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Post Your Zelda Scores


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
Obviously this will be completely up to subjective behaviors, so please no attacking me for my own scores or the explanations for these scores. Also, I'm rating these games as Zelda games, like how I feel a Zelda game should be.

Legend of Zelda: I've had many an adventure with LoZ. Yes, an adventure, An unusual and exciting, typically hazardous, experience or activity. Traversing the world in order to find lone heart containers, extra items or just little caves with no significance. LoZ is a simple game, but through its simplicity it has an incredilby engrossing gameplay. Sure, it may not have much by way of plot, but it more than makes up for it in the adventure/exploration aspect. Easy 90.

Adventure of Link: AoL is a tough cookie. The hardest of all Zelda games. Still doesn't have too much plot, and I daresay it's too hard to progress in this game without decents amount of skill. I might be terrible at the game, but I give it an 85 for keeps. Good difficulty, wondrous (but tedious) exploration, etc.

A Link to the Past: I'll save words of praise and give this a definite 100.

Link's Awakening: 75

Ocarina of Time: See ALttP. 100.

Majora's Mask: See ALttP. 100.

Oracles: The Oracles are divided into two sections: action and puzzles. Seasons is the action game (denoted by the red color) and Ages is the puzzle game (denoted by the blue). Hah, that's a bit funny as red = power which translates to action, and blue = wisdom which translates to puzzles. LOL. Anyway, both games are masterful GBC games, but even more so they are amazing Zelda titles imo. They have just the right amounts of everything. 100

The Wind Waker: TWW is a bit odd int hat I genuinely enjoy it, but I feel things are left to be desired. Namely more difficulty, but that can easily be solved with a month of TP down my throat, then switching back to TWW. I'll forget to hold my shield up which results in several deaths xD. 80

The Minish Cap: Wonderful little bugger here. 99

Twilight Princess: There are many problems with TP. It lacks a difficulty spike among other things. It's a bit too linear, characters are picked up and dropped almost immediately. The worst case of a character being dropped of course is Ilia. But guess what? Her beign dropped actually makes sense; it shows that Link has more to worry about than a silly love interest. I used to love, then hate...but I now have serious respect for TP. Story might be all over the place, but a human being realistically is also all over the place...acting totally erratic and displeasing at times. TP gets a 85 becuase it lacks difficulty and exploration, but otherwise is a good game.

Phantom Hourglass & Spirit Tracks: Good games, hampered by touch controls. 75

Skyward Sword: This game is just...oh my goodness. It's nothing like a Zelda game should be like IMO. No exploration. Crappy plot that's inconsistent with itself, let alone the Zelda series at large. Hylia exists which defies the concept of a (princess) Zelda. Gameplay is stale and full of stalling. Game isn't a world, in fact it's a series of levels for the only consistent thing: the goal to find Zelda and secure her. This game is a game of gut-wrenching evil. Just meh, kill it with fire and erase it from existing. Tell Nintendo to re-do the story, re-do the combat and for my sake, remove the damn motion controls. They hinder far more than they fix. 0

Not Take Mirror

Sage of Ice
Dec 8, 2012
Minneapolis, MN
Ranked according to my preference:

OoT: 95
ALttP: 93
TP: 90
LA: 90*
MM: 88
SS: 85
LoZ: 85
TWW: 80
ST: 80
AoL: 75

*I couldn't get very far in this game because my Gameboy broke down. But what little I've played of it, I enjoyed very much.


Apr 22, 2011
LoZ: 65

A classic game, love the non-linearity, large open, difficulty world and gameplay. Judging game from when it was released, not going to bother comparing with todays games.

AoL: 85

I love this game for it's difficulty and sidescrolling action, it actually is among my favorite Zelda games ever. But there are a lot of bad factors too which personally don't bother me that much as the next guy. The RPG elements were actually quite nice and I hope to see some of them in ZU.

aLttP: 65

I liked this games story and gameplay, can imagine it was quite revolutionary for it's time. A jump from AoL to aLttP must've been awesome to experience. The only things I didn't like were some of the music and the dungeons, felt kind of repetitive if you ask me. But I haven't played the game for a few years now and maybe that's just the 12-year old me whining about a game considered to be one of the best ever so I'll replay it some time and update my review.

LA: 75

I liked the little twist in this game, no Hyrule or Ganondorf anywhere, just a mysterious island with a shipwrecked young hero. The small references and just characters in general in this game were pretty awesome, the gameplay was pretty classic and felt like an updated version of the original LoZ IMO. By far my favorite aspects of this game are the overworld and story.

OoT: 100

There are a lot of things to say about this game but I'll try to keep it short. There is no arguing that this game was revolutionary, the jump into 3D and Z-targeting are without doubt features that gave an entire new experience to Zelda. Now I know that any other game given these two amazing aspects (3D & Z-targeting) would've have been branded as the best game of all time but luckily for OoT that happened to be the game. IMO 3D & Z-targeting aren't the only things that make OoT a great game, the fact that it's pretty balanced in all other aspects makes me say it's a perfect game. The story is well written and not too complicated, but complicated enough to satisfy a hardcore Zelda fan. The gameplay is the same thing, it's not to complicated for a casual to learn or have fun but at the same time any hardcore Zelda fan (despite it being 3D) will just know that they are playing a Zelda game.

It's afterall the game that dragged me into the series (dragged most people in) and I think that's a really nice example of how fun the game was to play. I'm pretty sure if I had played any other Zelda game I wouldn't be interested in the series at all.

MM: 95

This is a special game, much like LA it stands out because it doesn't follow the classic formula. Still a great game though, loved the gameplay most of all, but don't get me wrong; story is awesome too. Termina is a really interesting world and I both love & hate the 3 day cycle. It's awesome for story purposes but can get very tedious when just playing the game. I loved the sidequests and how well the story was written for them, the main storyline was interesting too as I said with the 3 day cycle and masks, oh boy the masks.. this is what I mean by awesome gameplay, turning into a Zora and just swimming forever was as fun as it could get.

So what makes me give the game a 95 and not 100?
Well as much as I love MM it bugs me that it feels more like an expansion for OoT than it feels as a standalone game to me. I would've given it a 100 if it was completely different time period with no reference to OoT at all. But that's just my personal opinion that will bug me forever although still doesn't change the fact that it is an awesome game.

OoS: 65

Story was decent although I don't know why but I would rather have had a classic formula game after MM, Princess, Link & Ganondorf. But still think the game was fun to play and nice with a little change with a 2D game.

OoA: 70

Same applies here as for OoS, except I liked the puzzles more in this game so +5.

TWW: 55

I thought this game was decent, the only thing I hated was the overworld and difficulty. The gameplay, story and music were all phenomenal. The great sea though was way to big, or I should say way to sparsely populated with islands. It would've been more fun with many more islands and a bigger boat. The difficulty was too easy for this game, I breezed through on my first playthrough and never got a game over, the only section I had trouble with ironically is the beginning on the Forsaken Fortress. So the only aspects taking away points from this game is the great sea being way too big & repetitive/similar everywhere and the difficulty being too easy.

FS: 50

This game was decent, different from the standard Zelda game and I think this is the main reason I'm giving this game a lower score. It didn't feel like I was playing Zelda as much as it did a party game.

FSA: 40

It was a fun game playing with friends and that's it really for my part, story was boring and the gameplay is the only thing making me give this game points. It didn't even feel like a zelda game to me.

TMC: 90

This game is yet another one of my favorites, LOVED the overworld, absolutely amazing design. This game felt a little bit like a pokemon adventure, probably because I played Emerald around the same time as I played this game on the GBA. Back to this game, I liked the story a lot, nice not having Ganondorf for a change, loved the puzzles and boss fights. Dungeons never felt boring to me, always something different to find. The little mini game with Cuccos in Castle Town was something minor that I liked. The Minish story itself was quite interesting and I hope they reappear some time in the future (not likely).

The overworld definitely needs to be an inspiration for ZU's overworld, the design was really creative and beautiful. Just the thought of seeing it in 3D and being able to run around in Mt. Crenel in 3D sends shivers down my spine to be honest. :xd:

TP: 70

I liked this game a lot, but didn't like how the story turned out. I guess this was the KoToR II of Zelda, awesome gameplay, art style and story.. then at the end the story suffers a painful death. the art style was very pleasing to me, it may have had some small flaws but I overall enjoyed playing TP more than I did SS or TWW, felt like an anime which was cool. I also need to say that even though the story turned out a little rusty towards the end there were still epic moments, like the boss battles, music, some cinematics etc.

PH: 50

Wasn't fond of this game, mainly because I wanted a 2D handheld game not a non-polished 3D art style. The story was meh but I was actually surprised how fun it was to play the game, the dungeons & puzzles were interesting to solve with the drawing mechanic.

ST: 50

Just as with PH I don't like the 3D handheld games, I would've been much happier if this was another 2D game. The art style was just terrible and not polished at all, but then again can't expect anymore from a DS. The gameplay was fun though with the dual screens and the golem mechanic, but despised the train sequences.

SS: 50

I didn't like that the classic button mashing gameplay was replaced with motion controls, just didn't feel like a Zelda game to me and the art style wasn't my cup of tea either. Side quests were yet again very primitive compared to other games side quests but I can't really expect more from a Wii game, the sky gameplay never suited me and I'd rather they had just made a bigger surface world than have an entire sky filled with.. clouds. Good parts were the story and that's it.
Dec 13, 2012
Twilight Princess - 9.5/10
Majora's Mask - 9.8/10
Ocarina of Time - 9.7/10
Skyward Sword 4.5/10
Wind Waker 8/10
A Link to the Past 9.5/10
Link's Awakening 8.5/10
Spirit Tracks 4/10
Phantom Hourglass 4/10
Four Swords 6/10
Legend of Zelda 7/10
Adventure of Link 0/10 (not a zelda game)
Oracles 7/10

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