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General Art Subconscious Shadows


Black Cat Royalty
Jun 22, 2011
On An Adventure
Sorry for making everyone who signed up wait so long!! I am going to finally make it. Lol, first is the prologue! Darn! But as soon as a few others post here, I'll put chapter one, so post! :D


I looked around. Pshh, look at them. All these humans, so gullible, so innocently reckless. They had no idea what I was! And yes, I did look human, but I wasn't. Oh, no, but I loved messing with the puny little creatures. As if they could do anything back! I'd have them crawling on the ground, begging for mercy if I so choose before they had the option to lift a finger. Superman, some human comic character, wouldn't even stand a chance against me!

I looked at a few of the girls who sat at the tables. One of them really stood out. Her hair was jet black, tucked into some style known as a French braid. As strange as it appeared, it did wonders to the males of this race. Her shirt was a black tank top and a pair of jean shorts that I though should be replaced with cargos. She had a pair of boots and the fiery look in her shimmering green eyes made me think she could kick serious butt. But when I saw her necklace, something sent a chill down my spine.

Her necklace had a green stone in it, almost exactly the shade of her eyes, with a little shine emiting from it. It caught the sunlight and practically trapped it inside of it. It looked...familiar.

I instantly realized I had been walking towards it, my own powers working their magic on me because of the intensity of that necklace. I thought abotu approaching her, but took second thoughts when I saw the rest of the girls around and with her.

At the tables next to her, I saw two girls who looked maybe a little too old to be here. One had black hair and crystal blue eyes. She had a long-sleeved black shirt and a pair of jeans. Her boots came up to her knees and she looked like a French spy. The person next to her had long brown hair that came down to her midback. She had a plain white tshirt and jeans as well, plus some of those famous Converse shoes that were worn on the human boys and girls a lot. Her eyes were green too. They gave off an evil vibe and all the other girls around them were repelled.

Next to the black haired girl in the tanktop was a slightly older girl who was wearing a blue dress that looked homemade. She had nice silver heels and a pair of sheer blue eyes. Her hair was golden blonde and had a braid in the front sealed with a flower. She smiled around and gave off an inviting vibe.

Suddenly the two older girls at the other table caught me looking at them. They grinned evilly and got up and came over to me. The girl with the French braids and the other one with the blue dress caught sight of this and slowly proceeded toward me as well. Great. I was drawing a crowd.

The brown haired one put her hands on her hips and stared at me. "Well, well, well. Look what we have here," she chuckled, "What do you think, Selene?" The girl who was referred to as Selene stared with an uncomfortable look. When I looked her up and down, a strong wind almost blew me over, and this drew a chuckle from the two. While I was slightly confused about where the wind had came from, I was more focued on dealing with them now. I turned a little mad and turned to my fighting stance. I put my hands out and made fists, then bent my elbows down to my hips, all the while keeping my hands in the air and spreading my feet. I was a little ticked.

Selene's eyes widened and she looked at me. "Ooh, look, Chailyn. Look's like we made the loner mad!" Chailyn drew her hands around in the air and I felt a warm mist blow. That slightly freaked me. Chailyn grinned. Okay, do they have powers too?!? The tanktop girl and the girl in the dress were over here now. The tanktop one said, "Hey! Just leave her alone! What did she ever do to you?" Chailyn and Selene span around and stared. Chailyn smiled. "If it isn't Mizu," she gestured to the one in the dress, "And Tekari Ki." Tekari had two sharp things sticking in her pockets. Pocket knives? Daggers?

Then someone behind me stepped up. His voice was rusty and smooth at the same time. "Just leave them alone, and I swear, you better back off now."

Hope this works!! I'm brainstorming way too fast with too little time! :D
Aug 18, 2009
Nice description of characters. Atsie loves the story so far. A few typos here and there but we all make them, so don't feel bad. Hopefully all goes well and you have the next chapter up and running. ~Ats


Black Cat Royalty
Jun 22, 2011
On An Adventure
Yes, absolutely!!!! :D It would be great for you to signup!! I'll get the link and post it in my siggy here in a minute. (playing windwaker at the same time, so it might be a minute or two.)


Jul 13, 2011
Rivendell, Middle Earth
Wow! This is great so far! :D I love how you made Tekara sound. It's like she looked all scary and then she seemed really nice. That's cool!

Great job with your detailing, you did very well with that! Very few errors, good job with that as well!

Amazing job Medli! I can't wait for the next chapter! <3


Black Cat Royalty
Jun 22, 2011
On An Adventure
Okay, since I've gotten people to like this one(lol) then here comes chapter 1! woot! :xd:

Chapter 1

I was slightly shocked, and turned around to see who had said that. There, I found a pair of sage green eyes surrounded by slightly longish dusty blonde hair that came down to his neck. He had a scar on his cheek that looked like a blade had ripped through it. He wore a jacket over a tshirt that made him seem warm and cozy, followed by a pair of plaid shorts and tennies. Just staring at him almost made me feel a little weak at the knees. This feeling....what was it? Whatever it was, I wasn't liking how it sapped my power.

Which reminds me. My powers. Have I told you what they are yet? I can control shadows and make people do what I want, feel how I want, and fall when I want. It's pretty darn fun. Also, have you ever watched someone fall into a pit of shadows, and when you laugh at them, the shadows they're engulfed in start laughing too?

Yeah, you should fear your own shadow. I can steal it and use it to my own will. That's cool right? And because of my powers of shadows, I always have one with me, and the night is my friend.

But this guy had a shine about him. Everything about him was warm and light. He had the most amazing human smile I'd ever seen and--

What was I saying? The human race was nothing! I am superior to them all. I shook myself a little bit, and the guy turned to face me. His smile grew a little and he gave me a wink. My cheeks felt warm. Was I blushing?

Suddenly I caught wind of a group of guys over there watching me. One of them had hair that tumbled straight down and made him look freaking awesome. He didn't seem human, and he had red eyes. Yes, red eyes. If that didn't raise my level of suspicion, I don't know what would. He crossed his arms and stared at me. He slightly smirked, as if he knew that I could take them out at any second. He had a shadow following him too. Was he like me? Note to self: inspect the guy who you were looking at.

Next to him was another guy with red eyes, but his were sort of transcluscent. Like you saw something in them that reflected your future. He wore a long cloak and looked way too old to still be in middle, freshman, or even high school. It made me wonder if the guy was tricking people into thinking he was younger. His cloak had a demanding effect on the humans and made him look like a guy from the human movie Star Wars. Strange...

Slightly to the other side, looking a bit younger than cloak guy was a guy with brown eyes and curly brown hair who looked like he had a temper and really didn't care too much for anyone here. Great. Just my type.

Focusing back on the blonde hair guy, he motioned for me to turn back around. I looked at Chailyn and Selene. Selene's jaw dropped. "Is that....Zander?! Zander Shvack?!?" Chailyn looked surprised at first, but then smiled. "Why, yes, little Bo Peep's savior once again." Zander? What a nice--Ahem. Fighting stance? Yes, let's kick some butt. I wanted to test something. I looked at Zander. Then using my powers, I ried to communicate with him. Hey, do you understand me? Can you hear me?

Zander looked a little taken aback, but then caught his cool. He nodded at me. I sent him another message: I'm guessing you, the guys in the group over there, and these two chicks have powers. True? Zander looked at me and whispered, "I know I do. You too, I guess. It wouldn't surprise me a bit if these girls did, though." I whispered back, "We don't have time to fight them, but I'm worried about Mizu and Tekari--"

"Ahem?" Chailyn was tapping her foot. "Don't we have some business to get too?" I toughened up and straightened my face. What the heck was I doing? I do NOT converese with others about what I'm going to do. That's my business. I decided to break them. Hypnosis. Oh, boy, this was gonna be fun. Chailyn, don't you think it would be a great time to take a nap? Chailyn blinked and yawned. That's it. Just slowly go to sleep. No one's going to hurt you. Rock-a-bye, lullaby, da da da-da da da da.... Yeah, I'm not great with lullabies. But watching big ol' Chailyn slowly sink to the ground falling asleep was rewarding enough. Selene started trying to wake her up. I smiled and motioned for Zander to do his part. While Chailyn had fallen asleep, Tekari had started cracking up, while Mizu looked a little taken aback.

Zander raised his hand slightly and waved it towards Selene. "Oww! My eyes!" She had been momentarily blinded. Wow! Zander has light powers! He's actually just the opposite of me, which means he's not human either. Sweet! While I was busy falling head over heels like some ridiculous girl in a love story, Selene was recovering. I decided it was my turn. I flicked my hand, barely, and her eyes turned completely black. "W-where is everybody? Hello?" I slapped Zander a high five, than realized what had happened. The bell for class to start rang, and I fled like the wind, leaving a laughing Tekari, receding Mizu, and lovelustedly confused Zander.

So how'd I do? :hmm:

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