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Nintendo revamping Zelda



Or switch to Final Fantasy. :D jk

But we all know Nintendo better than that, they won't ruin it for us, because they've radically changed things in Zelda before, like the transition from LoZ to AoL, and they never failed us, so I can't see them failing in the future.

But on a FS for the DS; that would be interesting if it had online cooperative play. A few of us would have to hook up and play. :)

im already prepared with 5 FF games,

but anyway, personally, i think most of nintendo's series are going to end up in ruin, because, i hate when games like PH are completely stylus used. and the wii is worse, when i play a game i want one thats easy to control, doesnt misread controlls, and is fun
wii games:
1) half the timeyour standing up to play the game and generally have to make yourself look like an idiot
2)also, a simple twist of your wrist can put in a wrong command on the wii
3) game with terreble controls is almost NEVER fun


Poe Catcher
Aug 25, 2008
Georgia, USA
They need to make a foursword game for the DS. And have it support single cartridge (Cause I can't find people with Link to the Past/Four Sword!)!
Oct 28, 2008
i dont not like the cel shade but i way prefer the tp one and there will be a new zelda game but it will take forever cuz its being built from the ground up


I wouldn't mind either Toon Link or regular Link for the Wii. I love the art style of WW/PH, and the game play of wind waker (the baton would work well with the wii motion plus, I don't trust the wiimote the way it is), but Link games always have a more real gritty feeling and almost feel alive somehow. However, really the only thing I'd like to see is the Wii controls for sword assigned to a button or made more natural. TP for the Wii was great and all, but during the puppet zelda fight, the only timed sword swings in the game, I had to move real close to the TV so that I almost couldn't see the fight. I also got sick of shield attacking when I wanted the spin. Wii controls and the darker story of TP were a step in the right direction, but it needs to be fine tuned. TP was a rough gem, and if it had had a little more polish it could have been the next OoT.


I want PH on Wii, cel shaded like WW, even if uses the GameCube controller. They should do ports between platforms. Nintendo designs a new game for DS or but doesn't port it to Wii, they lose out on sales. The cost to port and re-render is much less than a new game development.

As for new concepts, its about time they went with some new macro themes (large scale). How many more times do I have to kill Ganon? Always with the Triforce and the same Master Sword? This is where I think WW was SO fantastic because the landscape was massively different and unique, but still tied in with prior macro themes. How about a new antogonist NOT named Ganon? How about some other bad wizard, other hidden secret powers (like the power of the very Earth itself being tapped and drained of magikal energy) so the antogonist travels between time and dimensions to gather the elements needed to pentrate the fortress of New Bad Guy who is sucking the planet dry. Do a swerve on it: Bad Guy is sucking Hyrule dry to save his other world in Other Dimension, because over there his world is dying from an unknown malady. Bad Guy Wizard isn't really "bad", just bad for Hyrule. For his world he's a savior. After antogonist finally penetrates Bad Guy fortress and having gathered the strength to do so in Hyrule, instead of killing Bad Guy Wizard he banishes you off into his Planet/Dimension to get you out of his way. To get back and to ultimately save Hyrule the second half of your adventure is to actually solve the primal malady of their Universe (I'll leave it to the Zelda designers to earn their paycheck and figure out whatever malady that might be). Two games in one.

Or swerve it even more: You change protagonist when Link meets up with Bad Guy. You fight and "defeat" him, but not kill him. He tells you his story and emplores your help, as clearly you are a capable hero. When he send you into his world you "take" the body of some other being, maybe a girl (become Zelda?), maybe a magic user, something cool and different. You are still You, but your form changed (not unlike the wolf in TP), but to a more versatile character than the wolf. Becoming Zelda might be cool, but not a swords-woman, maybe a magik user or a stealthy-type thief-type. (For anyone who thinks that a female protagonist doesn't sell, check the best selling computer game of its time, Kings Quest 4 in 1988 -- before most of your time perhaps).

Just some ideas.
Sep 10, 2008
i tihnk they need a new story line, like you say, revamped. Maybe another game with toon link, but maybe one not involving zelda and with a main antagonist that's not Ganon or ganondorf. Like in majora's mask, it was totally seperate from other Zelda game strylines. Something different. That's what I'd klike to see.

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