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Should Link Speak?


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Champion
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
I think zelda fans being so opposed to link speaking is part of why nintendo still hasn't done so, like what REAL reason is there to not have him talk other that "it'd be weird"? It's only "weird" b/c we're so used to him being mostly silent, we've already broken tradition by having him be right handed and his default cloths not be the green tunic, so why is him talking a big no no?

like I said before, it doesn't really matter to me if he does talk or not, but I think zelda fans being resistant to him talking is a bit ridiculous

I will say, not sure if botw 2 would be the right time to have him talk, maybe they can do a half step and have him only occasionally say something? something similar to Adol from the Ys series or Aeron from Pandora's Tower


Braava Braava
Feb 18, 2010
Soul Sanctum
I think zelda fans being so opposed to link speaking is part of why nintendo still hasn't done so, like what REAL reason is there to not have him talk other that "it'd be weird"? It's only "weird" b/c we're so used to him being mostly silent, we've already broken tradition by having him be right handed and his default cloths not be the green tunic, so why is him talking a big no no?

like I said before, it doesn't really matter to me if he does talk or not, but I think zelda fans being resistant to him talking is a bit ridiculous

I will say, not sure if botw 2 would be the right time to have him talk, maybe they can do a half step and have him only occasionally say something? something similar to Adol from the Ys series or Aeron from Pandora's Tower

Link has always meant to be what his name says, A LINK to the player, an avatar that every person playing can imagine themself as, giving him a voice would and a personality beyond silent protaganist would kinda ruin that, giving him any dialogue beyond the options we get would do so too as some people might imagine him to be a sarcastic bugger or someone that is desperate to please others, it'd be like having a DnD character you've created being able to talk and have it's own idea.


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Champion
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
Link has always meant to be what his name says, A LINK to the player, an avatar that every person playing can imagine themself as, giving him a voice would and a personality beyond silent protaganist would kinda ruin that, giving him any dialogue beyond the options we get would do so too as some people might imagine him to be a sarcastic bugger or someone that is desperate to please others, it'd be like having a DnD character you've created being able to talk and have it's own idea.

This idea that a player is incapable of relating to a character that speaks has always been nonsense. The protagonists of Mass Effect, Deus Ex, and Fallout (to name a few) have consistent character voice that is more compelling than anything the Zelda series offers.

over the years, each zelda game has Link become more and more into his own character, and like I said before, it's not me that's in smash bros, it's LINK, from TP onwards they have the default name be "Link" instead of having it be completely blank, and hell breath of the wild just cements him being only called Link and nothing else, and frankly the whole avatar reason to me just feels outdated


Braava Braava
Feb 18, 2010
Soul Sanctum
over the years, each zelda game has Link become more and more into his own character, and like I said before, it's not me that's in smash bros, it's LINK, from TP onwards they have the default name be "Link" instead of having it be completely blank, and hell breath of the wild just cements him being only called Link and nothing else, and frankly the whole avatar reason to me just feels outdated

I won't deny it's outdated, because it is massively out dated, but unfortunately until nintendo decides to give us fully customizable links i think we're kinda stuck with it as their logic. I think the default name just happened because it'd become canon that his names link so they just made it "official" Honestly i still don't see BOTW Link as canon nor BOTW for that matter. Mostly cuz it was such a slipshod game in terms of engagement. (looking at you golden turd koroks)

I honestly don't see a reason for link needing a voice of his own, voice actor or otherwise, i like that he doesn't need to speak to get his personality across. And yeah i know i'm a contradictory git there :P


you are not immune to propaganda
Nov 3, 2020
I... I don't think he should speak, but it's not like if he did speak it would be that bad. I think if he is going to have spoken dialogue, it should be about as much as Mario has. The occasional voice line here and there. Nintendo's always been great with voice acting. I doubt having Link speak actual words would be terrible or anything.


Braava Braava
Feb 18, 2010
Soul Sanctum
I... I don't think he should speak, but it's not like if he did speak it would be that bad. I think if he is going to have spoken dialogue, it should be about as much as Mario has. The occasional voice line here and there. Nintendo's always been great with voice acting. I doubt having Link speak actual words would be terrible or anything.

Nintendo really isn't that good at voice acting only got to see the abysmal voice acting for zelda in BOTW to see that. That and the stupid requirement for hard G's on Calamity Ganon


Braava Braava
Feb 18, 2010
Soul Sanctum
Yeah, pretty good, eh?

Requirement? Wait... are you telling me there are people who think Ganon has a soft G?

it doesn't have a G so hard it can break the ice, they say it like GUHanon when it's GAHnon they really didn't do well on it, no one emphasis' the G. They did the same with Calamity at times emphasising the C of it


give me the cucco nuggets
Dec 22, 2020
faron woods
in some games he talks (without voice acting unless if its the.....know what imma not say it) but i prefer there to be no talking and the traditinal HYAH and grunts


funky fresh beats
Jun 16, 2020
House Chalphy
ya boi
I'd prefer for Zelda in general to stay free of voice acting (beyond vocal emotes and whatnot). If Nintendo would give Link a personality and allow him to express that through a good amount of dialogue and interactions with other characters (beyond a few short phrases), that'd be sufficient, IMO.


Slickest pompadour in town
Aug 16, 2019
Hopefully he will, if it's not in botw 2 it better be in the game after
Yet another voice that Nintendo's arrogant ass ears failed to listen to :(
I'd really like to hear Link speak. Maybe if there were options in dialogue, they could at least voice the option we choose

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