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Post a Video Game Tune That Has You Feeling Nostalgic


Staff member
Sometimes many of us like to listen to music from video game soundtracks. So, what are you listening to and what memories are attached to it?

Donkey Kong Country 2 on the SNES is one of my favourite games of all time. I have very fond memories of sitting down with my brother and two girls who lived next-door to us and playing through it on many afternoons and weekends throughout my childhood. Stickerbrush Symphony has always really stuck with me as a calming tune that I love to go back to. It really set a wonderful ambience while playing too.

Kirby has always been with me and always made me smile and he has helped me through some very dark times when no one else would and without him I wouldnt be here.

Super Star is one of my favourite games of all time and The Great Cave Offensive is a great game. The music on the title screen fills me with nostalgia and wonderment. There's something about it that tells me I'm about to embark on a great adventure with a friend and it'll be dangerous but as long as we stay together it'll be okay and we may even have fun.

I've spent a lot of days alone with this game trying to get all the treasures and so this music has become very special to me and is what the definition of adventure sounds like and it takes me back to a time where such happy times weren't as impossible as they are now.


Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout
If I had to pick one, I suppose this is the best choice:

I would be remiss at this point to not admit that as a kid, Sonic Adventure may have been my favorite video game. As an introduction to the game's experience level-wise, Emerald Coast hits all the right notes. The "radical" guitar, the feeling of a new beginning and the rush of a new adventure; all of these elements and more really push this idea of a new adventure for a character I deemed cool :cool: . Either through playing the demo of the game or the game itself, Emerald coast takes me back to my earliest years as a Sonic fan and reminds me of how excited I was when I had finally beaten the game.
If I had to pick one, I suppose this is the best choice:

I would be remiss at this point to not admit that as a kid, Sonic Adventure may have been my favorite video game.


Super Metroid is a fantastic game and took up a large part of my childhood along with Kirby Super Star and A Link to the Past.
Samus was my role model growing up, I didn't have any strong female characters to look up due to only having Nintendo consoles in my early years (thus no Lara Croft etc).
Samus and I were alone together and how I percieved Samus as this strong and calculated gave me the courage to play the scariest game I'd played so far in my life.
The music in this game is fantastic is would definitely rate within my top ten. This track here is one of the first you hear as you boot up the game and thus it always takes me back to before ****amoto ****ing ruined Samus and the ENTIRE ****ING FRANCHISE BECAUSE HE'S ****ING ****ING IDIOT!!


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Legend
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland

maybe these don't necessarily count but the radio x songs always take me back to the days of GTA San Andreas, specifically I always remember the rainy days of san fierro or whetstone/bone county, while incidentally radio los santos takes me back to, well, los santos
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Oct 14, 2013
I know it says A video game tune but I'll share two. Because I can.


This is from the main town "Woodtick" in Secret of Monkey Island 2 - LeChuck's Revenge. Each building in the town has it's own mix of the music and this track from the soundtrack plays all the different variations with smooth transitions from one to the next. This is from the original 1991 release. The remake does have a different feel to the music. I prefer the original soundtrack.

This game, along with Maniac Mansion, Indiana Jones Fate of Atlantis, Simon the Sorcerer, Shadowgate and a few others were some of my favourite point and click adventure games back in the late 80's and early 90's. I played them a lot. Overall I do think Monkey 2 did have the best overall soundtrack. A really slick, well done Monkey game, that is quite different to every other Monkey game. It's also the only Monkey Island not to have a chapter called Guybrush kicks butt. Monkey fans will know exactly what I'm talking about.


Master of Orion 2 is a 4X game. The main galaxy screen randomly plays one of three pieces of music each time you go to it. The one I have chosen is the second one. Though all 3 do bring back grerat memories of a great game. So far there has been 4 or 5 Master of Orion games made. The only good one worth playing is the second one from 1996. Sure parts of it are a little dated by 2019 standards but even playing it now, it's a very competant game and very well done. There are even a few mods out there for it that give a slightly different playing experience. It's a shame that the base source code has been lost to the ages, as a HD remake of this would be amazing. Maybe someone needs to remake it from scratch. If someone did I'd easily rebuy it.

I remember playing this for hours on end. I must say I am a little xenophobic in video games. As in I mostly like to play as the human race. I like the other species though, jsut not to play as them. That's homestly fine in MOO2 as with the cistom option, your species choice is only a face and you can choose whatever species stats you want. Sure there is a preset up set of stats for each species but I liked to go custom. My favourite setup was to turtle on my own little corner of a huge galaxy and by the time any other species discovered me I had so much more tech then anyone else I just won. However on medium and small galaxies that playstyle gets destroyed as you are discovered by others long before you have enough defensive tech to protect your systems and planets within.

A very fun game single player. It's a little tedius multiplayer though as you have to fully play out each turn. You can't just skip turns in rapid succession till something interesting happpens.
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Disaster Master
Dec 26, 2017
If I had to pick one, I suppose this is the best choice:

I would be remiss at this point to not admit that as a kid, Sonic Adventure may have been my favorite video game. As an introduction to the game's experience level-wise, Emerald Coast hits all the right notes. The "radical" guitar, the feeling of a new beginning and the rush of a new adventure; all of these elements and more really push this idea of a new adventure for a character I deemed cool :cool: . Either through playing the demo of the game or the game itself, Emerald coast takes me back to my earliest years as a Sonic fan and reminds me of how excited I was when I had finally beaten the game.

Good taste, reminds me of my nostalgia for the sequel, and also the first stage in it.

I listened to this countless times, well, not actually countless, the stage counter keeps track of how many times you played a stage, and I clocked in about 400 times, thats how great of an opening stage it was.
Those two really were the last good sonic games, until colours released.

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
I miss the Bungie Halo days. They were some of my funnest years - playing local multiplayer with my brothers in Halo 1 and playing with my friends online in Halo 2 and Halo 3. So I enjoy listening to those soundtracks to never forget the good old Xbox Live days.


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