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Pokemon White or Skyward Sword?

Jul 12, 2010
I have money. There are two games I want but will only be able to afford one. Since this is a Zelda website and forum, the majority of you will say SS, so give me reasons why and why not aswell as your answer. I will be posting this on a Pokemon forum too, so I'll be able to weigh it out. Thank you very much :)

Oh and I posted this in 'General Gaming as it involves Pokemon. I also have a Wii Motion Plus, so SS wouldn't have any extra costs.


is climbin' in yo windows
Jul 12, 2010
San Antonio
To be honest, Pokemon will be more game for your money. You'll get more gameplay hours, and probably more replay value, but that varies with each person.

But, Zelda has a greater experience. If you truly are choosing between the games, it's got to be Zelda. It's promised to be a game changer. Pokemon only offers a whole new set of pokemon and map, but Skyward Sword offers new controls, a new map, new mosters, and a new story. Sure pokemon has sub plots of team rocket and various quests, but Skyward Sword will offer you new insights into the epic tale that stretches across all the Zelda titles.

Skyward Sword. Do it.


I don't like you either
Dec 31, 2010
Those are both excellent games that I also want to purchase. The plusses for Zelda are a longer story and new gameplay. While even though Pokemon is always fresh it has the same elements from past games.
So start with SS and save up for white. I hope this helped!


Indigo Child
Jan 21, 2011
Krosno, Poland
I will buy only Skyward Sword. Pokemon games are not for me, becuase I don't like things available only during Nintendo special events. That means these games cannot be completed by 99% players with a 100% score without glitches/cheating/hacking. In my opiniom, Pokemon games are for fanatics.


I am me....
Jan 25, 2010
Well since there is no release date for SS I would say Pokemon now and put the rest down on a reserve of SS. Pokemon will only be USD $35 so that leas 15 to put down on SS. Thus making it only 35 plus applicable taxes when it does come around. I myself am getting Pokemon Black when I get the 3DS and will be saving up for OoT 3D and SS afterwords.
May 26, 2010
Well since there is no release date for SS I would say Pokemon now and put the rest down on a reserve of SS. Pokemon will only be USD $35 so that leas 15 to put down on SS. Thus making it only 35 plus applicable taxes when it does come around. I myself am getting Pokemon Black when I get the 3DS and will be saving up for OoT 3D and SS afterwords.
Exactly. I was planning on getting Skyward Sword before the 3DS, but it looks like it might get delayed :L


I had to make the decision this Christmas, and it about killed me. In the end I decided to go with Skyward Sword, as it will be something completely new and exciting, whereas with pokemon i'm pretty sure I know what I'm getting into when I pick up a pokemon game. I chose variety over tradition in this case.


- Do Not Eat -
Nov 24, 2010
Well, I imported Black, so I might be able to give you my opinion on the game. It's likely going to be my second favorite Pokemon game when I can actually read it. The game has the most depth as far as story goes, there's triple battles, and the sprites move, the graphics. There are tons of new applications for the Pokemon game.

But with Skyward Sword, it's not turn-based, it's live action. More energetic, and in my opinion, more fun.

For my money, SS. It's all up to your taste.


Jan 31, 2010
a place of settlement, activity, or residence.
Well, I would suggest getting Pokemon first. I mean, it's coming out in a month or two. And I've heard that it's supposed to be really good, and changes up the formula, innovates. There have been some doubts about SS.

By the time Skyward Sword comes out, you'll probably have a lot more money.


Zora Warrior
Nov 3, 2009
Termina Bay
Get Pokemon, we don't even know when SS is coming out, you will probably hsvr more than enough time to save up enough money for SS. Also like thegreen said yu will get a lot more time out of pokemon.
Dec 28, 2010
The Mines of Moria
well im getting both but if i had to choose one id probebly um... DIE, no um, I WONDER WHATS FOR DINNER MAH BOI, no seriusly id go for White because its comeing out first and then that will give you time to save up for Skyward Sword. Hope this helped!(:


Lushier than Mercy!
Apr 14, 2008
Newfoundland, Canada
Being a fan of both Pokémon and Zelda, I'd personally wait for Skyward Sword. Not that I've played B/W yet, but it looks rather unappealing to me (although, ratings seem to be high). I don't really have a reason as to why, but it just doesn't look new and exciting. SS on the other hand, sure it wont' be out for a long while yet, but it's supposed to bring about somethign new and different to the Zelda series, which should really spice things up.
While Pokémon offers longer hours, Zelda offers much larger adventures (IMO).


I think there will be enough time in between both games that you could probably get both.

Just save. If possible, get a job.

I pay all my bills (I'm 19 and live alone) and am still able to keep up with gaming. You can do it man!

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