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Official Nintendo Magazine's Timeline


Last Chance
Feb 7, 2009
Toronto Ontario
Especially since you start the library by fusing kinstones, which is optional.

This is incorrect and a lie.

So the stage is set in LttP before Link started his adventures in LoZ. Hyrule is one kingdom during LttP, right?

Most recent pestering has led to this:

In this case, yes you can. So saying "(the stage is set)(when Hyrule was one kingdom)(long before Link started his adventures)"
is ok.

In other words it's entirely opinion because the box itself isn't given a context.

Which means the box is useless.
Feb 2, 2009
Piney, I don't see how you are arguing against me on this. This was the last thing milk said:

Do these sentences appear on the box together(first line could be independent from last two lines)? I don't even know, so I can't tell you what the Link reference is. I'm ASSUMING this is from the ALttp box. Which means: The Link in the first line refers to LOZ&LOZ:LA Link.

The last two lines refer to the player.

So the referred in the first line is different than the referred in the last two lines.

She never said it is ambiguous. She is saying that the first line refers to the game itself...


An even newer quote from milk:

What I am talking about in the simplest terms I can muster.

1) If that first phrase about the stage being set blah blah is on ALttP box, they are saying that ALttP is at the beginning of the LOZ time line as of 1991; nothing more, nothing less.

2) The phrase switching. Yes, I mean you can switch those two phrases in Japanese without changing the sentence's meaning I'm strictly talking about grammar.

Please pay attention to the bold...


DGN's Metaphysicist
Oct 9, 2009
Ponyville, Equestria ('murica irl)
OMG I just found something! (I colour-coded the quote and the stuff I found)

So the stage is set in LttP before Link started his adventures in LoZ. Hyrule is one kingdom during LttP, right?

OK, so:

LoZ takes place on what appears to be an island... Interesting...

Hmm... Now what do we have here?

I think that we can observe something:


There you go!
Jan 1, 2009
Hyrule and Azeroth
Why the hell would the box matter as evidence at any time past 1991, when any conflicting evidence would just indicate a retcon?

And it's not like the box is actually needed to prove the timeline went LttP-LoZ in 1991, I mean the story was just blatantly impossible with LoZ-LttP (in 1991), anyways.
Feb 2, 2009
The point is not whether or not that is the timeline today. The point is whether or not Miyamoto had any idea about what he was talking about in 1998 (which he clearly didn't...)...


Last Chance
Feb 7, 2009
Toronto Ontario
Miyamoto is the word of God.
Whether his placements made sense or not (which they somewhat did) his word was law.

Which means OoT-LoZ-ALttP was fact despite OoT-ALttP-LoZ arguable making more sense.
Jan 1, 2009
Hyrule and Azeroth
^Pinecove, you're on ZD. Forget developer intent when you're at ZD, no one here thinks it means anything (unless, of course, it benifits their own timeline...).
The point is not whether or not that is the timeline today. The point is whether or not Miyamoto had any idea about what he was talking about in 1998 (which he clearly didn't...)...
Except the box isn't evidence of how much Miyamoto knows about what he's talking about. Way too easily retconned.
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Mother Hyrule
May 17, 2009
on a crumbling throne
^Pinecove, you're on ZD. Forget developer intent when you're at ZD, no one here thinks it means anything (unless, of course, it benifits their own timeline...). Except the box isn't evidence of how much Miyamoto knows about what he's talking about. Way too easily retconned.
I don't know what you're talking about. Pinecove is right. Fans like to speculate and theorize, but in the end, their ideas mean nothing when compared to what the creators have to say. What they say doesn't have to make sense, because the series is STILL in developement and it's THEIRS.

I could write a story that made aboslutely no sense, contradicted itself, left holes, and so on and so forth. If I had fans of the story and they argued over what was right according to THEIR observations, it wouldn't matter. I, the creator, would be right, because it would be MINE.

See what I'm getting at?


Last Chance
Feb 7, 2009
Toronto Ontario
SoJ wasn't disagreeing with me just for the record.

He's just saying that a lot of people here *cough monsley cough* aren't completely open minded when it comes to things such as these.


[Insert Funny Statement]
Nov 11, 2008
Miyamoto is the word of God.

I would actually disagree and say the game is God. Whatever the game says, goes. If the game blatantly says that Link rode a unicorn into a battle and defeated Ganondorf with an arrow created from dead fairies then it's law. Miyamoto can contradict it all he wants, but at the end of the day the game still says the same thing whereas Miyamoto can change his mind constantly.

Of course, I'm not saying that ALTTP is blunt about anything, I'm just saying that unless a game is recreated/retconned then I would say that the game has much more power of what is and what isn't than Miyamoto ever will.
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Last Chance
Feb 7, 2009
Toronto Ontario
I agree with your unicorn philosophy. However when we are given two scenarios which can work and Miyamoto specifies that the one which is less likely to work but can still work happens, then Miyamoto IS the word of god.


OoT was released.
OoT-ALttP-LoZ was a possible (and popular) order.
OoT-LoZ was also a possible (but less popular) order.

Miyamoto states OoT-LoZ-AlttP as the timeline.
The timeline was OoT-LoZ-ALttP.


[Insert Funny Statement]
Nov 11, 2008
I agree with your unicorn philosophy. However when we are given two scenarios which can work and Miyamoto specifies that the one which is less likely to work but can still work happens, then Miyamoto IS the word of god.


OoT was released.
OoT-ALttP-LoZ was a possible (and popular) order.
OoT-LoZ was also a possible (but less popular) order.

Miyamoto states OoT-LoZ-AlttP as the timeline.
The timeline was OoT-LoZ-ALttP.

As much as I disagree with that placement I agree that Miyamoto was "correct" for lack of a better word. Thank God so much has changed now that we don't necessarily HAVE to believe that to be true anymore.
Feb 2, 2009
I agree with your unicorn philosophy. However when we are given two scenarios which can work and Miyamoto specifies that the one which is less likely to work but can still work happens, then Miyamoto IS the word of god.


OoT was released.
OoT-ALttP-LoZ was a possible (and popular) order.
OoT-LoZ was also a possible (but less popular) order.

Miyamoto states OoT-LoZ-AlttP as the timeline.
The timeline was OoT-LoZ-ALttP.

I would agree, if Miyamoto had mentioned a retcon at any time in the interview. He made it seems like the order he proposed was always the correct one, when we know for a fact that was not the case back in 1991...

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