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Zelda Art Ocarina of Time Parody (PG-13+)

Apr 16, 2010
Hey this is a parody of Ocarina of Time that I will be doing along with the Link Sullivan series. It is supposed to be humorous so I hope you laugh! :) I do not own the rights to any of the characters in this story. THIS IS RATED PG-13 FOR VIOLENCE, LANGUAGE, ALCOHOL AND DRUG USE, AND SOME SEXUAL THEMES

Ocarina of Time Parody

1: The Many Potheads of Kokiri Forest

I am Link.

Oh my god it's two girls on a horse! Ooh, shiny, blue, flying musical instrument! Ooh, giant desert man on horse about to kill me! Giant desert man on horse about to kill me, oh no! Oh thank God I won't have to watch that again until when some consider it to be halfway through the game. So I just laid there.

"He's a noob," said the Great Deku Tree. "At least help him Z-target."

"Well, technically it would be L-targeting because he's playing it on Virtual Console," said Navi.

"Look at that Classic Controller Pro he's using," said the Deku Tree. "Looks awfully like the PS3 controller."

"That's because Monster Hunter Tri was originally going to be for PS3, but then it got switched to Wii, so they made the controller to look like it," said Navi.

"Will you two just shut the **** up so I can play this ****ing game! I only get an hour of play time a day!" I screamed.

So Navi flew over here and ran into a fence on the way. "What the hell? Why is there a fence? Even if you fall from here, it doesn't neglect any hearts."

"Thank God I won't get teased for not having a fairy anymore," I said. "Now let's go down to the Deku Tree and who the **** is this?"

"I'm Saria," she said. "Your best friend."

"I don't know you! And why do you have green hair?"

"Because it matches my phone!"

"Ooh, I have a green phone, too!"

"What's your number?"

"I don't know. What's yours?"


Music played. You got Saria's number! Now you can leave her whenever you want and make up for it later!

I walked over to where Mido was because he was blocking my way to the Deku Tree.

"You need a sword and shield to pass," he said.


"Because he might have you go inside him and fight giant monsters. And because I don't like you."

I flipped him off, and ran to his house to steal some Rupees. I threw some pots, and was surprised when I saw marijuana inside one of them.

"Mido is a pothead!" Navi said.

I noticed hidden stairs going down and walked down them. Inside this room was a humongous pile of weed and a small man sitting down. He was obviously high.

"Hi! I'm Tingle!" he said.

"Are you high?" I asked him.

"Tingle! Tingle! Kooloo-Limpah!"

Five minutes later.....

"Dude, I've never been high before," I said.

"Dude, isn't it awesome?"*Tingle's voice was now deep.


Five more minutes later at Saria's house.....

"Have sex with me."


"But I have Deku Nuts and a big Deku Stick."

"Okay, let's do this."

Half an hour later.....

I punched Mido in the face and walked up to the Deku Tree. "What the forest do you need?"

"Kill the enemy inside me before I die."

"No. I'm still tired from getting my Kokiri sucked. If you know what I mean."

"Oh yeah, I have many branches that that has happened to."


"Yeah, man."

"Are you high?"

"Yeah, man. Aren't we all?"

"True, true."


Two hours later, after Link defeated Gohma...

I said, "Ha, I got another heart and a slingshot, and he still died. Suck it!"

"I didn't die from Gohma, I died from the munchies. Apparently, some guy punched the crap out of my provider, Mido."

"Oh, well, uh, I'll try to find him."

"The three goddesses created the world, blah, blah, blah, now go to Princess Zelda and get some head, I mean spiritual stones."

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