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Super Smash Mafia 2: Originals vs Clones - Game Thread

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Still Fandom Trash
Jul 7, 2015
Furthest Ring
This seems a little too nonchalant about the entire thing. For somebody that was protecting ALIT thinking he was townie you sure seemed ok after realizing he was mafia. Might be reading a little bit too much into this, and to be fair I defended him too, but I admit my mistakes as well and we have to start from somewhere
I agree with Sad. That pretty much confirms Eduarda. She had no need to gain town cred before that, and of all roles to give up for that a Role Cop would not be at the top of my list. While I feel like the original basis for the lunch (the slip-up) was far from enough for me, I can't ignore the result of his death.
I'm working on my ISOs still, but I'm going back and forth between like 3 things today so it's slow going. I will say, however, that I'm thinking Toxic may deserve another look. I'll go into more detail with my ISO of him (which will come out tonight)
Awesome! I was pretty sure ALIT was scum and I am obviously glad he actually was. Naturally some of my suspicion now will automatically fall onto Toxic, but I will have to look back at some more posts of his in order to be sure. Of course I have plenty of time to decide now since I cannot attack again until tomorrow.

By the way, it is not night, is it? The length of the days are not dependent of "lynches" in this game if I remember correctly.
I already said that if you guys want to question me, and make me the target of Day 3, I'd be okay for it. Whatever it takes to prove my innocence. I know I was avid about my distaste for an ALiT lynch, and I realize now that it was a mistake. If you guys feel like that's suspicious, alright, but I'm not sure how me being sort of nonchalant about the reveal is suspicious, too. I mean, it's shocking, but we have to worry about this upcoming Night and Day 3. I didn't want to dwell on it for so long. Just because I didn't post much about it, it doesn't mean I didn't recognize my mistake.


Spaceballs: The Mafia Player
Jul 12, 2011
Spaceball 1
To clarify, even if ALIT didn't flip, I still would push that he was the best lynch. and I think we should look into others who defended him for his slip up, as I stated in the post he called pure conjecture
Feb 17, 2015
Good call guys. Sorry I haven't replied in awhile. I stopped getting notifications for this game, but I was getting notifications for the other game... Whatever. Glad most of you came through.

Like Sadia said, that basically confirms Eduarda is town. I do think it's odd she wouldn't attack at first but maybe she wasn't sure herself.

Now that we know ALIT's role what do you guys think about my theory about Tristan and Johnny? Is it flawed?

Do you mind quoting your theory? I couldn't find it when I looked back. Sorry...


Srishti is annie is eduarda right?
May 28, 2010
Ontario, Canada.
Like Sadia said, that basically confirms Eduarda is town. I do think it's odd she wouldn't attack at first but maybe she wasn't sure herself.
I wanted to wait until the last day. I didn't want to attack ALIT and then someone else makes a bigger slip and I regret using my attack on him. Throughout the game I doubt I'll ever attack someone when more than 24 hours are left.

Do you mind quoting your theory? I couldn't find it when I looked back. Sorry...
It started off as just a way to get discussion going but I think as I argued more for it, it got more solid. Both Deku and Doc didn't reply to my original post, though.
Eduarda - #186
Johnny - #188
Sadia - #195
Tristan - #196
Eduarda - #201
Johnny - #208


I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
So knocking out someone you don't see any evidence against being scum is better than knocking out an inactive who is impossible to find evidence against regardless, because of their inactivity? I don't think ALIT has posted much on Day 1 either. He's a good player and has ISOed before as scum (I think in Dollhouse? He was about to get lynched and made a good iso post and vote analysis and I remember Viral said ALIT is his new favourite player but ALIT was still lynched and flipped scum) so if he's scum his iso wouldn't tell us anything.
Must've missed this post earlier. Thanks for pointing it out, Eduarda.
Yes, I would support the lynch of someone I disagree with the evidence of more than of an inactive. An inactive is a policy lynch. It tells us nothing. At least, with ALIT, we can look at the arguments people made about him, and how we interacted with others, as many people are doing now. Overall, that would be the more useful post.
As for your thoughts on Johnny and Tristan, I understand where you're coming from regarding Tristan, and he may be worth looking into, but your Johnny thoughts seem a little forced. As he said, those thoughts were based on Day 1. When he came in with his post #130 ("Sorry guys... ISO later" post) he didn't look like he had really been reading the stuff that'd happened over the day very much, so his silence in the matter at the time isn't exactly saying much IMO.


I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
Back for more ISOs.
Real fast before I get back to this, I'm gonna call out @Pendio and @Heroine of Time answer the questions I presented in my last post?

Yes exactly, we don't want to get too trigger happy otherwise everyone will be weak as **** and be picked apart.
A reply to one of Koki's posts. He's on the side of "Don't spread the damage". Not really anything new brought to the table, just his view of things.

Wait if Mafia had higher damage outputs, then wouldn't we be able to tell when Jamie gives the mod/end-of-day updates?
Bringing up a point against scum having higher damage outputs. It's in line with my own thoughts.

Sorry I'm late
So much content in this post. All the content.

From skimming over the thread (hate doing this since its still hard to grasp what's fully being going on) it seems like Eduarda is trying to take the lead early on. Not saying this is a bad thing, I just want people to be cautious. And can someone fill me in on the Alit thing? Apparently he made a mistake? I hate using this kind of evidence, but you can't just ignore it either.

Btw I should be more active now
Thank you.
And how do you miss the mistake ALIT made? Tons of people have put it in their posts, myself included, and discussed it directly. Even if you'd missed the mistake when he made it, you'd think you'd pick it up reading other people's posts. Why didn't you?

This is an interesting set-up. I didn't quite get it at first, but I understand now.

Personally, I'm against everybody attacking a different person. Like you all have said, it could make it easier for Mafia to get a kill. RVS attacking someone might help, but I don't know if we should risk it just yet. Either way, I'm not gonna attack quite yet, until we develop a concrete plan. I honestly don't want to be the one to attack first and end up starting a group attack on someone we don't know the role of.
I find it interesting that he supported RVS in this game, when we can't take back our attacks. May I ask why? Also, I find that last part a little suspicious as well, flat-out stating that he didn't want to be the one to start a bandwagon against a possible townie. Much like scum would.

Yes, I do have something to say, and that's that you guys post a lot in one real life day. Seriously.

But anyway, I can see how ALiT missed the Original part of the role. I initially misinterpreted what Original meant in my role, but I see now that it means being part of the Town. I honestly thought at first it had something to do with what game your character was introduced, but since his role's name was Greninja, it doesn't make much sense. Must have been the wording that messed me up, but I digress.

It's because of that that I don't suspect ALiT much, as humans are prone to error every once and awhile. I think he just slipped up, and I don't believe it was due to him being Mafia or anything.

I know what RVS is, I was just saying it might help, but I didn't want to be the one who starts it, unless that person was the most suspicious, or worthy of attacking. I didn't want to be the one next in the interrogation chair if something goes wrong. I see how the wording might be confusing, though.
I share similar thoughts with him regarding the ALIT thing, so I don't blame him for the ones provided here.
I'm still not liking him talking about RVS here though. He doesn't want to start RVS unless he found a suspicious person, which is literally the exact opposite of what RVS is. He admits that he doesn't want to be put on the chopping block here, hence why he doesn't want to start it. While I appreciate his honesty, I still don't like it.

Well, someone needs to fill in for Storm.

I was going to say go after the less active ones, as is my strategy usually, but then I realized the hypocrisy in that, because I'm one of the less active ones. So, maybe Eduarda? I don't know, she seemed very adamant on questioning ALiT today, and Heroine of Time yesterday. I don't know if she's being Mafia aggressive, Town aggressive, or just over-eager. Whichever it is, it isn't a huge suspicion, but if anyone, it would probably be her, or someone particularly inactive.
Storm joke. Classy.
Not much to say here. Eduarda is a very minor scumlean here. I see his reasoning. Makes sense. Moving on.

I never said I was going to. I just don't really have anyone who I'm really suspicious of, and she's the only one I'm mildly suspicious of. Mild suspicion isn't enough to make me attack her. She probably isn't scum, to be honest, just some of what she did rubbed me the wrong way. Players who pick a new target everyday, and interrogate them for the majority of that day, always make me a bit suspicious. But like you said, she's carrying the game for the most part, so I've had more of a chance to analyze her actions compared to others, and therefore have more suspicion. I'm sure if there were others at her level of activity, I'd have more suspects, even if just to a mild degree. I don't normally have many suspects until Day 3 or 4.

I'm not nervous, just wanting to not be at fault for if things go wrong. So, I'm not going to be rash or hasty with my attacks, so I don't accidentally start something that ends up with the Town at a disadvantage. I always am slow to initially starting voting people up, or in this case attacking them. I'm not meaning to sound panicked, because like you said, there's no reason to be nervous.
Once again, I don't fault him for the first bit. He explains his general unease, and you know what? That's okay.
As for the second paragraph, I see nothing wrong with being a little cautious. It's more the RVS quotes I'd like to focus on, so I'll leave this be.

I don't know, he doesn't seem scummy to me. I get that it would be in our best interest to kill someone, or at least attempt to, so that we can gain information. But are we basing our attack on ALiT just on his little slip-up? Or is there concrete evidence? I'm not saying I won't attack, I just want to make sure we're making the right decision before I cast my attack.
This post is good. He's wanting to get all the information he can on the current running wagon. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that.

Alright, whatever you say. My attack shouldn't put him over the edge yet, so he'll still have bit more time to defend himself (Unless he has really low defense).

Attack: A Link In Time

I hope I don't regret this...

Alright, scum :)
"Whatever you say"
So you're just voting because Eduarda told you to pretty much? She told you "Yes, plus this one other thing that just happened that the wagon wasn't really built on but happened" and you were like "Okay. Die boi". Does that sound about right? What exactly changed here?

I'm wasn't protecting him because we're scumbuds, because we aren't, but rather because I didn't just get a scum feel from him. He made a mistake, and that's understandable, because people make mistakes. The only reason I jumped aboard is because we should get someone out today, in case we strike Mafia, and it was becoming abundantly clear that attacking anybody else would be pointless, and honestly just end up helping the Mafia out. If you guys want to go after me if ALiT flips scum, go ahead. I can't stop you.
You say here that you wanted someone to die today, which makes sense. But that still doesn't explain you just going "whatever you say" *vote*.

Well look at that. He was scum after all. Huh.
Well, it's the truth.

I already said that if you guys want to question me, and make me the target of Day 3, I'd be okay for it. Whatever it takes to prove my innocence. I know I was avid about my distaste for an ALiT lynch, and I realize now that it was a mistake. If you guys feel like that's suspicious, alright, but I'm not sure how me being sort of nonchalant about the reveal is suspicious, too. I mean, it's shocking, but we have to worry about this upcoming Night and Day 3. I didn't want to dwell on it for so long. Just because I didn't post much about it, it doesn't mean I didn't recognize my mistake.
It's not your distaste for the ALIT lynch that has me watching you. It's your thoughts on RVS and how you switched to ALIT that bothers me.


I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
Also, Toxic has way more than 4 posts now. I just forgot to update that :P
I'll look through a few more people, but I'll probably put an attack on Toxic before EOD if I don't find anything to change my mind or direction.


BoDoc Horseman
Nov 24, 2012
Now that we know ALIT's role what do you guys think about my theory about Tristan and Johnny? Is it flawed?

I'm not certain about your theories. At least in regards to Johnny. ALIT kept bringing up that he found Johnny and Frozen suspicious. If my memory is right (I looked through, but its late) ALIT mentioned how he thought Johnny was suspicious before his KO was certain. I know there is the tactic of dying scum to accuse their scumbuds in order to give them some town points, but I think ALIT did this earlier than he would have if Johnny was actually his scumbud.

With that in mind, I am somewhat suspicious of RegalBryant, who ALIT attacked when it was clear he was heading out the door. Skimming through the thread, I didn't see any suspicion from ALIT on Regal before that.

I have no clue about Tristan. Your theory could be true, but I was admittedly suspicious of you at first for abandoning HoT, despite her being your main target day 1, so I can understand why he would want to focus on you. But at the same time, you bring up a lot of good points against him and what your saying may be true.

In your view, ALIT simply forgot. So what's so scummy about simply forgetting? You did too.

And I assume this was the question you're referring to? I was not certain that ALIT was scum, and I thought that it was an understandable mistake. But at the time, we were grasping at straws and I didn't want today to end without town getting any information ((I honestly regret not attacking anyone yesterday)). ALIT's slip-up was the best lead I saw, as the only other person who was proposed was you, and I was getting a town read from you as the day went on.
Feb 17, 2015
wanted to wait until the last day. I didn't want to attack ALIT and then someone else makes a bigger slip and I regret using my attack on him. Throughout the game I doubt I'll ever attack someone when more than 24 hours are left.

Fair enough. And thanks for showing your train of thought. I'm feeling more Tristan than Sooshi, but I could wrong. Sooshi seemed more like he was wary of voting because of a mistake. Are you feeling anybody in particular?

attack on Toxic

I love that anime.

@Eduarda good catch on the ALIT thing. I can support his story though, having it also slip my mind for a few moments.

But seriously, I found this post odd. It seems like Deku is trying to take the focus off of ALIT here way back when Eduarda first pointed out the slip up. You say it's a good catch, but didn't want to push it more? In all honesty, Deku is my next suspicion


I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
But seriously, I found this post odd. It seems like Deku is trying to take the focus off of ALIT here way back when Eduarda first pointed out the slip up. You say it's a good catch, but didn't want to push it more? In all honesty, Deku is my next suspicion
By "good catch" I meant that it was soemthing I missed. And I didn't want to push it more because, once again, the "original" thing also slipped from my mind when I first read it. I didn't see anything particularly anti-town about it.
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