I would have to take out Phantom Hourglass. It brought industrialization to Zelda (Majora's Mask doesn't count. It pulled it off with the believable hydro power plant temple and Mountain village foundry), and if there's one thing I really don't enjoy, it's the industrialization of a game best suited in the middle ages. Final Fantasy was able to pull it off with VII (and even a little with VI), but the series has gone downhill with XIII. Back to PH, I never enjoyed the steamboat (or the game in general, since the DS I played it (i borrowed it from a friend) on had a buggy touch screen). Then came Spirit Tracks, which brought trains. TRAINS!!!!!!!!! I swear, if they follow through on their idea to go into World War II, I may just lose faith in the series. From the very get-go, it was medieval. All the way into Twilight Princess was it medieval. Now they're making the game more and more modern, and I don't like that.
If I receive negative reputation for simply stating my opinion just cause I'm hatin' on PH and ST, then there's something wrong. Yes, it has happened before.