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Should I Buy an Xbox 360?

Should I buy an Xbox 360?

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Apr 16, 2010
Exactly like the title says, should I buy one or not? If I bought the 360, Modern Warfare 2 and a year of Xbox Live I would still have $173 left. So vote in the poll and please explain why or why not:)


It really depends on what you like when it comes to games.

On a personal note: I had all three consoles of this gen, and I ended up selling my XBox and PS3. I enjoyed all three consoles, but I found I was only having FUN with the Wii. The games on the XBox and PS3 look and sound AMAZING, and sometimes have a great story as well, but when I stepped back I realized I wasn't really having fun... just watching a movie and pushing buttons, and being wowed by what I saw/heard.

But that's just me. When it comes to video games, I put more emphasis on the GAME than the VIDEO, so to speak. What do YOU like?


Dec 3, 2009
Ikana Canyon
Just like the person said above its just really depends if you like those type of games that come out for Xbox360.I don't own one but my brother does and he enjoys it but he had to get it repair all the time I forgot what was wrong with it and he just stop,it just matters what you like when it comes to stuff like this.


Feb 24, 2010
If you like any of the 360 exclusive titles enough, or if you really enjoy playing online, I'd recommend it. As for the Red Ring of Death, while that appears to be a fairly common phenomenon, it's never happened to me and I've owned my console for around three years. Plus, apparently the new 360 slim lowers the risk significantly, so don't let that prevent you from picking one up.


Dec 17, 2009
If I were you I would get a PS3 instead. Its actually cheaper because you dont have to pay $50 for online every year and it has built in wifi so you dont have to buy a $50 cable or wifi adapter, plus it has basically everything 360 has but more. Not to mention you get a built in blue ray player, which are expensive, but you basically get it for free, and theres a wb browser. PS3 has most games the 360 has, including Modern Warefare, and there are better exclusive games on PS3 that arent on 360.

Its your choice but if I were you I would get a PS3 instead.
Last edited:
Aug 18, 2009
I'm gonna go ahead and say yes, it is a fun a console to own as any, and the game library is broad. The only downside would be that if you like playing online you have to pay like $50 a year in order to access online gaming. Anyway, in the end, that depends on you, I'd search for games that you are most likely wanting to play, if you see any that you might like, perhaps you may give it a chance and buy it. Up to you, really. :P

Btw, I own one and haven't played that in months. ^^


Jun 19, 2010
You definetly should.it has a great library of games and has alot of things to do besides playing games.its graphics and sound are alot better than wii but i really dont care about those things much.wii's gamplay is a little better though.But you should get one.I reccomend getting Oblivion,but its your choice.
May 17, 2010
Middle of Nowhere, PA
i would get a 360 i highly recommend it. the online multiplayer is where its at (better than PSN) i sold my PS3 so i can get an xbox 360 by the way. the controller is excellent, the only thing you really need to look out for is the white xbox 360s they have a higher risk of the red ring of death and i recommend getting the slim to anyone.


Game Over
Nov 9, 2009
Land of Shattered Hopes
I would reccomend getting the 360 due to the vast range of great games that are available for it. The PS3 doesnt provide as many games and is more expensive to buy.

The one free year of Xbox live is a great deal, and I would sieze the chance while I still could.

Your $173 dollars remaining could get you a few more great games, which are relatively cheap compared to the overpriced PS3 games.

But that's just my opinion.


I would get the 360 if I were you, I have had mine for about 3 years and I love it.


Jan 31, 2008
Amherst, MA
Didn't I already answer this one?
YES. THEN YOU CAN ADD ME ON XBOX LIVE AND WE CAN PLAY MW2 TOGETHER. I would finally have somebody to play MW2 with from ZD.

Also, get Alan Wake, awesome game. Pre-order Fallout: New Vegas, too. The Fallout series is great. You can get Fallout 3 GOTY Edition too. ;)

Kid Buu

The Ultimate Majin
Mar 20, 2010
United States
If I were you I would get a PS3 instead. Its actually cheaper because you dont have to pay $50 for online every year and it has built in wifi so you dont have to buy a $50 cable or wifi adapter, plus it has basically everything 360 has but more. Not to mention you get a built in blue ray player, which are expensive, but you basically get it for free, and theres a wb browser. PS3 has most games the 360 has, including Modern Warefare, and there are better exclusive games on PS3 that arent on 360.

Its your choice but if I were you I would get a PS3 instead.

Nice. You just proved the PS3 is better. But the slim has a "SLIM" (lol) chance of getting the YELLOW LIGHT OF DEATH!!!!! :O I haven't got it yet.


I'm an assassin.... sshhh
Mar 13, 2010
The shadows
all right, so here I go on my massive rant now before I begin I don't want any flamers because I have ALL three consols (Wii, PS3, 360) :
ok, so right off the bat you need to get the PS3 instead because - the PS3 has the exact amount of games the 360 does but the 360 has just a little bit more first person shooters. now for the 360 you have to pay a monthly fee for the membership, but the ps3 is free until you want to buy something at the shop. now the 360 has some 'live features' sure, but do you really want to spend hours listening to people on FPS games call you a noob and homophobic nonsense while you keep getting head shot just because the sniper 'got to that place first'. the ps3 has less of a violent reputation so you have no need for a worry like that. also the 360 has a high falure rate while the PS3 has a really low failure rate, even though people say 'if you give microsoft the consol they will fix it and that will be it' thats wrong, they should fix the problem instead of covering it up with this new 360 that 'has a low failure rate' yeah right. (STORY: this guy took his 360 to the guys that made the halo games and he got them to sign it and draw a master cheif helmet. once he got the red ring of death he sent the 360 to microsoft and they cleaned it and sent it back. the guy was outraged and sent an angry letter because microsoft erased the signatures. so what did they do? they got the guys who made halo to fix their problem by sending the guy free merchendise that was signed . and finnally the PS3 could do blue-ray, internet, wifi, games, and a printer and was priced at 299.00 but the 360 could do some internet, mainly the store for the 360, and netfilx and the 360 was priced at - 399.00 until it was lowered to match the 299.00 price of the PS3. so in my opinion yo should get the PS3 instead of the 360


Dec 17, 2009
Nice. You just proved the PS3 is better. But the slim has a "SLIM" (lol) chance of getting the YELLOW LIGHT OF DEATH!!!!! :O I haven't got it yet.
Believe it or not, the failure rate of the XBOX 360 is about 54%.
The failure rate of the PS3 is about 10%.

Also, the XBOX 360 Slim isnt any better than the old XBOX 360s. It has the same faulty parts, just more vents to try to keep it cool.

And im not a PS3 fanboy, and I dont hate the 360, I just know the facts. I actually lean towards the Wii being my favorite, because of the classic characters that you dont find on any other system :P

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