I have several shinies, most of them traded, almost all of them nothing more than trophies so far as I'm concerned. The only two that I ever actively used were Milotic, cus I think her shiny colors are just beautiful, and Rotom, cus it was actually of decent enough specs to EV train.
I have a weird habit of finding green shinies, since over half the ones I encountered myself were green: Oddish, Onix, Teddiursa, and an Espeon in a battle tower. My favorite story of finding a shiny though is that of my Togepi, which I hatched while breeding for a modest female with serene grace (very low chance of getting btw). I started releasing all the eggs that hatched with a bad nature and ALMOST released a shiny that had hatched. He was useless though, he's just there because I found it amusing I got a shiny before getting the Togepi I was actually after.