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Super Smash Mafia 2: Originals vs Clones - Game Thread

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Feb 17, 2015
Wait what. You think Cthu is being honest but you're fine with his knock out tomorrow.
Not to mention there's literally no reason to knock him out if Sadia flips scum. Sure two Mafia could have gone for me with different abilities. But there's so many other possibilities the other attack on Cthu was made (assuming Sadia's scum of course)

Sorry, I meant if Sadia were to flip town, then Cthulhu should be next. Process of elimination. Even if I think Chu genuine, I could be wrong.

Pretttttty sure frocho and cthu are scumbuds

Do you want to eat a hat as well? :P


Jul 1, 2012
I've been far too passive this game and this needs to be done otherwise it will be lingering in the game for too long. Everything about last night doesn't add up with the Day explanations. 5 people took damage. However, we can only justify so many. We need answers and the only way now is through process of elimination. I'm certain that at least one scum is among 4 of these players and we need to get rid of him/her/them.

Johnny's actions just don't add up to me. I think his claim was far too convenient and I don't like the way he kind of backed off Eduarda after she attacked him. It felt as if he was scared almost and I still think he's playing a bit too passive. Though, like I said a few posts ago, Mafia will likely try and get on Eduarda's good side, but if the opportunity arises, they'll quickly throw her under the bus. Now Johnny agreed with me about Eduarda and both have had friction early on in the game yet ye quickly passes the question back on to me as if he's asking me to take the lead on accusing Eduarda. He then, more suspiciously, asks LG. Why? Looking back though, LG was one of the few players to actually debate and disagree with Eduarda. So Johnny conveniently asks someone who has, perhaps, had the most disagreements with Eduarda in the entire game. Almost as if he's hesitant to really take any action and instead he passing it on to someone else instead.

I could be completely wrong here, but this is something we need to resolve and I'm not going to wait for others to take action. As far as I can see, this kill makes sense. Someone is lying, so even if Johnny turns up Town, we narrow things down and come closer to the truth. However, out of the four, something just seems off about Johnny.

Attack: Johnny


Srishti is annie is eduarda right?
May 28, 2010
Ontario, Canada.
Wait wait wait what

No. I thought you were just testing him (and I sucked at following along). Roleblocker is one of the most safest claims on ZD Mafia. There's bond to be two. There's been no counter claim. JC. What.


Braava Braava
Feb 18, 2010
Soul Sanctum
Quote bomb incoming.

Ok so you get angry because people '**** post', but when in actual fact it's because people don't understand you? What does this have to do with anything?

Why is Mafia about leaving a rude response? There's a difference between being aggressive and being rude; one is a playstyle, the other isn't. And my own paranoia do the work? Do what work?

Because I think you could be playing dumb. I've seen people do this before. If I recall Fig done this quire a lot when he used to play. So you think I'm scummy be a my responses are disconnected and don't really work? Can you give examples rather than just making baseless claims. That way we can debate about this, which I would like.

Yes I'm lying.

What a pointless question. I'm accusing you of playing dumb and you respond by deflecting the attention on to the accuser. I'm not sure whether you're post was an emotional response or whether you're actually suspicious of me because you mentioned "you were going to make a rude response".. Never play with emotions because it will lead you down the wrong path and it's, quite frankly, wreckless. Not sure if you're cracking under the pressure or whether this is just because you're new to Mafia, but I'm not giving you a free pass.

New to mafia, and to be honest half the time unsure and getting rather paranoid.

So @Sadia @Cthulhu any of you guys target Eduarda last night? If we can explain Johnny's damage via redirect that means both of your guys damage is unaccounted for. What other role would deal that amount of damage? Something is up and you guys need to be truthful now.

Again new to the game so i'm not gonna attack randoms am I, last i checked townie's can't attack at night unless they are the vigilante.

I'm actually not fully for it. I'm testing him. I've never played with him before, I'm trying to gauge whether he's playing based on emotional response or tactical. He said he didn't know what QT meant, so I'm testing if he's playing naive. And so far I'm leaning towards that he's truthful, but he's still not getting a free pass. Plus his damage is not accounted for.

3 games i've played, one where i bailed early, combination of life and me being a dumbass contributed, on where i played as replacement right at the end (go fish) and this. i don't expect a free pass either. Eduarda has also explained what the QT is and what it means in relation to Mafia as i drew a parallel to another mafia game that used QT (Ironically that's what drew to target me"


While I find no clear problem with her posts, Sadia seems like the best way to go. I know this point has been beaten to death but the way I see it is either Sadia or Cthulhu is scum. Mafia had no reason to not attack. There had to be an attack. We already know what happened to our roleblocker so Mafia had to attack. The only two who could supposedly be attacked by Mafia are Eduarda and Johnny. In theory, the only two who could have attacked Eduarda are Sadia and Cthulhu.

In regards to Chu, he should be next unless something big comes up. There is a possibility he is actually pretending to be this way, but I still believe he is genuine.

Hope that made sense.

If Sadia is town and i made an honest mistake i'll freely take damage for a balls up move. All it's doing is just damaging town at that point.

Wait what. You think Cthu is being honest but you're fine with his knock out tomorrow.
Not to mention there's literally no reason to knock him out if Sadia flips scum. Sure two Mafia could have gone for me with different abilities. But there's so many other possibilities the other attack on Cthu was made (assuming Sadia's scum of course)

I can't account for the damage done to because quite frankly how the hell am i meant to know? As Eduarda above says too many variables.

Pretttttty sure frocho and cthu are scumbuds

Why do you think this? Aside from me launching an attack at you.

This is all I found from him during the ALIT situation but I skimmed so I may not have looked hard enough:

(both posted in the same post btw)

honestly the second post is unintelligible
seriously what is that
i had to read it like three times to find where he said he believed him

anyway i found this post because i thought he never said that but i guess he did so i guess i can't refute your point lmao

In response to the ALIT thing the only reason i believed him was because as you can see early game i was all over the place and being overly trusting.

in response to posts being unintelligible, that's just in general me tripping over my words and just typing in any such crap without thinking.

Can any of you provide honest proof that i've either attacked someone and given them damage bar Sadia or something that can condemn me? The only reason i'm attacking Sadia is a hunch that could be wrong and on the advice of as someone pointed out a trigger happy person.

As i've also said if it turns out Sadia is Town i'll happy take all damage owed.


Slammin' Salmon
Feb 25, 2013
@LittleGumball what do you think of Johnny's interaction with you
Haven't thought much of it at the moment but I suppose it's too late now lol. Not much use in it now but may as well state an opinion anyway, even if it isn't much of one. I haven't been watching him closely but I was inclined to believe him for the sole reason that if he blocked you he would likely be the town blocker considering no one else has spoken up yet.

He was definitely not my first choice for an attack though....


Braava Braava
Feb 18, 2010
Soul Sanctum
This is all I found from him during the ALIT situation but I skimmed so I may not have looked hard enough:

(both posted in the same post btw)

honestly the second post is unintelligible
seriously what is that
i had to read it like three times to find where he said he believed him

anyway i found this post because i thought he never said that but i guess he did so i guess i can't refute your point lmao

And yes i don't know what the flying balls of almighty Satan is up with those posts to be honest i was all over the wall there.


Jul 1, 2012
Oh right so maybe we weren't on the same wave length then haha.

Still I'm sticking by my guns. I wanted to sucker someone in to try and lynch you. If I'm wrong then whatever, but I'm sick of all these lies. I think I've actually figured out now that if we're too passive then nights like last night will happen where we'll just be mislead and take a beating during the night. So Regal prove your a Vig and attack Cthulhu. Everything will be accounted for then.


Srishti is annie is eduarda right?
May 28, 2010
Ontario, Canada.
JC. What's confusing. Vig targeted Johnny. Johnny targeted me. Mafia RB targeted Johnny. So the only actions which went through is Bryant vigging Johnny. Which makes total sense. Everything fits in.

Make Johnny a Mafia RB and things go blastoff. Nothing fits in. Then if he roleblocked me and there was no other roleblocker to block him how did he not get damage from me. If he isn't an rb at all and just Mafia then why didn't he take damage from me again. Mafia RB would most likely not block Bryant.


Srishti is annie is eduarda right?
May 28, 2010
Ontario, Canada.
AAHHH OH NO where does this make sense ;-;

No Vig's going to get RBed. Not a good method. And why Cthu. Why not Sadia. Why not Toxic.


Slammin' Salmon
Feb 25, 2013
[there was a quote fail in here potato]

Can any of you provide honest proof that i've either attacked someone and given them damage bar Sadia or something that can condemn me? The only reason i'm attacking Sadia is a hunch that could be wrong and on the advice of as someone pointed out a trigger happy person.
Of course we can't prove that you attacked anyone. Nothing can be absolutely proven until death or mod confirmation. However you were asked whether or not you targeted her and tbh I don't remember you ever answering that question

So you too are following Eduarda even though you think she's trigger-happy?

yoooooo jc why should Bryant attack cthulhu? Just because you're suspicious of him? Frankly I think maybe Bryant should make her own decision.
Why attack Cthulhu instead of, say, someone who has been inactive literally the whole game? Raj or Pendio? (or heroine but iirc i thought she was town but I can't properly remember why) As Eduarda pointed out, why not Toxic?


Braava Braava
Feb 18, 2010
Soul Sanctum
Likely due to JC not having a good enough reason to target the others but because he doesn't want to be overly wrong he will ask someone else to do it so that if it does turn out i'm mafia even though i'm not JC can claim he was right, even though his actions doing this reek of a mafia wanting to pin someone else for a death.
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