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Super Smash Mafia 2: Originals vs Clones - Game Thread

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Srishti is annie is eduarda right?
May 28, 2010
Ontario, Canada.
But there could have been, and you just made me realize that there is no point in holding onto my vote when the day ends soon. I don't know Cthulhu's damage, but assuming Frozen dealt the same amount he did yesterday, I figured a third attack may be needed. Also, I have no clue when Jaime will be on again, so there's no saying I'll be able to get an attack in before the day's end. So Id rather use my attack to guarantee Sadia's KO than waste it entirely.
Smart response

(Still want you lynched tomorrow though :ananger:)


Braava Braava
Feb 18, 2010
Soul Sanctum
K a thought just occured to me, i mean there's a novelty in and of itself. But just going over mine and Eduarda's interactions anyone else getting a funny whiff of experienced player using new idiot player to do the dirty work while they get off scot free?


Srishti is annie is eduarda right?
May 28, 2010
Ontario, Canada.
K a thought just occured to me, i mean there's a novelty in and of itself. But just going over mine and Eduarda's interactions anyone else getting a funny whiff of experienced player using new idiot player to do the dirty work while they get off scot free?
Cthu, me saying that Doc's attack was useless doesn't apply to you. At the time of Doc's atack, Sadia could have already been dead. At the point of your attack, Sadia was definitely not dead.

But if you think I'm using you, I don't mind you not listening to me. I can be wrong myself and it's better to have other opinions.
Jul 1, 2011
Tournament Of Power Arena

how much time is left in the day? I want to make a post about my opinions on...all of this, but I'm not sure I'll be able to make one before i fall asleep
Jul 1, 2011
Tournament Of Power Arena
I guess at this point it really just comes down to who flips as what. Sadia flips town, then Cthulhu's public enemy number one, it seems, and if he flips town(as well as Johnny) then that puts JC under the spotlight. Seems like a lot of process of elimination, and it's kind of confusing to keep track of who accuses who at this point, so sorry if I mixed any of that up. I do feel that a few lynches are definitely good, because this helps our evidence game evolve. Pointed fingers will mean more after this.

I will say that, if Sadia does die, and if she's town, I'll definitely target Cthulhu this night. It's hardly the most foolproof "prove my role" plan, but it's better than nothing, i guess.

If she doesnt die or if shes mafia I'll probably do something off-the-cuff and stupid and ruin mafia for everyone forever
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