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Odd eating habits...

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
Dec 2, 2012
Well I don't exactly do that, I too have a liking for ice. Whenever I have soft drinks at restaurants or movie theatres or w/e, I always eat the ice afterwards. I've also actually gone to restaurants before and just asked for a cup of ice haha.

I also like to eat snow. I know it's bad for you, and dehydrates you, so idk why, I just love it.

Snow Queen

Mannceaux Signature Collection
Mar 14, 2013
Grand Rapids, MI
Transwoman (she/her)
I used to just drink steak sauce. Sometimes I drink chocolate milk syrup. I basically eat by smashing the food on my face until it hits my mouth hole.


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
I'm fond of eating crushed ice... seriously i buy big bags of crushed ice and just scoop a handful everytime i walk by the freezer.

do you have any odd eating habits?

I love crushed ice. I eat it a lot. I will eat cubes if nothing is available. When I have a drink with ice, the ice always gets eaten up after if any is left.

Something unusual I do is eating dry porridge oats.


embrace the brand new day
Oct 23, 2012
People think it's odd the way I meticulously eat my food. I like to save my favorites for last, so if I'm unsure, I'll nibble a bit of everything until I decide. People who know me well know I do this, and usually comment on my eating style staying "so, do you not like the ....?" because I keep flipping between choices on my plate or choose to eat a certain thing first.


Slammin' Salmon
Feb 25, 2013
I have to eat things in twos. If it's something big like a cheeseburger it has to be an even number of bites, if it's something small like chips or M&Ms I have to eat an even number of them.


wtf did u say about me u little mcnuggit?
Feb 17, 2015
California, USA
I'm fond of eating crushed ice... seriously i buy big bags of crushed ice and just scoop a handful everytime i walk by the freezer.

do you have any odd eating habits?
Heh. I've been eating crushed ice since I was a small child. I would use the crushed ice setting on the refrigerator and get cups and cups of it. Nowadays, I sometimes get a cup of crushed ice and put soda in it. Its good.
Feb 23, 2011
I like to 'mix' different kinds of food and condiments together in weird combinations. For instance, I like pouring ranch dressing on a number of things such as spaghetti, meat loaf, apple slices, french fries, and ham sandwiches (etc.). Also I tend to eat so-called 'finger foods' with eating utensils like forks. And I can't seem to eat things like sandwiches and such whole—I literally must break off pieces of it and eat it in portions, normally when there's no forks and knives around. My dad hated seeing me do these things, and he'd often say I got them from my mother.

Lastly, with meals in which there are several types of sides (for example, smashed potatoes, green beans, and corn), I have a tendency to eat one thing at a time until it's all gone before moving on to the next thing. Oftentimes, however, I just jumble everything up into one big super concoction if they taste good together, as touched upon above. Depends on my food...er, mood.


Hello Sweetie!
Jun 18, 2011
I used to cut all my winegum candy into tiny bits, because for some reason they tasted better in tiny bits than in the large bits, lol


Staff member
Nov 17, 2011
The Makai
For instance, I like pouring ranch dressing on a number of things such as spaghetti, meat loaf, apple slices, french fries, and ham sandwiches (etc.).

I have no idea why, but I love ranch dressing, especially on a slice of tuna lasagna or on hot chips. Maybe I should give apples a go, seems like it could be interesting...

I'm also quite fond of salt and vinegar chips drizzled with melted white chocolate.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
You guys are going to think this is weird. One day I had bologna, mayo, and bread. I also had a can of Chef Boyardee Speghetti and meatballs. I was hungry because I didn't eat anything all day. So I made the Speghetti, made a sandwich with the bread, bologna, and mayo. Then I ate it all together. Like I'd eat the speghetti then take a bite of the sandwich just to see how it'd taste. It goes together pretty good so once in a blue moon if I have the combo to do it I'll eat it like I did that day. It's not something I do all the time though, the last time I did it was like three months ago.

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