouses that can dominate the challenges.

I also think it'll be near impossible to win against Bok in the final two. He plays too much strategy and is good at comps, I'm certain the jury would pick him over anyone else. That's half the reason I refused to agree to his deal about taking Tristan out. It was a big, memorable move.

Minish: Personally, out of your all's tribe I would rather keep you around than Deku and Tristan. Because I do feel like you're more trustworthy than they would be. It's unfortunate that you all made a final 5 deal, because we could've potentially guaranteed you final 4 (depending on how immunity played out that is).

Doc: I'm willing to work with you and Funnier to get rid of Deku and Tristan, the coming days, if that's something you're interested in. I know you're probably going to refuse, though. But I just want it to be known that that offer is on the table.

Minish: Yeah, I'm going to have to stick with my original tribe for now. We'll see how this vote goes, and then maybe me and you can talk again. You're someone I am interested in aligning with, it may just have to wait until after this vote.

Doc: Regardless how this vote plays out, my offer is still on the table. I hope yo do consider it, though.

I figured it was worth a shot trying to get you to change your mind.

Minish: I do admire you at least trying to get me on board. However, Bok is someone I can't betray at this moment.

I do have some offers of my own that I'm willing to discuss with you after this vote though. So depending on how it works out, if we're both still around then I'll definitely get back in touch with you.
Deku: Vote: karu

Deku: Vote: kokirion

Deku: I'm guessing the story is due here.

Wiping his hands on a rag, Jason looked up at the clock. 3pm. Right on time. The worksite was cleaned up, everything in the back of the truck.

Well, almost everything.

Tossing the rag into the back, he pulled the cover down over the open bed to make sure nothing flew out. Nice and secure.

His boss walked out of the building, nodding as he saw his apprentice's work. Jay had been apprenticing with him - an electrician - for about eight months now. A good gig once you get used to it, "See you tomorrow Jay."

"Later Gary"

The two men part, Gary driving the pickup and Jason an old Buick. Lucky for him, the worksite today was only fifteen minutes from his apartment. A short commute today. Flipping on the radio, he sails down the road to the tune of Mr. 305.

As he pulled into the home stretch of his drive, another sound broke his focus on the smooth, poppy tunes from the radio: the ringing of a phone. He'd never bothered changing the tone from the original, since anything else he chose would probably blend in to the music. As annoying as the sound was, at least it did its job.

Just about then he reached a stop sign, where he turned off the radio and checked the number. Unlisted, not a number he recognized. Not like it meant anything, with the company he kept.

"Jones on the line."

"Would that be Jason Jones?" the voice sounded vaguely familiar, but he couldn't place it.

"Yeah, that'd be me," he turns the corner.

"Haven't heard your voice in a long time, boy," the man on the other side of the phone laughed, "It's Howard Tucker, your dad's old partner."

So that's where he knew the voice from.

"Didn't expect to hear from you, Howard. How've you been?" Jason wasn't sure really where to go with this. He hadn't talked to Howard - or anyone from Avalon - since he left town after graduation. After his mom died and his dad just kind of... shut down, he hadn't wanted anything to do with the city. Some called it angst, some called it anger issues, some called it grief... he didn't care what they called it honestly. The point is, he'd tried to separate himself from that life.

But Howard hadn't done anything to him. Despite his connection to Jay's dad, Jay knew Howard well enough that this wasn't his dad trying to get into contact with him through a friend. Howard would've had a real reason for calling, and had acted as an uncle to Jay through his earlier years. If anyone deserved to be heard out, it was him.

"Things haven't been all that great around here lately," Howard responded, "Not like Avalon was ever a great city in the first place, mind you. But..."

There was something going on. Jay could tell by his voice.

"What is it?"

"Well, ah... I don't know how to tell you this, Jay, but your dad's been shot."

Two kids sprint out into the road after a soccer ball, causing Jay to slam on the brakes, skidding his car to a halt, "What?"

"I'm sorry, Jason. Your dad's dead."

Even after the kids were well out of his way, Jason didn't move. His hands held the wheel in a whiteknuckle grip. His mind was in a million places at once, running from memory to emotion to reality... he hadn't felt this way since the crash when he was 17.

He felt conflicted. He and his dad had barely talked in three years. The last time, it was because Jason was leaving. It was a hard time for him to remember, the emotions were running so rapidly. Jason had felt depressed... betrayed... forgotten.

They both had to grieve, but Jason didn't understand why they couldn't grieve together. But Edward Jones wasn't that kind of man. He couldn't open up to people. He'd always worked through his emotions through... work. And that's where he went, leaving his only son to deal with the loss of his mother alone.

And now Jason had to do it again. But now the only person he felt had betrayed anyone wa himself.

Deku: Vote: Bok

Deku: Just so you know, that wasn't actually meant for anyone in particular. Just a joke.

YIGA: Of course.

Deku: There was what looked like could've been considered in game drama yesterday (you know what I'm talking about), so just wanted to put it on the record.

YIGA: It was crazy. Very crazy. Several conversations going on at once

Deku: Yeah, I can imagine. Me and Doc, me Tristan and Minish, Tristan and Doc, Minish Tristan and Bok, and probably just Minish and Tristan together too. Helluva day.
Doc: Hey, Funnier!

We haven't really had any contact this game, but I want to discuss a few things with you.

I don't think it's a secret that I want to see Bok out of this game. I think he's a major threat in competitions and, given his move to ally with me and Deku, suspect he's a strong social player as well. For this reason, I think he is the best choice to eliminate him this tribal.

Given your answers at tribal, I suspect that he's someone you plan on eliminating before you make it to final two.

And to make my intentions clear, my target once Bok is gone is Tristan. So essentially, I'm offering a final three deal with you and Minish. I don't know if that's something you're interested in, but that offer is on the table.

Funnier: Not interested I’m afraid, back stabbing isn’t really my thing.

Doc: He was more than ready to backstab either you or me and Deku?

But I figured it was a longshot, anyways. I guess we'll see how things go.
Bok: Oh me, oh my, ooo wee, wanna make a final 2 deal there?

Minish: With you of all people? You're disgusting for even asking.

But yeah, sure. Sounds good to me.

Bok: We can probably push to get storm lynched today. Do you want to try and get maybe funnier or music on board with us in another chat?

Minish: Yeah, I think maybe we can try to get funnier on our side. Music is more of a wildcard I think.

Bok: Should we wait though? I think we can get storm out today no problem so the question is do we want to pull funnier in early?

Minish: Hm. Well there will probably be a swap soon, so we could maybe hold off on it for now at least. Though we could always pull him in and hope that he doesn't have any other alliances. So that he would be more willing to stick with us after the merge.

Bok: It would be best if we could get into the merge with numbers even after the tribe swap. I'm almost thinking if we have a majority in a certain tribe we should throw and then vote off the member of the other tribe so we can get into the merge stronger. I'm willing to break our tribe alliance when it benefits us but I'd like to go into the merge in control of the game.

Bok: Tho, music and funnier have to be on board with that to or else it won't work.So we'll see

Minish: Yeah, that's a good plan. Since the other tribe is probably planning on sticking together too, so I doubt whoever was in the minority on their tribe could wiggle their way into an alliance.

Minish: Ugh, you're still here?

I mean...oh boy! Final two deal is still going strong.

I was trying to get funnier to throw the next immunity before we found out that we merged. That way we could've just voted Deku out, and we'd have the numbers. But we still have the numbers anyways if the original tribe sticks together. So I guess it worked out fine.

Who do you think we should get out first? I'm thinking Tristan.

Minish: Do you want me to try and make a final 3 deal with Doc incase he wins the next immunity challenge. That way we can vote out funnier? It'll be tough to sell him on keeping you, but I might be able to do it.

Bok: I already voted Tristan and I don't really trust doc anyways. It's clear he wants me out. If he does win the next immunity we can always tie the vote between me and funnier and then I'd have to beat him in a challenge.

Minish: Oh yeah, I'm voting Tristan this time too. I was just thinking for the next immunity though. I figured it would look better proposing it now, instead of waiting til after the next challenge to see who wins. But if you just wanna battle it out against funnier if doc wins then that's fine.
Doc: So I'm thinking about the future of the game, and who could or should potentially be voted off in case we lose the next challenge. I'm still going to honor the final five deal we made, but I think that we should try to eliminate Bok from the game, should the opportunity present itself.

Based on what we've heard from the original Ragah Tribe, there is no doubt in my mind that he was one of the stronger members of their team. He's a smart dude who I'm certain is great at puzzles and is constantly active.

In no way am I suggesting we try to throw a comp or such, but I don't want to keep seeing weaker players voted out. We need to see some threats eliminated.

These are just my thoughts and I'm curious where your heads at.

Tristan: I agree with you. I'm not going to break the truce I proposed, and Bok will be very tough competition once we get into the individual challenges. Sometimes these games aren't about eliminating your weakest link. Bok is definitely someone I wouldn't want to have to face in the finals.

Doc: So, some things are happening that you need to know about.

Bok has approached me and Deku about voting you out this tribal. He has confirmed that he, Minish, and Funnier are in an alliance together and that tomorrow will most likely result in a tie. Bok's proposal was abandoning his original alliance, and entering into a final three deal with me and Deku.

We didn't trust his plan and told him he had to vote out Minish if he wanted to work with us. Bok refused, we essentially told him to **** off, and now we're working to expose him to Minish and Funnier. If they feel that he isn't loyal to their alliance and that we three don't have the strong of an alliance, me and Deku hope to convince them to vote Bok out.

That's mostly what has happened, but you need to be prepared if you and Bok tie.

Tristan: Thanks for the heads up.

In all honesty, I think it's personal. I fully expected Bok to vote me out because he hates me, so I'm not surprised he's trying to convince others to do the same. Make sure his "alliance" is aware of that fact as well.

I did not vote for him though, so that's already one more against me than him.

Doc: You already voted?

Tristan: I did. I've had my vote in mind for a good while now.

Tristan: Don't worry, you're safe.

Doc: I trust you not to vote me, I feel as though I've been open about honoring our agreement. And you have as well.

Doc: Okay, so now that Deku is gone, am I your target? Or is it Bok or Funnier?

Also, follow up question, did you and the Ragah alliance work together to get Deku out?

Tristan: No, I'm not in cahoots with anybody. Deku wasn't my first choice though, I was one of the one's YIGA mentioned about having changed votes.

I'm going to be honest, you were my original vote. I was worried I wouldn't be able to change it, but luckily YIGA gave me the chance to. But don't worry, you are not my next target, and nor is Bok. If I lose the next challenge, I'm going to vote out Minish.

Doc: Do you mind me asking why you changed it from me to Deku? You don't need to answer that if you don't want to. I've suspected that I've been on your radar and assumed that you would go for me after the truce was up.

My first question was genuine curiosity. I wasn't asking because I was suddenly distrustful of you for voting out Deku, and, assuming that the vote went differently and Bok went home, would have asked the same question.

I'm also curious as to why Minish over anyone else? Minish hasn't been as active as everyone else and is, IMO, one of the smaller threats.

Tristan: I'm weird. I don't like it to be too easy. I saw Deku as less of a threat than you, which was why I switched my vote. I'm not playing to win so much as I am to have a good time, and eliminating the threats makes it too easy and therefore less fun. I was gonna go for Minish last night but decided not to because I didn't think anybody else would vote for her.

I suppose that's basically my answer to all your questions lol.

Doc: Yeah, it answers everything and certainly makes sense. That's an interesting approach, but I guess everyone has their preferences

Tristan: Like I said, I'm weird!

It's the same reason I often keep stronger players alive in mafia games (when I'm mafia). Being able to get around the stronger players makes it more challenging, and therefore more rewarding when it's ultimately finished.

Doc: Once again, I'm just gonna ask who you're voting for this tribal.

At this point, I am certain that you're OG Ragah's target, simply because you're the only option that isn't in their alliance. I would like to avoid that happening, because, frankly, that leaves me against an alliance on my own. I can't rely on winning immunity every challenge.

I would really like to see either Bok or Funnier head out, because their alliance needs to be broken up. I know you're probably planning on voting for Minish, but I'd rather see one of the stronger players go. And if me or you are going to have any chance of making it to final two, we have to target one of them. Besides, I think it'd be easier and probable to convince them to go after a bigger threat.

Tristan: Ya, I think it would be fruitless to vote separately at this point.

But with that being said, I don't think there's any point trying to vote out somebody in the alliance now. They're almost certainly going to vote me out, because if one person betrays the alliance, they're as good as dead if they lose the next challenge. So I encourage you to vote for me. If you're in the final 2, you'll have my vote

Tristan: I I'd definitely be down to try voting out one of them, but I can almost guarantee I'm gonna have three votes on me anyway. At least if you help vote me out they might be willing to work with you.

Doc: Yeah, I spoke to Minish yesterday and seemed only interested in working with me if Bok went home. And funnier shut me down. I already voted for Bok because, at this point, it makes no difference.

I’m gonna have to get immunity in order to make it. Maybe then I’d be able to strike a deal.

Tristan: Ya funnier shut me down too, no surprise there lol.

If you already voted for Bok, then I'll place my vote on him too, just on the off chance that someone forgets to vote or betrays the alliance. But good luck if I'm out, because I'm 99% sure this is my last night!
Bok: So Doc, who are you voting for tonight?

Doc: Not sure if it really matters. Maybe Funnier.

Bok: Well lets be frank, you had the hard road to walk here while all I had to do was stick with my alliance. If you lost this tribal council you would be screwed for sure (though maybe the same goes for me so who knows). So what if I want to make the game more interesting and keep you around today? I think the two of us have played the best games so far and I don't want winning to just be super easy from this point (though funnier could still win the last tribal). So will you take me to the final two if you make it past today? I can tie the vote and you would have to win a challenge to survive but at that seems like your best option at this point. And if you do betray me, I'll speak out against you and say you broke your promise and that you don't deserve to be in the finals without me. Everyone will obviously believe me also since it's pretty obvious that you're going home otherwise. So, should we go to the final two together and actually make a contest out of this? Otherwise it just seems too easy from this point on.

Doc: Obviously this is a deal I’m interested in, because otherwise I don’t stand a chance. If you help, you’d have my word that I’d take you to final two. I have never betrayed anyone in this game so I hope you can trust me.

And are you suggesting we target Funnier or Minish for the tribal?

Also, I assume I have no guarantee of Final Two if you win. I just want to fully understand the terms of this agreement.

Bok: I say vote Minish. You funnier and I all have good cases to win and would make for the most interesting final 3. Minish has been pretty quiet this game and has been asleep for most of the challenges. If she does beat you in the 1v1 challenge then at least she earns her spot in the final 3.

As for the final two, I don't want to promise anything but I think I'll take you. Both you and funnier have won a tribal already so I think the playing field is pretty even there. I just figure that this gives everyone a chance to win.

Doc: Tristan had a similar mindset (press F to pay respects). He wanted to target less threatening players, and said that's why he didn't vote me when Deku was ousted.

I'm willing to vote Minish, even though I see them as best player to have next to you. But that's for an easier win because, as you said, she's been unavailable for comps typically.

But you want things to be interesting so...
Bok: Music dropping out was quite unfortunate as it lost us numbers. If the 3 of us still stick together we can all vote Tristan today and at least stalemate any vote against us. Assuming we can get one of them out we should be able to make the final 3 together. What do you guys think.

Funnier: Sounds good to me, I can see where this is going.

Funnier: So, it seems to me the worst case scenario is reaching a tie with Minish, since this will result in a one on one challenge potentially with Mez that may occur at a time she is unable to participate, so with this I see we have two options. We can either persuade one of the other three to vote each other or one of us attempts to persuade them to vote for me and bok, thus giving us a better of winning the challenge. For example, Bok could contact Mez and tell him he’s planning on voting me out and ask Mez to vote me with him which could result in me being tied against him.

Any thoughts?

Bok: If there's going to be a one on one challenge do we want it to be with Tristan or should we vote for doc or deku instead and then try to get tristan out later? I can see all three of them being threats if they're all on, Tristan just seems to be the most active. Remember though, you can't be voted for today. I'd be best if you contacted them and said you wanted to vote me out.

Funnier: Only I totally forgot I’m vote immune so I suppose me or Minish will have to do it.

Bok: Assuming that's what we're going for.

Bok: I think it'd be more believable if you did it. Might want to wait for imput from Minish and see what she thinks though.

Funnier: That’s very true, I think Deku would likely lose easier than the other two if we want to do that instead.

What worries me is they might see through it, but I guess it can’t really go wrong.

You don’t think there’s any chance we might divide them and avoid a tie?

Bok: We might be able to get Doc of Deku to vote Tristan, I'm just not sure how we should go about it.

Bok: I've reached out to both Doc and Deku about getting Tristan out, I'll see what they have to say.

Funnier: Oo, I do wonder about that though, won’t it look a bit convenient if that fails and then I show up wanting you out? Unless I ask Mez of course but what are the odds he’d believe me?

Minish: Okay, so it looks like Bok may be the one in trouble here. Deku messaged me about Bok contacting them to vote Tristan out, and said that they don't really trust Bok. I think he was trying to get me to think that he's betraying us to work with them so that maybe I would vote for him? Not sure.

I think we could maybe get Doc on board with us to vote Tristan out. I could tell Doc that it seems like he is on the bottom of their alliance, so we'd be willing to vote Tristan and Deku out and take him to the final 4 with us. That way it's more of anyone's game depending on who wins immunity.

Our only other option I think, would be to not vote Tristan out this time. Tell him that he's on the bottom and close to being voted out by his other tribe since he's a threat and get him to vote Doc or Deku with us.

From Deku's message it seems as though he and Doc may have an alliance, because he said that Doc told him he wanted Deku to tell me that their tribes deal was that they all make it to the final 5.

Bok: Doc and Deku arn't voting Tristan out and Tristan isn't going to vote one of them in the event that we betray him and vote him out instead. They'll be voting me or you Minish and we'll be voting Doc or Deku and it'll come down to a challenge. If you want, tell them that I'm a threat and you're voting for me so that I'm the one in the challenge. Either way, I messaged Yiga and suggested that the challenge be at a time agreed upon by the two contestants in the event that they vote you to try to take advantage of their inactivity. So, who do you want to vote? Deku or Doc?

Minish: Doc did message me separately and asked my thoughts about the upcoming tribal. I haven't responded to him yet because I was seeing what the plan was first. I think Deku may be the best to vote then though. I feel like Doc could be good at challenges as well, and I'd rather have a Doc/Tristan pair than a Deku/Tristan pair.

Bok: Alright, lets vote Deku then if there's nothing else.

Minish: I feel like they may be voting you though. So it's really a matter of who you'd rather go against in a head to head.

Bok: I don't really care, if I don't beat them now, we'll have to beat them later in other challenges. Also there's no guarantee they'll vote for me. Lets just vote Deku.

Minish: Okay, stop yelling.

I'll vote Deku.


Funnier: Ermahgosh I have two messages from Deku and Mez and they look scareh. Details coming in a moment.

Minish: Tristan is the only one that didn't message me. Wonder if that means anything or not. Lol.

Funnier: Oh the deku one was sent to Minish as well, Mez wanted to make a deal and told me he has voted and it isn’t on Bok and he also wants me to know that Bok is going to betray me yada yada And would I like to let him live another day. I suck at lying so I went for the straightforward answer if I don’t care and I wasn’t going to vote you anyway. It appears he must have voted Minish he didn’t vote Bok.

Minish: Well I guess it does seem like they're voting me. I figured with how they're calling Bok a traitor that they were going to vote him and try to get us on board with it.

Funnier: Guess I’d better vote for Deku too.

Minish: I haven't voted yet, but it looks like it is going to come down to me vs Deku. Hopefully Yiga allows the challenge to be at an agreed upon time.

Minish: Doc told me that they're original tribe is splitting apart after this vote, as they only agreed to stick together until the final 5. He said that he's pretty sure Tristan already has his sight set on him or Deku.

Minish: Also, Doc sees Deku as his biggest threat moreso than Tristan apparently. So voting Deku might have been a good choice. There's a revote before the challenge face off, so if Doc or Tristan flipped than we'd be okay.

Minish: Okay, if Tristan voted me then we might not have a tie. Doc said he wants Bok out and that's why he didn't agree with his plan for them to vote Tristan out. So if he and Deku are voting Bok and Tristan voted me, then we're all good.

Funnier: Woot, though tbh I wouldn’t be surprised if Doc only wanted you to think that.

Minish: I think he's possibly trying to get me on board with voting Bok out. I asked him if there were a tie vote if they were still sticking to their final 5 promise. And he said he would, but that he'd rather it not come down to a tie because he really wants Bok out. I'm not sure if he's voted yet, but I'm not giving him any indication that Tristan may have voted a different way than that incase they decide to change their mind and vote me because of it.

Funnier: WE DID IT, CRISIS AVOIDED. Well we might’ve gotten a bit lucky, but it looks like making bok seem like a traitor was exactly what we needed to do.

Bok: I'm so confused.

Funnier: It looks like Mez was the fourth vote on Deku as he told me was not going to vote you.

Bok: No idea why he would do that though.

Bok: So what promises did you make mez then? Seems weird that he would vote off someone from his alliance without any kind of insurance.

Funnier: I didn’t promise him anything, I said earlier all I told him was he was making a big deal over nothing and I wasn’t going to vote him anyway. He said he had already voted as well, so I don’t think it was because of me.

The best I can figure is that he wanted to get rid of the smaller challengers which would be Deku or Minish most likely and since he knew his side was going to vote for you and thinking our side was going to vote for him he voted who he most thought we would vote for who is not him or bok.

Bok: Just seems strange to me that he didn't stick with his alliance.

Bok: I mean, we could have technically voted him out today instead of Deku.

Funnier: That’s probably why he wanted not to, he probably voted Deku for self preservation.

It seems clear they weren’t a very tight group and had not prepared for us sticking together (especially after you made them think you were betraying us)

I suppose your point is now that we have the majority you’re afraid I’ve struck some kind of deal and think I plan on allying with Mez to get rid of you? Cause honestly even if I wanted to do that I wouldn’t cause I doubt Mez would go for it and because you and Minish can always detect when I’m lying some how.

Bok: You have to admit, it is possible and it should be easy to rope doc in since you took down the person he had a deal with. Do I believe it? Not necessarily, but I'm considering all options here. Either way, I'd still like to stick together to the final 3 and win this immunity.

Bok: Tho if you were betraying me it would have made more sense to just vote me out today so I think I believe you for now.

Minish: Yeah, I'm not sure what Mez was doing with that vote. But oh well, it worked out great for us.

Bok: Well Doc's score just jumped up on the leaderboards and it's more than the one i just posted. Idk if I can beat it but if it holds up we should be able to take out Tristan.

Funnier: Shall we vote Mez off?

Bok: Ya I was just about to suggest that.

Bok: Tristan must realize he's in danger. Has he reached out to any of you guys yet?

Funnier: Not yet.

Funnier: Though Doc has asked me if I’d like to betray you, and has probably asked Minish as well.

Minish: Tristan hasn't talked to me at all this game. Doc was trying to get me to vote with him last time and I was trying to get him to vote with us. But neither of us would budge.

But yeah, definitely voting Tristan out.

Funnier: Kay, really obvious but one of us has to win the next challenge.

Minish: Unless it's another one that's not time sensitive like the last two, I won't be around for it.

So good luck to you guys.

Funnier: Time to vote Doc.

Funnier: Why did you vote for Minish?

Anyway I am sure we are agreed that picking a number between 1 and 10 is not the way we’d like this to end so.
Funnier: You vote Minish I’ll vote Doc and we’ll take our chances with numbers?

I don’t care if you want me to vote Doc or Minish out so no need to lie.

Bok: Uuuhhh I just flipped a coin and voted but forgot who I wrote down. You'll just have to make a judgement call man.

Funnier: You’re crazy. If you sent it to Yiga you could just check you know, but have it your way.
Funnier: Are you aware you have kokirion listed as being in both tribes as well as twice as a contestant?

YIGA: No I am not. Let me see this... Thank you for telling me

Funnier: Also, it seems we need a new tribe chat as I don’t see how we can use this one since apparently that’s where we’re supposed to submit answers and kokirion is apparently still a part of it. What do you think?

Funnier: Nevermind I think it’s too late for that anyways.

Funnier: I’m voting stormo, btw if you receive all the votes will you end the tribal early?

YIGA: Yes. The results will be posted and the new day phase will begin.

Funnier: Voting for kokirion.

Funnier: Hey Yiga, your last threadmark says day 3 but the post says day 4.

YIGA: Oops. I'll fix that. It's day 3

Funnire: I think you should clarify that this story must be written within the time frame and not just a copy pasted story they’ve already written hm?

YIGA: Good idea.

Funnier: I shall be voting Deku.

Funnier: So, problem. My laptop is currently broke so I’ve been using my phone and the arcade doesn’t work on mobile so I suppose I’m stuck?

YIGA: I'm afraid I cannot answer at the moment. We'll work something out when I am back

YIGA: Yeah, I'm afraid you can't exactly do this one...

Is it alright if you sit this specific challenge out?

Funnier: Well I don’t really have much choice, it’s too bad though it would’ve been fun.

YIGA: TBH I think Doc's score is pretty much unbeatable at this point. It's ok, the next challenge will allow you to do it on your phone

Funnier: Voting for Mez.

Funnier: Voting for Doc

Funnier: I’m voting Minish cause the coin told me to.
Bok: Your number is 10.
Bok: Your number is 5
Bok: I'm voting storm.

YIGA: Noted

Bok: I’m voting Deku

Bok: Voting Tristan

Bok: Vote Minish

YIGA: Ooh Interesting strat

Bok: Vote Minish

YIGA: It's funny how somehow they each have guessed almost every option but the correct one
Tristan: As much as it pains me, my vote goes to Kokirion. He's my bud, but I'm concerned his schedule may not really work in our favour going forwqrd, seeing as the last challenge phase happened while he was in bed. Karu, while her answers were all wrong, was at least around and trying to be helpful.

Tristan: I would like to vote out Doc.

Tristan: Hmm, actually is it possible to change votes before the end of the night? I don't see anything about it in the rules.

YIGA: Unfortunately, you are not allowed to swap your vote. In the very first tribal I had to clarify that to a player. I'll be sure to specify that in the rules

YIGA: You know... Since I didn't say anything, I'll let you change it once.

Tristan: Eh, I shouldn't have been so hasty with my vote anyway. But if it's alright, I'd like to instead vote out DekuNut.

YIGA: You may. Now you know, so don't do it anymore.

Tristan: Bok please.

YIGA: Reminder that as a jury member you should probably stay up to date with what is going on at tribal. No conversations, but stay informed

Tristan: I don't have anymore questions and I don't think anything else will change my mind, so I'm voting for Bok. He definitely deserves to win, his plays this game were brilliant.
Doc: This vote is meant to be private, right?

Anyways, I vote Kokirion.

YIGA: Noted

Doc: Is it possible to change votes? I voted prematurely because I didn't think I'd have time to be online.

YIGA: Yes, you will be an exception. Next time vote at tribal. No more vote changes though

Doc: Oh, I got really confused. I thought we had already entered the Tribal Council Phase. Next time I should read better

YIGA: It is now tribal phase. I should have made that a bit clearer. It's alright. Would you like to keep your vote?

Doc: Can I just make it null and we forget I made the vote? I need time to think and discuss before the end of tribal phase. I will have a vote in.

YIGA: Sure.

Doc: Gonna have to vote Karu.

Doc: My vote for today’s tribal goes to Bok.

Also, damn you for stressing me out. This game is gonna give me a heart attack.


Doc: I'm assuming most of the other votes are in.

I guess I'm gonna vote Bok because why the hell not.

Doc: I’m gonna place my vote on Minish.

Doc: I am voting for Bok as the winner.
Minish: Vote: Stormagedon

Minish: Vote: kokirion

Minish: Vote: DekuNut

Minish: Vote: Tristan

Minish: Vote: Doc

YIGA: As a member of the jury, your duty is to stay informed of what goes on at each tribal, and are to ask questions to either or both of the 2 finalists after they state their cases. You will then vote for the winner after it is all over. Don't worry about the voting or the questions now, but remember to keep an eye on each tribal

Minish: Vote: Bok

There you have it. All that went on in Season 1 of Survivor. It was a great experience for me, as it's my first time ever running a Survivor game, but an online mafia game also. I hope you all had a great time and will join me next time.

Tune into Survivor: Ghost Island on my birthday, February 28, 2018 as new contestants battle for 1 million Dollars! (This is the real show, not another forum version)


Jun 7, 2017
the present
Ooo that was even more interesting than I thought it’d be, yeah, it’s going to be hard ball next time, I can’t have all these secret convos without me in them. D:

Btw Mez, I hardly shut you down, I told you your terms were already met and thus we had no deal.


Sole Survivor
Apr 10, 2017
I expected a lot more lying. If I were playing I would have stirred up trouble about some secret alliance or something so people would get mad and break alliances.


Sole Survivor
Apr 10, 2017
Well, for a first exposure to Survivor for a lot of us, I'd expect not many broken alliances, huge game breaking plans, ect

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
Dec 2, 2012
My vote for Deku was partially an attempt to make the other alliance trust me, but it didn't work. It was also an attempt to keep things interesting, but I also thought Doc would be more cooperative and thus better to keep alive. I actually wasn't expecting Deku to get out that night, I was expecting more people to vote for Doc or me. In hindsight, probably not a great plan, but voting for Bok would've resulted in a tie and there was little reason to vote for funnier or Minish as an alternative. I was never actually intending to keep the truce I proposed, I just wanted to have at least two players in the game who could trust me for as long as possible so I could eventually snipe them when they weren't expecting it.

Ya... not a great plan. But in my defense, I've never watched Survivor and this whole thing was new to me, so I'm not yet familiar with the strategies and such. This game gives me a pretty good idea of what to expect for next time.

And ya, I agree with others in that the challenges could use some work. But overall, the game was very well structured and was surprisingly fun to play, so thanks YIGAhim for giving us something different! You did a good job hosting, with consistent updates and being around when we had questions, and being strict about the rules. In regards to the challenges, I would try to keep them interesting. They started off really good, with the letter code and stuff, but writing a story and writing a Zelda walkthrough seemed a tad... unconventional, and rather random. But ya, overall, it was an enjoyable experience and I would definitely be down to do this again in the future!

Deleted member 14134

Gg everyone it was fun. I hope the activity is higher next time, we get more players and less people drop out. Otherwise it was really good.

1. 9. I wasn't sure how it'd turn out but it seemed like a pretty cool idea

2. 7 or 8 I guess. It went well but there were a few kinks that i think need to get worked out to make it perfect. Pretty good for a first ever run though.

3. As other people said, I think the challenges got weaker as the game went on. I would suggest making all the challenges in advance and having a few tiebreaker challenges ready in the event that one occurs. If you don't use them all then you can always save them for the next season. Also I would state in the rules the rough time when all challenges are going to occur and give us ample notice (in the day period I suppose) for when the next one will occur. I think it's fairer that way as everyone will know when the challenges will happen instead of just having to keep an eye on the forum and hope you're around when the challenge pops up. Also I'd like more challenges like the asteroids one that are not as time sensitive as it gives everyone a chance at winning and makes the game more competitive. I get that that'll be hard to do for every challenge and accommodating everyone will be practically impossible but that's my thoughts on the matter. Oh and for the final three challenge or even the individual challenges I would say have everyone agree on a time for them to start so that everyone can be present for them.

4. Give it a break I say but maybe around once a year or once every 6 months to keep the idea fresh

5. If so I wouldn't call the game survivor "mafia" this time as people who don't play mafia might be turned off by that thinking it's like regular mafia when actually it's quite different. I'd like to see it as an event separate from mafia though.

6. Besides the rule change for the tiebreaker at the end which I already stated my concerns with I think you did fine.

7. I'll post more if I think of anything else.

Deleted member 14134

My vote for Deku was partially an attempt to make the other alliance trust me, but it didn't work. It was also an attempt to keep things interesting, but I also thought Doc would be more cooperative and thus better to keep alive. I actually wasn't expecting Deku to get out that night, I was expecting more people to vote for Doc or me. In hindsight, probably not a great plan, but voting for Bok would've resulted in a tie and there was little reason to vote for funnier or Minish as an alternative. I was never actually intending to keep the truce I proposed, I just wanted to have at least two players in the game who could trust me for as long as possible so I could eventually snipe them when they weren't expecting it.

Ya... not a great plan. But in my defense, I've never watched Survivor and this whole thing was new to me, so I'm not yet familiar with the strategies and such. This game gives me a pretty good idea of what to expect for next time.

And ya, I agree with others in that the challenges could use some work. But overall, the game was very well structured and was surprisingly fun to play, so thanks YIGAhim for giving us something different! You did a good job hosting, with consistent updates and being around when we had questions, and being strict about the rules. In regards to the challenges, I would try to keep them interesting. They started off really good, with the letter code and stuff, but writing a story and writing a Zelda walkthrough seemed a tad... unconventional, and rather random. But ya, overall, it was an enjoyable experience and I would definitely be down to do this again in the future!
Ya I figured you guys would stick together and pick either minish of I to compete in a challenge with one of you guys. The rock draw rule would have been a good idea in this case though as it would make people more willing to break alliances and vote someone else so that they didn't put themselves in danger.


Sole Survivor
Apr 10, 2017
Yeah, dropping the mafia name would be good.

I'd just like to know a couple less important things from everyone:

1- Have you seen Survivor before this?

2- If you haven't, or have stopped watching, will you start (Again for some)?


Jun 7, 2017
the present
Yeah, dropping the mafia name would be good.

I'd just like to know a couple less important things from everyone:

1- Have you seen Survivor before this?

2- If you haven't, or have stopped watching, will you start (Again for some)?
Kinda sorta a really long time ago.

Maybe if I knew what channel it comes on on.


BoDoc Horseman
Nov 24, 2012
1- No, I (as I think I’ve said before) much rather prefer Big Brother. They’re super similar, but Big Brother is a bit more interesting IMO, and I like that an individual can mostly decide who goes home.

2- Probably not. Jeff Probst is alright, but he doesn’t even compare to my queen, Julie Chen.


BoDoc Horseman
Nov 24, 2012
Also, Bok, up until the end I was certain that your deal was to betray us all along. Mostly because no one in your alliance was at all fazed when we told them.

Either way, I partially denied your deal because I didn’t want that to add to your resume at the end :D.
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