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Which women is best with Link?

  • Zelda

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Saria

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Malon

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Marin

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Midna

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ilia

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Din

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ruto

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Link is single and should always be single

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • other

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


I don't like you either
Dec 31, 2010
If Link were to be distracted by love. (which he usually isn't). Which women would be the best for him to pursue. Besides the obvious Zelda, I like Link the best with either Malon or Marin.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
Saria. I mean, they're childhood friends. It isn't abnormal for childhood friends to become husband/wife, and they just seem to fit, at least in my eyes.


I don't like you either
Dec 31, 2010
I think Link would be able to have a growing relationship with Tingle. Although Nintendo never shows anything spark in between them, they try to have Tingle show up in major games, and he usually has something important to do with the plot.

Let's talk about Majora's Mask, as far as I know this is Tingle's first appearance in the LoZ series. In this game Tingle is just a harmless map maker who wants to be a fairy. When he sees Link, his eyeballs pop out and his jaw drops cartoon fashioned, he is amazed at Link's appearance "Green hat, green clothes, and a fairy," he calls Link a forest fairy. He loves fairies, and acknowledges Link as being a fairy himself, does this not give a hint to Tingle's feelings toward Link? If you don't think so, then I don't know what a hint is. The point is, Tingle already had feelings for Link in Majora's Mask almost instantly, but the feelings weren't returned, Link was a man dedicated to saving the world, so he just bought Tingles maps, thanked him for his help, and went on. Oh, unrequited love.

Now on to Four Swords Adventures. In that game, Tingle always shows up to take force gems, because he needs their magical power, Link also needs their magical power. Most players hate Tingle for showing up, they think of him as a nuisance, but I think it's just like tsundere. After a while they will start to appreciate Tingle more, and eventually have positive feelings for him.

In Wind Waker, Link finds Tingle locked in a cell, Tingle jumps at the sight of him and quickly rushes to the bars asking for help. Link, the naive child that he is in Wind Waker, helps Tingle out. Tingle does deh happeh dance, and gives Link a special item in return. What is this item? It's called the Tingle Tuner, you can hook up a GBA to the GC to have Tingle help you on your journey, a sure sign that he cares about you. And when you meet him again when you search for the shards of the Triforce, he deciphers your charts. Although it's for a price, it isn't all that expensive, and it's extremely important in the game. This obviously shows that even in Wind Waker, Tingle really cares about Link, but since Link is just a naive child, it's unrequited once again.

So, in conclusion, Nintendo has made is clear through bits of evidence that Tingle has feelings for Link, but they're never noticed. I think Link should have a relationship with Tingle.


That had so much win in it. Thank you for making me laugh my head off. I now have a new favorite Zelda couple.


Dec 16, 2009
United States
Attack helicopter
I'd say Zelda. It just seems kind-of normal for them. Other than that, it should be Midna or Link should stay single.
Zelda. These are the games I'm pretty sure they get married after:


Heh. I made an abridged series on where they get married. It was kind-of funny.


Oct 4, 2010
Single in my opinion. It would be cute to see a little love sprinkled in there though.... but I wouldn't want The Legend of Zelda to get mixed up with the whole romantic situation. I always liked Link's character better when he was off alone. Just as a pathetic joke: Lone Wolf * coughTPcough*


If Link were to be distracted by love. (which he usually isn't). Which women would be the best for him to pursue. Besides the obvious Zelda, I like Link the best with either Malon or Marin.
Saria. i think they had a WAY better relationship in Oot. but then there might be a legal marrige age so Zelda is 2nd
Jan 1, 2011
I think Link would be able to have a growing relationship with Tingle. Although Nintendo never shows anything spark in between them, they try to have Tingle show up in major games, and he usually has something important to do with the plot.

Let's talk about Majora's Mask, as far as I know this is Tingle's first appearance in the LoZ series. In this game Tingle is just a harmless map maker who wants to be a fairy. When he sees Link, his eyeballs pop out and his jaw drops cartoon fashioned, he is amazed at Link's appearance "Green hat, green clothes, and a fairy," he calls Link a forest fairy. He loves fairies, and acknowledges Link as being a fairy himself, does this not give a hint to Tingle's feelings toward Link? If you don't think so, then I don't know what a hint is. The point is, Tingle already had feelings for Link in Majora's Mask almost instantly, but the feelings weren't returned, Link was a man dedicated to saving the world, so he just bought Tingles maps, thanked him for his help, and went on. Oh, unrequited love.

Now on to Four Swords Adventures. In that game, Tingle always shows up to take force gems, because he needs their magical power, Link also needs their magical power. Most players hate Tingle for showing up, they think of him as a nuisance, but I think it's just like tsundere. After a while they will start to appreciate Tingle more, and eventually have positive feelings for him.

In Wind Waker, Link finds Tingle locked in a cell, Tingle jumps at the sight of him and quickly rushes to the bars asking for help. Link, the naive child that he is in Wind Waker, helps Tingle out. Tingle does deh happeh dance, and gives Link a special item in return. What is this item? It's called the Tingle Tuner, you can hook up a GBA to the GC to have Tingle help you on your journey, a sure sign that he cares about you. And when you meet him again when you search for the shards of the Triforce, he deciphers your charts. Although it's for a price, it isn't all that expensive, and it's extremely important in the game. This obviously shows that even in Wind Waker, Tingle really cares about Link, but since Link is just a naive child, it's unrequited once again.

So, in conclusion, Nintendo has made is clear through bits of evidence that Tingle has feelings for Link, but they're never noticed. I think Link should have a relationship with Tingle.


I think this post just top's everything else I've read in this thread so far. :lol: I'm still laughing.

No but seriously, he just need's to stay single. No point into having a "relationship" with any of the other character's in the story. It's an action/ adventure game, not a romance. -.-


Dec 16, 2009
United States
Attack helicopter
When I meant that Zelda was the perfect woman for Link, I just meant like a relationship or something. Marriage would just take it too far.

King Link and Queen Zelda.....:lol:. It just sounds way too wierd.


Zelda Fan Girl
Jun 13, 2010
SkyView Temple
Spirit Tracks Artwork 4.jpgZelda.:yes: Their perfect for each other! Spirit Tracks had the best proof of them being good together.:clap: No other girl would even come close:dry: Link and Zelda rocks!;)


A Hero of Time
Apr 14, 2010
Anchorage, Alaska (Nome in the summer)
I'm a proponent of Malon/Marin. Besides my personal preference for redheads those two are the working class sort of girls that would be able to keep up with Link. They also don't have the presumed obligations of marrying someone of Noble Birth (unless the ability to wield the Master Sword is permissible evidence). Though Tetra and ST Zelda are A ok in my book. Nabooru is missing from the list, by the way.

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