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General Modern Real Life Zelda-Twitches


Sage of Tales
I'm sure I've posted on this subject before somewhere, long ago, but I was reminded anew today.

This is one of those "You know you've been playing Legend of Zelda games too much when..." threads.

Today, I decided to make the most of the fact that it was NOT 5 degrees outside and NOT snowing (Gah, Pennsylvania this year...) by taking a nice, long walk. So, I took a sustained walk around my neighborhood and into a patch of woods for about two hours. Yes, my body is killing me.

I saw some trees today that were just covered in vines, as in, one side of a tree blanketed in ivy.

Since I've been playing Skyward Sword lately, I had this *urge* to climb the vines. Like "Something must be up in those trees! There are vines there!"

I reminded my brain that I was in the real world where the vines are not strong and my body is not small and physics, in general, do not work like they do in videogames. I have the same kind of little twitch when I've been playing Twilight Princess.

Is it just me, or do the modern games give you weird little twitches to want to do things you cannot do in real life when you see something in real life that is similar to what you see in the games?


BoDoc Horseman
Nov 24, 2012
I overestimate how much I can carry. I always seem to forget that I can't possibly fit all of these items on my body and have to remind myself that I do not have enough space to carry many objects around.
Mar 18, 2014
The closest I've ever come to this was when I was first playing Skyward Sword. It wasn't long after I went through a pretty rough break up (I was thinking about a ring, she was thinking about a friend of mine). I decided I "needed some adventure" but I had work and grad school so instead of going on a cross country trip or something, I went hiking a lot

edit: a few months later, I got a dog


Will play for rupees
Mar 12, 2014
Behind you!
There's a state park I like to go trail riding in a lot. It's got hills and open fields and woods with fallen logs to jump over. Every time I go there I run around like crazy because I feel like Link with Epona. My horse has never even seen LoZ but he's always more than happy to oblige.


May 18, 2013
it's not exactly a twitch, it's just that there's a lot of thing in general that remind me of Zelda, specially alttp, MM and OoT. I dunno, multifloor buildings and houses where you can see the floor below sometimes remind me of dungeons.


Suit Up!
Mar 16, 2014
Hamilton, Canada
Okay, so there's this 'garden' by where I live, except it's really unattended and old and there's all these tall vines in there. Sometimes, when I'm walking by, I so badly just want to take a stick and slash through them like it's nothing, like they're Deku Baba's.


And now.. That imp has it
Nov 4, 2013
I used to do it a lot more when I was a kid (now I'm just a big kid :P) but sometimes, when I'm on vacation and I'm laying at the beach, I wonder how awesome it would be to have the Zora's Mask and be able to swim with it.

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
Dec 2, 2012
Not that I have anything against pots, but when I see pottery around anywhere, I go on a rampage and smash them all, then get kicked out of Wal-Mart.

Look at these life lessons that Zelda teaches kids!


There's a Bazooka in TP!
Feb 28, 2009
Ontario, Canada
I don't think I've ever been caught off guard in a "Oh right, I'm in real life" way, but I do have little reminders of games pop up in real life which are usually relating to the game I'm currently playing.

For example, I was sitting in a food court once and looked up to see a skylight that had odd plates on each side of the window. I had recently been playing Twilight Princess, so I immediately though that those were great hookshot points.

While not Zelda related, I've thought about great hiding places in hay stacks (Assassin's Creed) or inverted takedown points when looking at gargoyles at an opera theater (Batman Arkham Series).

I wonder sometimes if it's moments like this that run through game developers minds. Instead though, they'd be inspired by their surroundings and then place these ideas into their games instead. So, life influences games vs our games influencing life?


Will play for rupees
Mar 12, 2014
Behind you!
My friend has the "item get" jingle on her phone. Whenever I am holding something and it goes off, I must hold it aloft and look excited. It's an involuntary reflex.


Will play for rupees
Mar 12, 2014
Behind you!
I think the chickens at my barn have zelda twitches. Either that or chickens really are that vicious.

True story, there's this one hen that keeps getting in the tack room and laying eggs on my saddle pads so I have to go in there and toss her out. I guess I finally did it one too many times and when I tossed her she turned around in midair and started attacking my face. She then proceeded to chase me around the yard until I dove into a trailer. Protip: hiding in a building and then stepping out again totally does call the chickens off their murderous rampage.


Mentally Numb
Dec 21, 2012
Behind the Couch In the Corner
There was onetime I was coming home from a checkup at St. Jude's(Had cancer but am currently in remission) anyway My father and I were in Atlanta GA. waiting for our flight when I noticed some dark grey clouds(which turned out to be storm clouds) rolling in. I don't know why, but I randomly started humming the song of storms.

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