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Game Thread Square Enix Mafia


here from bulba, don't expect much
Feb 17, 2021
Everyone wakes up to a dead body, but it seems to be a gecko standing dead next to a tv screen, the remaining people, knowing this meant they lost the meme lead of the Gex trilogy on PS1, decides to take a day off to mourn their loss, but knows that the people who killed him will be mourning long into the night.

Seanzie has died, they were Gex, the meme beloved, it is now Night 2 but only town can perform actions.

1: @Morbid Minish
2: @Libk
3: @Ragnarokio
4: @a'lana
5: @ExLight
6: @Neon
7: @Killjoy262
8: @RavenRaziel98
9: @15377
11: @Mikey the Moblin
12: @TGN


Mentally Numb
Dec 21, 2012
Behind the Couch In the Corner
Minish - Her prodding Ex (and Pancake?) D1 feels really Towney.
Mikey - I'm still inclined to believe his Miller claim for the time being.
Neon - I'm Town leaning because she seems to be making an attempt at playing. (I watched the last game where she was a hot meme mess)
Ex - His panicking early on didn't really strike me as genuine to me. Though,
Rag - I don't see much if any contributable content in the 9 posts
Pancake - Looking back on his reason(s) for his RVS on Ex, I don't really see it possible, especially where he said:
That was one reason for my vote. The other being he’s the only one in this game I am kind of familiar with. So a reaction from him would have been better for me personally than anyone else in this game
After that he seemed to back peddle with more excuses.

a'lana - I'm having a hard time reading her.
RavenRaziel98 - only made 3 posts, one of which had some, kinda, content
@Libk It's D2 man, wyd?


Swag Master General
Aug 1, 2012
The End
Apache Helicopter
Minish - Her prodding Ex (and Pancake?) D1 feels really Towney.
Mikey - I'm still inclined to believe his Miller claim for the time being.
Neon - I'm Town leaning because she seems to be making an attempt at playing. (I watched the last game where she was a hot meme mess)
Ex - His panicking early on didn't really strike me as genuine to me. Though,
Rag - I don't see much if any contributable content in the 9 posts
Pancake - Looking back on his reason(s) for his RVS on Ex, I don't really see it possible, especially where he said:

After that he seemed to back peddle with more excuses.

a'lana - I'm having a hard time reading her.
RavenRaziel98 - only made 3 posts, one of which had some, kinda, content
@Libk It's D2 man, wyd?
Wanted to point out that is night 2 and I’m also dead


cotton candy
May 31, 2022
Minish - Her prodding Ex (and Pancake?) D1 feels really Towney.
Mikey - I'm still inclined to believe his Miller claim for the time being.
Neon - I'm Town leaning because she seems to be making an attempt at playing. (I watched the last game where she was a hot meme mess)
Ex - His panicking early on didn't really strike me as genuine to me. Though,
Rag - I don't see much if any contributable content in the 9 posts
Pancake - Looking back on his reason(s) for his RVS on Ex, I don't really see it possible, especially where he said:

After that he seemed to back peddle with more excuses.

a'lana - I'm having a hard time reading her.
RavenRaziel98 - only made 3 posts, one of which had some, kinda, content
@Libk It's D2 man, wyd?
was neon scum the last game on here (the spaceballs one)?

also you didn't finish you sentence about ExLight


cotton candy
May 31, 2022
was neon scum the last game on here (the spaceballs one)?

also you didn't finish you sentence about ExLight
also curious why isn't Rag in the null tier but in the center of town and nullreads but me and Raven are in an official null tier?

I'm going to sleep now


I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
All wept at the site of the great meme, Gex, in the town square. Even the Mafia, who had completed the kill, regretted their actions, and wound up in a deep depressive state, unable to do much of anything throughout the night. For the town, however, their resolve just strengthened.
"I will never let this happen again" they each thought to themselves, "Gex will be avenged".
The next morning, the town awoke to see that everyone was still alive. No deaths had occured in the night. And they were ready to continue the fight.


1: @Morbid Minish
2: @Libk
3: @Ragnarokio
4: @a'lana
5: @ExLight
6: @Neon
7: @Killjoy262
8: @RavenRaziel98
9: @15377
11: @Mikey the Moblin
12: @TGN

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