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Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
Dec 2, 2012
How to Train Your Dragon 2

In all honesty, just the fact that Toothless is one of the most adorable mother ****ers in film history makes this movie deserve at least a 9/10. I don't have much else to say.
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The Altruist
Jul 23, 2011
Mishima Tower
So I finally got to see Non-Stop for the first time, and HOLY SH*T IS THIS MOVIE INTENSE. Seriously, I was at the edge of my seat the whole time simply because of how well was the suspense, mystery, and action were mixed in! I was trying to point out the killer throughout the movie in my mind, but this movie does an excellent job doubting yourself and Liam Nelson did an excellent job as the main role! The suspense got to me so much that I was stiff for practically the rest of the night since I was always anticipating was going to happen. Non Stop receives a perfect 10/10!
Sep 23, 2013
United States
How To Train Your Dragon 1 & 2-They're both great movies, but I think the sequel's even better than the first one by a long shot. The fact that it's more action-oriented & having more focus on other characters & dragons besides the protagonist is a big improvement over the first one. The sequel's definitely a must-see. :)

8/10 (for the first movie); 9/10 (for the sequel).
Aug 18, 2009
Lone Survivor. 10/10 I gave it ten of ten because it was a good movie based on true happenings. I expected more from it, more action, but what I saw was enough for it to deserve that score. :nod:


Quid est veritas, Claudia
Feb 9, 2010
Well I just saw Philomena, ya know, the one with Juid Dench, nominated for Best Picture. It was actually really good. Short, but not too short, it felt like a good little story, with lots of surprises and stuff, it was really well done. Super sad too :(

Philomena - 8.5/10

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
Dec 2, 2012
I'm having a Transformers marathon on Thursday in preparation for Age of Extinction on Friday. My personal ratings for those three movies are as follows:

Transformers - 8/10

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen - 7/10

Transformers: Dark of the Moon - 8.5/10

Haven't watched these recently, but figured I'd rate them just because.
Sep 23, 2013
United States
The Thief and the Cobbler (Miramax version)-Nothing like watching a terrible animated movie a day after I watched a better animated movie. Honestly, the only excuses I even watched this is due to the horribly dated songs, bad editing, sub-par animation, & the bland voice acting. It's more of a So Bad, It's Good film anyway, so it's enough of a reason for me to watch it.



AKA Patrick
Aug 13, 2013
X-Men: Days of Future Past

I know I'm a little late with this one and a lot has already been said about it. As a fan of the X-Men film series I loved it. It's been a rocky road in the series' history up to this point: from Bryan Singer's (The director of Days of Future Past) wonderful X-Men and X2: X-Men United, which brought mutants to life, to Brett Ratner's all over the place X-Men: The Last Stand, which decided to killed off some of our favorite mutants, to that one thing about an origin or what not but nobody really cares about it, to Matthew Vaughn's entertaining X-Men: First Class, that showed us how the X-Men started out, and then to James Mangold's interesting The Wolverine, which was a pretty decent character piece on the title character. This movie took the best of all of those movies and adds some of it's own things. The ending will satisfy all fans of the series. The only real problem with it is that it relies pretty heavily on knowledge of the prior films in the series, so this definitely shouldn't be your first X-Men film.


Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
Dec 2, 2012
Transformers: Age of Extinction

In terms of direction, screenplay, special effects, music, etc, this movie was no different from the rest of the Transformers films. It was, essentially, just more of the same that we get with each new entry to the series. However, I must praise the change in cast and the story. It was nice to see some new characters instead of the, dare I say it, boring and slightly underdeveloped Sam Witwicky, as well as a new batch of Transformers. Of course they had to keep in the mains, notably Optimus Prime and Bumblebee, but most of them were completely new characters, and all of them were unique and interesting. It was a good overall story, and it was nice to see a new badass race of Transformers (The Dinobots). The action scenes were great as always, and it was nice to see Michael Bay ease up on the number of explosions this time around. Overall, a solid film, and it shows that effort was made to bring the series back to what it started out as.

Aug 18, 2009

Going into this movie I thought Maleficent was gonna start off being all evil and crap. But I was surprised from the get go. It was a good movie to watch, especially with the Asian chick that also went and sat right next to me despite there being more seats. :cool: What can I say, I'm cute. lolz


Proud Jesus Freak !
Jun 17, 2014
Yonder Thicket
Thought I might post something Here

The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty - 9/10

I know this movie came out a while ago but it was really good I thought by the trailer that I was going to end up regretting it but I actually really liked it. I didn't see a lot of people go see this movie and it sorta made me sad because this movie deserves more attention, You should all drop everything and buy it know and watch it...
Sep 23, 2013
United States
The Neverending Story-I was super curious about this movie after how much Doug Walker over at TGWTG liked it, so I watched it while I was away. After watching it, I loved the heck out of it. I see it as one of the best family movies ever made. Definitely a good movie. :) 8/10

The Prince of Egypt-Coming from someone who thinks the HTTYD movies were DWA's magnum opus, I think this movie tops them. Great movie with a wonderful soundtrack, animation, & story. Along with Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron & the HTTYD movies, this is another DreamWorks movie I truly love. 10/10


BoDoc Horseman
Nov 24, 2012
They Came Together

A hilarious spoof of romantic comedies. It is smart, clever, and absolutely ridiculous. Every minute was spent laughing like an idiot. I would recommend it to anyone.
I give this movie a 10/10
May 4, 2014
Maleficent, it was ok, the first half felt forced and had bad pacing, the second half got better, but still had some cringeworthy moments. Angelina jolie made a great maleficent 6/10

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