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Skyward Swords References to Other Zelda Games.

Jan 27, 2011
I'm surprised no one braught up the save point statue concept that was in Majora's Mask. Also the names of the first two surface locations having familior names from Twilight Princess. (Well the first 2 is all I've played through I'm at the 3rd dungeon now so I'm not sure if there are other familior names)


Travelling Outcast
Jun 17, 2009
I'm surprised no one braught up the save point statue concept that was in Majora's Mask. Also the names of the first two surface locations having familior names from Twilight Princess. (Well the first 2 is all I've played through I'm at the 3rd dungeon now so I'm not sure if there are other familior names)

Faron Province, Eldin Province and Lanayru Province were given. Everybody knows it's the same place in both games, separated by thousands of years.

I've never noticed the names! The only reference I can think of is the 25th anniversary. If that even counts haha.

Considering that's not a reference to another game, it doesn't really, but you're still thinking and that's good.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
The new ability to dash for a short period of time was borrowed from A Link to the Past (except that it wasn't limited there).

The crew in the Lumpy Pumpkin seems to be a reference of Telma's Bar.

Healing Batreaux is almost like collecting Gold Skultullas to restore the cursed people in Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask back to human.

Gaepora's looks and characteristics were taken from Kaepora Gaebora.

Levias obviously takes after the concept of the Wind Fish.

In addition to Beedle returning, so does Impa; albeit a different Sheikah, possibly.

Tear-collecting from TP, PH, and ST. (See a pattern here?)

A certain puzzle in the Lanayru Mining Facility requires you to hit three switches in order to proceed. The order of these switches is 2-3-1, the same numbers used in Ocarina of Time to access Queen Gohma's lair.

In addition to the Parella, the Kikwi Hermit also says "It's a secret to everybody."
Dec 22, 2011
Link is woken up from sleeping at the beginning of the game. It seems like every single game starts with him sleeping. :P
Apr 8, 2012
Gapora obviously has the same name as the owl, in one of your conversations with him, he says ho ho like the owl does. He also kind of looks like an owl.


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Champion
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
the bird statues are a little homage to majoras mask
silent realms and twilight realms [cause of the tears of light]
sneaking through eldin volcano at night and sneaking through the forsaken fortress
Apr 3, 2012
You can go to the bathroom. I don't think that would exsist without that guy in the tiolet in.... I forget wich game...

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