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Smash Bros 4 - Can We Finally Get a Decent Link?


Staff member
Jun 15, 2010
When actually battling, the above doesn't really matter. In real life you cannot swing a sword as fast as throwing a punch. It's understandable why Link has more frames for a attack because you are swinging something that's has some weight, Plus Link is holding a shield as well which also affects the speed of a swing. Smash bros is pretty much basing physics on real life situations as opposed to the physics of said Franchise. What I'm implying is who cares if Link has about 5 frames more than Mario's punch, doesn't mean he sucks, it's just natural that it takes longer to swing a sword than throw a punch.

Yeah, I understand that completely, but in tournaments where every frame is the difference, those extra three frames it takes for Link to attack over his opponent is enough to make him lose. Every match. The tier list is based on tournament settings, and that is what says Link is bad.

Trust me, I've used Link for years and have never entered a tourney. I've played against friends (who are terrible :bleh:) and CPUs in all my days. Link does not suck here. Link is not bad in casual matches, he is bad in the best of the best, where he technically doesn't compare to anybody.
Jun 14, 2011
The tier list is based on tournament settings, and that is what says Link is bad.

This "Tiers" list is what I have a problem with. This should not be taken seriously, it's just fans categorizing characters and scaring people into not using so called "Bottom Tier Characters" just because of certain flaws that don't really affect gameplay much, if not at all. Sorry but it's all down to how you use the character, not stats. Seriously there are people out there who use the weakest characters (Before you say, I am talking about weak in general, not based on Tiers) but still manage to beat even the best of the best.
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Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
I'm fine with the sword taking longer to hit...but it should have the power to justify it.
Feb 23, 2011
This "Tiers" list is what I have a problem with. This should not be taken seriously, it's just fans categorizing characters and scaring people into not using so called "Bottom Tier Characters" just because of certain flaws that don't really affect gameplay much, if not at all. Sorry but it's all down to how you use the character, not stats. Seriously there are people out there who use the weakest characters (Before you say, I am talking about weak in general, not based on Tiers) but still manage to beat even the best of the best.

Actually tiers mean EVERYTHING... They are a part of fighting game science. Tiers are based on extensive testing and experimentation. This might sound silly, but there are gamers out there who take this subject extremely seriously. Don't get me wrong, however, there are fringe tier lists out there that are biased and essentially rubbish, but the legit ones are worth noting.

Conversely, I agree that there are gamers out there who are total beasts with the supposed "bottom-tier" characters. I like to refer to said types as...well...gifted. They apparently put a lot of time and effort into the using a given bottom-tier character's few strengths effectively and/or otherwise turning said character's weaknesses into strengths, per se. This usually involves the use of "cheap" tricks and things of the sort. Bad matchups tend to become irksome and lengthy because of this, but hey, at least the "bottom-tier" guy comes out on top (rhetorically speaking).

The [legit] tier list serves as a base off which to select one's main and sub characters and participate competitively against other gamers. After consulting it, it is then up to you to decide which character best fits your fighting style. If a given character is low on the list, then that gives you an incentive to work harder to master him/her. In the end, however, it is up to you whether to take them to heart...

But remember, S-tier characters can be terrible in the hands of a "n00b." This typically results from the steep learning curve with which said characters are often associated... ramble...ramble...ramble.
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Jan 2, 2012
I don't think any character in SSBB is right out bad. They all have their ups and downs, but it all comes down to how familiar the player is. When I first played, I kicked butt with Ganondorf, Zelda, and Link. Then I found out they were bottom tier list characters, and had the revelation that the tier list is utter BS. No one told me that he was "bad" so I had no problem winning with him.
i havent really had a problem with Link in the series, he has decreased in my favour since the original, he does feel a lot heavier and harder to use and i've noticed the lack of push back in his moves BUT it isn't Link that i want a decent version of. Samus got nerfed in Brawl more than anyone else, they need to buff her up a bit more it was heinous what they did to her.


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
The tier list is only partially accurate. It's accurate for hard core tourney players, but not for your typical Joe. Making a tier list for the common player would be impossible though unless you want organize computer tournaments or something...but even that's still pretty flawed.


Staff member
Jun 15, 2010
Samus got nerfed in Brawl more than anyone else, they need to buff her up a bit more it was heinous what they did to her.

Damn right. She does have a marvellous recovery, great survivability, decent attack speed, great range (what with the projectiles and grapple beam) and good aerial game, but her KO potential is among the worst in game. She has a harder time than Mario or Sonic. That is what cripples her. Literally the only way to get a KO before 150% is her down air meteor smash, which isn't too hard to pull off considering her floaty nature and safe recovery, but it's still embarrassing that it's the only way to get an early kill. All Samus needs for SSB4 (and I'm not kidding when I say this) is more killing power. I think a good strength would be around that of Link, maybe. She is good enough in all other areas, though she could use some vertical knockback moves.

The tier list is only partially accurate.

It's accurate for hard core tourney players,

There you go.
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