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Skyward Sword Lacking That Classic Zelda Feel?

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
Nostalgic music was playing. The Ocarina of Time house theme was everywhere. ;)

Overall, I believe Skyward Sword opened a new period in Zelda games. The game was at its core the same Action-Adventure title fans knew and loved. As a Zelda game, however, it id indeed abandom many of the principal tenets of Zelda. The land masses composing the overworld down below as well as the dungeons and items located in them were a triumph to be sure, however, the overall style felt too influenced by Japanese anime. It was a change I still am not comfortable with to this day.


FPT | Breb
Nov 28, 2011
Maricopa, Arizona
i agree. it did seem to miss something. I think if they had more islands and actually place to explore it would be better. But sadly, like 6 big islands and like 50 piles of rock....
It felt like a Zelda and was a Zelda game to me, but I just didnt think it was overly decent, i felt too short changed in too many places throughout the game and considering SS followed Twilight Princess and remembering how big that was, SS just felt like a jarred jaunt through three assault courses... three times...


._.. .. _. _._ morse code
Sep 17, 2011
Sacred Grove
I think that it felt like a zelda for sure. Not a classic, because if they just kept remaking the 2D zeldas in 3D with slight variations then the franchise would suffer. Zelda can feel like zelda without feeling like a previous game. I haven't found any games that feel like zelda does, and skyward sword felt like it was a zelda game with a new set of ideas.

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