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Skyward Sword Lacking That Classic Zelda Feel?

Apr 4, 2012
No. Skyward Sword is nothing like a classic Zelda game, just as Miyamoto promised us. He claimed that Twilight Princess would be the last of its kind, and that statement has apparently proven itself true. How this applies to the DS games is for another topic. Yet on the issue of Skyward Sword, many things have indeed changed. First we no longer have the automated moveset of previous titles, but now we choose Link's sword motions. This certainly is not the standard gameplay that many fell in love with, and personally not the one I prefer either. While it's very fun to be in control of the sword, yeah, the classic feeling just isn't there so much, for better or worse.

Nonetheless, in accordance with Miyamoto-San's promise, the Zelda franchise is evolving into something that seems to be more immersive and engaging. Skyward Sword a mere footstep in the walk toward a vision that they're trying to see through to completion, and perfection. The classic feel might be lacking right now, but I'm sue they'll be able to incorporate it with greater ease now that they have a sense of they're aiming for, thanks to Skyward Sword.

Wow, I couldn't agree more with you. I had forgotten all about Miyamoto's statement about TP being the last Zelda of its kind. I'm all for trying new games that don't stick to the same ol' formula, and I was pleased with how SS played out. Sure, it might not have the big overworld we hoped for, but I found the new gameplay to be way fun and gave me something NEW to try out instead of the somewhat monotonous gameplay we had gotten used to. :P Although the one thing I wish they had kept true to was when Aonuma (I think) said that they would get rid of the whole dungeon, get item, overworld, next dungeon, get next item, overworld etc. 'cus if they DID do that in SS, then I'm afraid they didn't keep to that promise!
Dec 21, 2011
Vernon Hills, Illinois
How can it not have the classic zelda feel if it has a character that says "it's a secret to everyone"? In case you don't know, it was a parella hiding behind a bombable wall. Bomb it with an exploding fish.
Jun 11, 2011
I agree, I didn't feel immersed in the world much, didn't feel like a classic Zelda experience.


I agree with you. I liked it and all, but it was too easy. Like I never got stuck. Ever. I passed the game fairly quickly. It's kind of like Wind Waker, it really was something else (not as different as sailing around on an awesome talking boat but still). To me the classic Zelda feel is that feeling of adventure, of Magic and a dark, deep secret. I think what it was missing was the dark-deep-secret for me. It was very colorful (I'm not saying that took away from it, look at Wind Waker, colorful as heck-but the thing is, there was a deep-dark-secret under-water) It fell short for me in that aspect. Everything else was beautiful. Oh and the story-line was TOO corny. It bugged me. But it fit the game-ish. I think it took away from its legitimacy for me though. I still like the game...


I loved pretty much everything about it. As a game, and as a Zelda game.


i know what you mean, but for me it was mostlly the music it was just a bit to different


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
First off, you must remember that SS re-imagined the Zelda formula. It changed it up significantly, so much that it almost didn't feel like a Zelda game at times (in a good way, of course). Second, I don't see how you can think this. I haven't had a Zelda game feel more like the original games than in SS. Despite the fact that the formula was re-imagined, SS also returned to many of the series' roots, such as a puzzle-styled overworld, only it seriously beefed it up. The combat also felt much more fluent with the rest of the world. This is just one of many things that makes SS so amazing. It feels like a whole new Zelda, yet it also feels right at home. <3
Apr 7, 2012
I agree with you. I think it should be a little bigger landscape where you can travel to big places who you are not required to visit. I liked the cutscenes though. I loved the music, but som of it wasnt so catchy and memorible. And it should be more Gorons!

Links Brother

I am Links older Brother!
Jul 12, 2011
I didn't mind not having Epona or Hyrule since it is an origin story and we have had Zelda games that were great without Hyrule. I'm surprised you said music too since this game had great new music and great old ones too. My only complaint is lack of side content. I thought this was going to be a mix of Ocarina of Time and Wind Waker. I thought we would have a huge sky like the sea and tons of things to do and side quests like Ocarina of Time. Instead we got a few fun side quests but a huge lack in them. And the side quests were only fun in the sense of story and jokes but gameplay wise all the sie quests were the same.

The Sky was perhaps the biggest disappointment. Most islands were empty and the ones that had stuff to do we're just missions like pick up a pumpkin or easy mini games. I didn't like the gratitude Crystels either. They were the main side quest and searching for them was way to easy. If Nintendo had created cool hidding spots or ones with enemy's by it in the sky and even on the ground it would have made it way more fun. For the next Zelda game I don't want them to try more of a Wind Waker/Skyrim side content. I want there still to be a sky but have the side quests have more of a story, involve fighting, maybe even dungeons and bosses for big ones. And make a lot of them. And if they wanted to put the cherry on top keep the choices we got from quests like Cawlins Love Letter. What do you guys think about mix bettween Wind Waker/Skyrim.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
I wouldn't say it doesn't have that "classic" Zelda feel, rather I'd say SS doesn't have that "Zelda" feel much at all. Of course I know I'm playing a Zelda game in a Zelda world, but it feels more like stereotypical-3rd-party-post-Wii-Nintendo-game (e.g Carnival or whatever it's called) instead of, y'know, Zelda or another 1st party game.

No, I'm not saying it's bad, just that it doesn't deliver to me like a "regular" Zelda game does. SS lacks so many options, replaying it is almost no fun, it's too linear, etc. etc. etc.


Jan 2, 2012
Its definitely a different feel from the usual Zelda, what with not having an overworld, but having regions to go to. I didn't really like the idea of all the regions, but it worked

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