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Prediction: Zelda 25th Anniversary Surprise= Skyward Sword.

Feb 15, 2011
I bet the 25th anniversary thing is gonna be a Zelda movie! Probably not, but I can dream can't I?
Jul 24, 2010
Charlotte, NC
i think they release a game disc with several old games on it and maybe some type of accessory. i hope the game disc will have both the console games and the handhelds since i have not played any of the handhelds.
Oct 26, 2008
I don't expect to see anything that special, although I am expecting that they bring out a special edition Nintendo Wii that has a Zelda theme, or is at least green, like they did for the 25th anniversary of the Mario series. They will probably go through the entire re-advertisement phase that the Mario series had as well, in which a lot of it's more recent games were advertised pretty much 24/7 (although I think the price of each game was reduced).

Although, I guess that the surprise could be something to do with Skyward Sword. I wouldn't have thought that the game would be the surprise though, because not that many people would be surprised. In fact, I'd be pretty disappointed if that was the best surprise that Nintendo could gather. I think it would be something more along the lines of a collectors item (like the little figurines that they were giving out when they first released Pokemon Platinum).


Possibilities, in my opinion, ranked in order of probability:

  1. Master Quest for Ocarina 3D. I know this has already been "announced," but I predict that you'll only get it with the special, 25th anniversary edition with shinny packaging. In all probibility, since it has been said that the celebratory thing, whatever it is, will be "different" from what was done with mario,
  2. Either a compilation disk for Wii or a compilation card for 3DS containing multiple titles, most likely 2D ones, as was done with the Mario series on its 25th. Graphics could be slightly altered, or content could be added in order to differentiate it from the Wii VC versions (e.g. Palace of the Four Sword being present in Alttp or something to that effect).
  3. Something to do with the 3DS Virtual Console, most likely showcasing old handheld Zelda titles. Perhaps they will be included with the purchase of Ocarina of Time 3D.
  4. A promotional discount marking down the 3DS price somewhat if SS is also purchased.
  5. Tmeline announcement. At last.
  6. A small Zelda minigame taking advantage of the 3DS's augmented reality capabilities. It could come preinstalled on special promotional 3DS units. Nintendo has released a lot of promotional consoles over the years (Remember that Pikachu N64? :sick:). Why should they stop now? It may also be included with Ocarina of Time 3D preorders. I can see the obnoxious GameStop ads now...
  7. Majora's Mask 3DS announcement. This is mostly wishful thinking, but we can dream, can we not? :) Actually, this would make a lot of sense to do, considering as the Nintendo 64 versions of Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask were based on the same engine, and used the same character models. A similar tactic could be employed pretty easily to make Majora's Mask 3D. Perhaps the two titles are being developed concurrently. This is relatively common in the film industry, for movies that are known to do well no matter what (example: Back to the future, parts 2 and 3). This hasn't been seen among game developers, but since both games would be guarenteed blockbusters, why not? In fact, they may even come packed together as a special promotional thing. Okay, my wishful thinking is getting out of hand. So I may as well go all the way...
  8. Miyomoto will announce that he will make several hundred clones of himself and cryogenically freeze them for future use, so that his brilliance in game design may adorn the industry eternally. Also, Gunpei Yokoi will be resurrected, and Hideo Kojima, Will Wright, and Sid Meier will all defect to Nintendo. The next Nintendo console will feature true virtual reality as an optional feature (you can play on the screen with a controller or in the game completely with a headset paying homage to the virtual boy in outward appearance, only it taps into your nervous system and reports everything perfectly to your brain as though you are truly, 100% in the game). A Zelda title will come packed in. (This is the last on the list for obvious reasons, but it is the one I would most prefer. Once again, wishful thinking. I don't think you guys are idiots, it just that I've had bad experiences with my sarcastic sense of humor on other message boards in the past)


Freak on a leash xp
Sep 8, 2010
I don't expect to see anything that special, although I am expecting that they bring out a special edition Nintendo Wii that has a Zelda theme, or is at least green, like they did for the 25th anniversary of the Mario series.

Reggie stated in an interview that they will not be doing the same thing they did for mario's 25 anniversary.
Mar 14, 2011
I think maybe there will be another collectors edition but this time making WW Oot MM and TP on the same disk with a special movie of SS like on the old collectors edition for gamecube. Also maybe a 20 minute demo of skyward sword, like on the old collectors edition. I think a Timeline will not come out until the Zelda series is Completed cause they cant make a timeline until the series ends cause there will be more zelda titles.


Hero of Time
Jan 30, 2011
It'll definitely be a compilation of the older games I believe.....LoZ, AoL, and ALttP i believe.....bundled with other goodies....A green Wii would be cool too but I dont see that happening. Then again....it COULD be a remake but I dont think so as that would basically mean creating a whole other game and I dont think theyd do that.....I'm still gonna buy it though, I missed out on the Mario one cuz I didnt have money, but for Zelda Id gladly empty out my bank account :P


Hero of…. #s, I guess
Mar 22, 2011
I would love them forever* if they compiled every game ever into a collector's set. All the games, all on Wii. Like 7 discs. Like $200. Come on Nintendo. Do it for the fans.

*I will probably love them forever anyway. I haven't a life.

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