That trailer for the new Legend of Zelda for the Wii U sure looked great, didn’t it? But what was up with Link? He wasn’t wearing his iconic green tunic or hat. Why did Link look so weird?
“No one explicitly said that that was Link.”
That’s what Legend of Zelda series producer Eiji Aonuma told me when I asked him about Link’s, or whoever it is’, new appearance during an interview at Nintendo’s E3 booth. He said this with a smile and a laugh. Could the bow-wielding hero we just saw not be Link, the star of every game in the series history?
Earlier in the interview, Aonuma told me that he was always looking for ways to shake up the series conventions. We saw this in the recent A Link Between Worlds for the 3DS, which let you explore dungeons in any order you wanted while renting items from a store. But a Zelda game without Link as the main hero? That would be a huge blow to tradition.
So, who is that? The outfit actually looks like the same one Link wore in the beginning of The Wind Waker. Aonuma himself smiled when I brought up this connection. Could this new entry be tied to that universe? Of course, that doesn’t explain why this wouldn’t be Link. Maybe it’s a child of a Link we already played as, like the one from Wind Waker or Skyward Sword. Let the speculation begin.
VentureBeat, via NeoGAF
So Aonuma is suggesting that perhaps that isn't Link? I've seen some minor divide on the character's appearance in that Wii U Zelda teaser trailer. But is Aonuma just being a bit of a tease with this comment, maybe referencing it's place in a new timeline where that isn't the Link we've played before, article mentions he smiled when the interviewer commented the outfit looked a lot like Wind Waker's starting one, or does he actually mean this hero isn't any Link incarnation? It sure looks like him, but...