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Ocarina of Time OoT Optional Items


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
he only problem I would see is with the Volvagia fight. If you want the challenge of doing the Fire Temple without the Goron Tunic, I suppose you could a fairy, which would definitely give you enough time to kill the boss.

Odd but I vaguely remember fairies either a) NOT WORKING or b) reviving you with around 30 seconds on the clock. It'd be one heck of a challenge, fire temple without goron tunic ;)


Flamey-o, Hotman!
Aug 29, 2011
Halfway There
Odd but I vaguely remember fairies either a) NOT WORKING or b) reviving you with around 30 seconds on the clock. It'd be one heck of a challenge, fire temple without goron tunic ;)

Why would a fairy not work? And even if it did revive you with 30 seconds, when you add that to the time you already have, it would be more than enough.
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Aug 4, 2012
As for the Goron Tunic, I don't think it's actually needed.

Man. That's very tempting. But no fairies! I'm not using my bottle unless the game forces me to (e.g. feeding Jabu-Jabu).

If you're beating Volvagia that fast, do you need any extra items like, the Biggoron's Sword?


Flamey-o, Hotman!
Aug 29, 2011
Halfway There
Man. That's very tempting. But no fairies! I'm not using my bottle unless the game forces me to (e.g. feeding Jabu-Jabu).

If you're beating Volvagia that fast, do you need any extra items like, the Biggoron's Sword?

You need bombs. Lots and lots of bombs. The way Volvagia was designed means that really there's two Volvagias in the room at a time: the one that flies around above the rock and the one underneath it. If you drop bombs into the lava spots, they will always, without fail, damage the boss. In that way, if you also make sure to hit Volvagia's head every time it pops up, you can defeat the boss before the original timer runs out.
Aug 4, 2012
Well, I've started the run, I've just turned into an adult and I can confirm that it is possible to scale Death Mountain without the Hylian Shield... even if you manage to mistime every single roll. :(

I'm not doing particularly well, though; I've already died three times. I intend to do the dungeons in the order Forest -> Water -> Spirit -> Fire -> Shadow so hopefully by tomorrow I'll have seen if the Water Temple's possible without the tunic.
Aug 4, 2012
I beat the Water Temple without the Zora Tunic!

I got all the keys apart from the one at the very bottom of the central pillar - I didn't even bother trying to get that one, I knew it would be ridiculous. To make up for this, I didn't unlock the door on the central pillar, but saved + reset, jumped onto the middle, lit the torch and got in that way.

  • If the timer runs out, game over. Thought I'd clear this up.
  • The timer doesn't start until you've been in the water a few seconds, so it's probably more like 27ish seconds that you get.
  • The first time you enter deep water since you started the save file up, you get a little warning telling you you'll drown, and the timer isn't active during this. Because of this, this means you effectively get an extra five seconds on the clock, which is very nice. Annoyingly, though, you can't pause or use items during this time.
  • The timer loves to reset. I'm not sure what causes it, but in most cases whenever I've switched boots the timer's reset. I don't think this ever ends up mattering, though, but it does give you some extra thinking time, which is always nice.
  • I'm sure you guys knew already, but it appears that Dark Link mimics your health. I was pretty surprised when it only took three Din's Fires to kill him.

There's only one bit that's a pain without the tunic, and that's getting to the first water level changer. This one's hard because you have to sink from the highest water level, run down a corridor and then slowly rise up to the highest water level. For some reason, unlike all the other rooms, switching boots doesn't seem to reset the timer. Because of this, without the aforementioned five second trick, if you don't mess up you make it with less than a second to spare. If you do mess up even slightly, you die.

Spirit temple next. Died six times already, which is not great, but ah well.


Smash is Life
Sep 23, 2012
Beijing, China
I just tried for the Death Mountain thing without a Hylian Sheild a couple weeks ago, and it is extremely difficult, but entirely possible. I ran out of Deku Nuts, though, so climbing the rest of the way didn't really work...

So I just got lazy and decided to go for a 3 Heart Run instead of complete minimalism.
Aug 25, 2012
The Hall of Darkness
Ultimately you do need some items even if only once, you can't progress through some points without certain items unless you use some major glitches, I've only used one glitch and it was to escape the forest early and get a bunch of items and access places not normally accessible at that point, I used the Navi dive glitch.
Aug 4, 2012
I managed to beat the Spirit Temple, and I can confirm that you do not need bombchus to beat it - you can blow up the crack in the wall if you throw a bomb at it.

But I'm at an impasse. How do I get to the Fire Temple without getting the Goron Tunic? Darunia's son controls access to the door to Darunia's room, but if you talk to him he gives you the tunic!

EDIT: Okay, so I talked to his son and then Like Like'd the tunic away, but now that I'm actually in the Fire Temple... welp. Sadly, the timer pause trick isn't to backflip, but to press the ocarina button while backflipping or sidehopping (beats me why), which isn't exactly an easy trick (mistime it and you pull out the ocarina) and I'm not convinced it actually saves you any time over long distances compared to backwalking, especially if you mess up the trick a lot. On top of that, as opposed to the water timer which loved to reset, the fire timer hates resetting and does not reset if you walk between two timer rooms. On top of that, Navi's warning is only a couple of seconds long (if that) compared to the five second warning you got for the water timer.

So, somehow, in twenty-six seconds or so I need to run along the bridge (including jumping over the hole in the middle), go into the next room, hookshot up the railing (luckily the timer pauses while the hookshot drags you around), push the block down, ride it up to the top and pray that the next room isn't also a timer room. I can't even push the block down in time. Does anyone have any advice or past experience?

EDIT2: Well, sorry to disappoint everybody but I'm going to use the goron tunic. I've done some research and basically with superhuman reflexes it's possible to get past this little bit and Volvagia is also possible. However, the Fire Trial... I'm pretty sure it's going to be impossible in the time limit. If I were to use a fairy, I'm pretty sure I could pull all three of these off, but I said at the beginning of this run I wasn't going to use bottles unless absolutely necessary and I'm sticking to that. I'll make a copy of my save file in case somebody comes and proves me wrong, but until then, I'm using the tunic. I'm pretty disappointed, but what can you do.
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Jun 22, 2011
United States
I really wish I had seen this thread before today as I have encountered every issue you have. I've done the game glitch-free without the goron tunic multiple times and that was by far the trickiest thing to figure out. You need to get the longshot and the scarecrow's song, then enter death mountain crater at the peak, turn right and cross a narrow bridge. If you look down at the lava, you can see a small platform. You need to jump onto it (rolling from the edge and jumpslashing helps) and then use the scarecrow's song and longshot to reach the entrance to the Fire Temple. Interestingly this also lets you skip the Bolero of Fire as well as talking to Darunia's son. Also I think I used 3 or 4 fairies to beat the dungeon when I did it as a 3 heart run (you just revive and get a new clock with a fairy). You can beat it without any fairies but you need pretty many heart containers (I forget how many). As for your question about racing against the clock, I'm pretty sure I just used up a fairy there. The fire trial I used fairies as well. I had never heard of placing bombs to hurt Volvagia but that is very clever and probably helps a lot. I think I just did 3 hearts with multiple fairies or a bunch of hearts (I think it was about 12) with no fairies when I beat the Fire Temple without the goron tunic.

The Zora's tunic is totally unnecessary as you've found out. You have enough time to do the hardest part (under the center column) with 3 hearts with a few seconds to spare. For equipment I burn the kokiri shield ASAP, and never get a hylian shield, biggoron sword, goron tunic or zora tunic. You don't need anything from the skulltula house, any capacity upgrades, or the golden scale. As for C-button items you don't need deku nuts, magic beans, 3 bottles, masks, fire arrows, ice arrows, farore's wind, naryu's love, or the lens of truth. Deku nuts are hard to avoid so I've never actually finished the game without them, but you don't need them for anything. The fire arrows seem necessary in two spots in Ganon's Tower but you can longshot an unlit torch in one instance as someone mentioned. The other situation is when there is a web on the ceiling and you can just barely burn it with a normal arrow shot through a torch in the prior room. The lens of truth just requires memorization to skip, but you can also use the sights on the hookshot or shoot arrows to approximate where invisible platforms are. You can skip epona's song, the sun's song, the song of storms (since you don't need the lens of truth), the bolero of fire, and the scarecrow's song without glitching (it is impossible to skip the bolero of fire and scarecrow's song simultaneously in a single run though I'm fairly certain). Also one bombchu is required in Ganon's Tower and nowhere else in the game requires one.
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Aug 4, 2012

What a surprise, I go to do something interesting regarding OoT and MW7's done it already.

Thanks for the info, it's nice to know that Darunia's son is actually skippable. I did end up beating the Fire Temple with the Goron Tunic, and I can report it was easy and wholly unsatisfying. Ah well.

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