Well, I just believe what was said about the *original* war between Majora and Fierce Deity. That's just how I see it.
When does it say Fierce Deity was evil? I don't remember that at all, but then I've never read the manga or gotten the FD mask in MM. I always thought the FD mask was kind of like the complete opposite of Majora's mask. Like, Majora's mask granted a wish, but took your deepest darkest wish to make real or something, where the FD mask was kind of like the mask incarnation of some godlike being meant to destroy Majora and Majora's mask.
ok lets say the beast is majora and the traveler is fierce deity.
then why is the fierce deity mask also evil, i still don 't get that.
Its not necessarily evil, thats just how most people make it out to be. If you were to believe the manga, and say that the traveler was the Fierce Diety, the traveler was able to kill Majora. In the game, whenever you have possesion of the Fierce Diety Mask, the kid wearing Majora's Mask on the moon says something like "you can be the bad guy". He could just be saying that like (if the manga was canon) that you are playing as the guy who killed him before, therefore he views you as a bad guy.
Thats not the reason why i call fierce deity evil.
The reason is simple, in the actually game, if you press the A button on the firece deity mask, the description will say something like "This mask can only be used in boss rooms because of its evil power"