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Smash Bros Smash Bros Ultimate

Threads relating to the Super Smash Bros series.
Master Orders and Crazy Orders is Smash 4's adventure mode now.

I don't mind the spirit battles now that I've had a couple of days to process how they operate (I assume I missed out on some tutorials since I have hardly touched WoL), but I'm still not too interested in the idea of the adventure mode being solely structured around fights of this format, and making them mandatory on some level to progress. I understand it's nonlinear, but it's still.... they're still event matches. That's all they are. I do like the spirit board for getting me accustomed to the battles, and I find myself stopping what I'm doing to challenge one if I see a character I like. I GOT TABUU TONIGHT AAAAAAAAA --But spirit board is also more closely structured for the event match style of format that these battles have. Spirit board should have been for the spirit/event battles, and adventure mode should have had a bit more pacing to it, in my opinion. I may change my stance on this when I find the patience to get back to World of Light, but that's how I'm feeling currently. I want to know what lies at the end of the adventure mode, I really do, but I'm just not in the mood to be forced to do certain spirit battles without giving me much choice. I don't know how many scenarios adventure mode has but I'm fairly confident that I would be at the end if the 300+ spirit battles I've done had been through it instead of the spirit board. If I had those liberties to really pick and choose.

Either way, it seems I'm going to be forced to rush soon anyway since spoilers will eventually haunt me harder than the incident that happened today, and I was lucky it was just a name and an image instead of context...


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
Yeah, so I finally got around to beating World of Light after more than a few tries (no thanks to the Joycons moving me down when I was pointing the stick left) and overall my experience was enjoyable.

Spirits were easy enough to get the hang of and after clearing most if not all of the content (99.67% completion rate); I had more than enough to clear out some of the more strenuous sessions. However, this led to a dearth of resources more often than not: Spirit Points obtained are few and far between whereas the price on most things (namely timed shop items) are too expensive, so the grind can be maddening at times. Also, navigating around the map could be an annoyance especially after opening up whole area; there needed to be fast travel to famous locations instead of warp points. Lastly, I absolutely detest how the Spirit Board works. After winning a Spirit battle, they should just get added into our collection instead of the tack-on spinning barrier that makes rightly timing the shot impossible (*and forces you to consume a ludicrous amount of SP for a second shot).

Those are my thoughts on how Spirits work, but I haven't touched on Smash or Classic yet so can't comment there. I will say that the controls still feel stiff/unresponsive at times, like when trying to turn around and attack, the fighter still stands in place and spams while leaving their back open. This has been an issue for most Smash games, though, and that leads me to think that it's either an intentional gimmick or a recurrent issue due to input delay. Still frustrating in the heat of battle.

*I'm aware of the sluggish shield consumables, but the SP is used to renew the shot is plain cheap.
Yeah, so I finally got around to beating World of Light after more than a few tries (no thanks to the Joycons moving me down when I was pointing the stick left) and overall my experience was enjoyable.

Spirits were easy enough to get the hang of and after clearing most if not all of the content (99.67% completion rate); I had more than enough to clear out some of the more strenuous sessions. However, this led to a dearth of resources more often than not: Spirit Points obtained are few and far between whereas the price on most things (namely timed shop items) are too expensive, so the grind can be maddening at times. Also, navigating around the map could be an annoyance especially after opening up whole area; there needed to be fast travel to famous locations instead of warp points. Lastly, I absolutely detest how the Spirit Board works. After winning a Spirit battle, they should just get added into our collection instead of the tack-on spinning barrier that makes rightly timing the shot impossible (*and forces you to consume a ludicrous amount of SP for a second shot).

Those are my thoughts on how Spirits work, but I haven't touched on Smash or Classic yet so can't comment there. I will say that the controls still feel stiff/unresponsive at times, like when trying to turn around and attack, the fighter still stands in place and spams while leaving their back open. This has been an issue for most Smash games, though, and that leads me to think that it's either an intentional gimmick or a recurrent issue due to input delay. Still frustrating in the heat of battle.

*I'm aware of the sluggish shield consumables, but the SP is used to renew the shot is plain cheap.

Which ending did you get?

Azure Sage

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You need to get all 3 endings for 100% completion.

Galeem’s bad end is really dark. Like it just looks like Darkhon kills everyone and turns the world black. And Darkhon’s bad end has Galeem doing what it did in the beginning all over again, permanently this time. I really liked that the true ending keeps a balance between the two.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
Which ending did you get?
I got the True Ending, and must say it was implemented in an awesome way. Apart from what Azure said above, I believe I've gotten all of the Spirit nodes cleared and all of the Fighters are now in the roster. It seems that only half of the Spirits can be attained from WoL, too, and the others are from the banner completion/doing other modes. The one Legend I'm gunning for still hasn't popped up for me anywhere; I'll have to look into that later...
Oct 14, 2013
I got the True Ending
The other endings you get by doing certain fights on the same save file after you beat the game and get the true ending. Also that's the only way to 100% complete the game.
Also you don't have to play through new game plus mode. You only need to start one up for a milestone. Just remember to start new game plus on a new game file. New game plus is the same as the standard game except all of your spirits, unlocked characters and abilities carry over. You still "unlock" characters for stroy reasons but can play with all the ones you unlocked in your other run through pfo the game from the start. So you can use Mario to fight Mario to unlock Mario in new game plus mode if you want.

As an aside. Kirby is the only character to not have a "this character joins the battle" screen. Because you never unlock Kirby inside or outside World of Light.
I think it would have been cool to get Kirby's screen at the start of World of Light as he is an automatic unlock.

*I'm aware of the sluggish shield consumables, but the SP is used to renew the shot is plain cheap.
For ultimate spirits, the cost is not exactly cheap and it's still hard to get a hit in even after you pay for a second shot. Still it's easy enough to hit the shield and then fight the battle again to get an easier 2nd time go at getting it. The harder part is actually doing some of those ultimate battles. Some of them are disgustingly hard. Even with top tier spirits equipped.

As an aside, you can get some of the reverse look up combine spirits in World of Light. Their Legendary battles are not too hard on easy with a godo spirit equipped. Saves people from spending spirits to get them. You can get some of them on the spirit board also, bot they are a touch harder as I think the Spirit Board is "normal" difficulty mostly, though a few of the ultimate spirits feed "hard" difficulty. Those spirits are not in World of Light though.
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salty about spoilers so now i feel forced to rush when i wanted to just take my time with adventure mode. but world of light has grown on me, i suppose. dunno how close to being done i am. i did want a single player campaign and it definitely qualifies to say the least. though i think it has more issues than subspace did; though it definitely has things it does right, and arguably better than subspace in those respects. subspace had a massive pacing issue in terms of balancing exploration and combat, and its approach to combat was a little shaky at times. wol is all combat, and while there are a wide array of conditions that affect the flavor of the battle, they feel somehow less diverse. and my personal biggest issue with wol, and my greatest hurdle in coming to like it is the fact that it inherently has no exploration unless you stop viewing the world map as a world map, and actually start perceivig it as gameplay. but, this brings up a whole new issue as to why there werent proper exploring segments especially in the "dungeon" areas. subspace had its share of problems, but it felt more interestig to play regardless of how appealing wol's map environment is because you dont really get to immerse yourself in it.

im enjoying it more than i thought i would now that ive finally given myself time to sit down and work on it but it doesnt really feel... "special." like in subspace, all the characters had a purpose sorta. ultimate theyre "just another character" that i can pretend doesnt exist as i play as marth for the entire thing.
I think i'm feeling a little better as a Smash fan. There seems to have been so much pressure to pick a main and be good enough to qualify for Evo and point at characters that need nerfed like you know what you're talking about this time around...

But I've managed to push that away and just enjoy Smashing. I've saved a few rule sets based on my mood and right now all i'm doing is alternating between my saved rules and buying stuff from the shop when it reloads and i'm chipping away at Classic little by little.

Now that I'm aware almost everything can kill and kill at bizarre percentages I feel a little more used to the game and how to handle it. I still prefer Melee and even U, but Ultimate is different enough to feel unique.

Everything else though...

I still stand by the opinion that Sakurai put far too much work into things that didn't need it.

We didn't need spirits and i get why they're there, it adds to the crossover hype that literally every character ever is here even if they're not a fighter (aside from the lack of Tales rep) and it can be quite a fun and nerdy experience to see and collect them and it does add a layer of RPG to what is just more fighting

But... they aren't fun, if you don't use them then things are too hard. If you do use them it feels as if you're taking away what makes the fights special.

Honestly I would have been fine with maybe 100 event matches like Melee had and an Adventure mode like Melee had (just longer) and I would have enjoyed everything so much more.

The magic of event matches in Melee was that they felt special. And some were so unique, like fighting on top of a giant Majora's Mask...

But the spirits just aren't fun enough for the work Sakurai clearly put into them and it makes me feel awful to say that because i don't want it to sound like he wasted his time and energy but I think he kind of did for me personally because I honestly doubt i'll ever finish WoL or even want to (and i'll never play Spirit Board again).

So Smash Ultimate, for how much is here is just something to throw on to kill an hour or two in the standard Smash mode, which is fun but also quite a shame.

Though at least i'm enjoying the fighting a little more (and have Zelda locked down).

Azure Sage

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Fun fact: if you convert your replays into videos, you can find them on your SD card even though they don't show up in your Switch album. If you put your SD card into a computer, there's a new folder under Album titled EXTRA. Your converted Smash videos are in there, free to be copied to your computer.

Alita the Pun

Oct 6, 2016
Nintendo Memeverse
A Mellophone Player... Mellophonista?
I have a weird view on the game I think. at this point I've done all the modes (haven't completed all of them but at least tried them.)

Classic smash and by far my favorite. I was able to unlock all the fighters in just a few days which was nice. ive really enjoyed playing all the new and old stages and playing all the new and old characters. even the old characters have small tweaks and changes that stand out to an avid smash player that make each character a bit of an exploration.

Squad Strike:
It's novel, I can see it picking up in the tournament scene... or maybe not. idk I like it but I would really only play it when I have friends over like "hey guys lets try this real quick" or something. still though, I could see other people really enjoying it.

Yay tourney is back, now I can stop buying whiteboard markers.

Special Smash:
Fun for casual players I guess but I prefer just playing with tournament rules. I get frustrated when I lose to anything other than the opponent's skill or my own mistakes.

Classic Mode:
I enjoy this a lot actually. I've only played the Young Link version so I'm not sure how the other ones go but I had a blast. fighting all these Zelda themed battles was a thrill and I was super stoked when the boss was revealed
They had a boss version of Ganon from Ganondorf's final smash but it had a full moveset! really cool!
I can't wait to see what the other characters paths are like! Also the credit mini game was novel but I do hope that you can skip it after the first time.

Training is always nice for labbing but Smash Ultimate really outdid itself this time. I love the training stage and the new trajectory setting. it helped me a lot when trying to pick up these new characters.

Mob Smash:
I played it once, got 2:33, not much more to say about that.

Story mode:
Its pretty fun. I like it. to be honest I liked Subspace better but this is ok too. I feel like its a bit of a grind and I find myself just skipping a lot of the spirit fights and character fights unless they are characters I play. like I'm never gonna use duck hunt why would I wast time to pick him up. I also think that the storytelling of subspace was much better. overall, its decent 7/10.

Spirit board:
Its pretty fun for the most part. I like being able to grab up all of my favorite spirits. the only thing I don't like is that even if you do beat a really nice spirit like a legendary Ness's Dad or something, you still are not guaranteed to get it. otherwise, much fun.

Spirits are really cool and creative and added a lot to the game for me, but they quickly lost their shine and became a (seemingly) infinite grind. I do like collecting the ones that relate to fandoms I like.

Right now my top five fighters are Young Link, Ganondorf, Ryu, Richter, and Inkling. While I love all the characters, some of them feel very unbalanced. for instance, Captain Falcon was in the top tier in smash 4 and now he is kind of garbo. his defining quality (dash grab) is trash and he feels clunky and slow compared to other characters. many characters have pitiful recovery so that if they get poked off the stage at all, they are as good as dead (im looking at you Incineroar/Richter/Chrom) meanwhile, the fighters who have good recovery quickly rise to the top of the tier list, along with the heavies who are faster and kill earlier than ever before. iirc, Ganondorf's warlock punch kills at around 35-40%. Characters like peach who have excellent aerial movement and recovery power can outmaneuver their foes easily and deal devastating killing blows, like peach's forward air and dash attack which kill insanely early. it is so unbalanced that it can tend to feel like you have to play the good characters in order to have a chance at winning. whereas in smash 4, I played low tiers all the time and did just fine (Jigglypuff and Zelda ftw!)

Hopefully these issues will be resolved in future patches. but all flaws aside, I love the game and could play it for hours and hours.


Meme Connoisseur
Jul 30, 2015
Occasionally you just find something that makes you remember your love of gaming, and it does it for me. I've only really been immersed in Online battles/standard Smash, but I just can't get over how much fun it is to play.
Beat World of Light.

Kind of disappointed by how anticlimatic it was. I actually got excited for a second because there was a pretty good build up going, but none of the ending sequences offered the closure to make it work. That's really upsetting. I'm just sitting here now trying to decide if I like or hate it. All that aside, getting to play as the Master Hand was really cool. It undid all of my button mapping through, for some stupid reason.

With the severe lack of cutscenes, they should have had short variants for events in the game based on who you were playing as. Even if they were like 10 second differences, I don't care. The overall indifference to the roster makes who I chose to play as not even matter in the grand scheme of things, and that just doesn't sit right with me at all.

Swallowed by Darkness was my personal favorite of the endings, and was my first ending that I picked. I chose to fight Galeem as the charcter I fought Dharkon with the first time around, and vise versa for good measure. I never pick the route most clearly presented to me. Saved the dual route for last. And to be honest, the true ending was the worst of the three endings. I get it's the good ending, but again, anticlimatic.

I'll just sit here hoping and waiting for my imaginary game mode dlc to serve as a better follow up, I guess. I'm already disappointed so if it doesn't happen, whatever. I'm not saying there isn't things World of Light didn't do right, though, but there are a lot of glaring issues with it. And will be why I never replay it, whereas I eagerly did probably 20 playthroughs of Subspace.

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