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Game Thread Raccoon City Mafia (Game Thread)

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Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
also, you claimed backup so my role dying D1 wouldn't matter much and even if I did it would be better to not waste claims
This is so underwhelming though, preferably if you are a Townie you don't want to be mislynched regardless of a backup.

Honestly I can't tell if Ex coming in saying he has info is legit. On one hand, we could lynch Echo and if she flips scum, that's great (but I wouldn't rule out Ex bussing later down the road. Matter of fact Echo is a hot mess so it'd probably be beneficial to buss her if she was scum). If she flips third party though we know Ex is lying anyway.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
I mean, lynching third party again is pretty safe assuming Echo is third party, by that I mean Mafia is still untouched. If she's scum though that'd be cool but I could totally imagine scum Ex bussing.

I'd need some more reassurance to go along with voting Echo, I also want to see what Echo has to say.

Maniacal Ezlo

ZD Champion
Forum Volunteer
Dec 2, 2012
Hi guys, sorry for disappearing yesterday, I was at work and for some reason I thought the day ended sooner. Guess I had EST in my head.

I'll try to give some thoughts in a bit, but here is a quick town pile.

Rubik (do I even need to put him here)

I also don't want to lynch Echo today since she's most likely just a survivor.

I'll be back later to give more thoughts. Right now that's my 'would not lynch' group.

Ex apparently has info he can share so I am also staying away from him for the time being too.

More to come from me later, I have some catching up to do and dinner to cook in the meantime.
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