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Nintendo and the Current Console Wars

Dec 14, 2008
Louisiana, USA
It's no secret by now. Both Microsoft and Sony have done the world a pleasure by now lowering the price of their console drastically. The all-new PS3 slim with 120 GB can now be purchased for a mere 300$, 100$ less than the 80 GB old model that was being sold not long ago. To respond to this, Microsoft has cut the price of their Xbox Elite to 300$, and lowering the standard 360 model to 250$, which is on par with the Wii.

Also last week, PS3 and 360 sales were both higher than the Wii's, which is the first time that the Wii hasn't been number two on the list for quite a while. Reading some of the comments on various forums, this looks like it could be some pretty bad news for Nintendo as this point. Sales are expected to follow this trend for a while, and people are already commenting on Nintendo's doom due to both the price drop of competing consoles and the upcoming motion controls for both the consoles.

Is this jumping the gun? Sure, the Wii was outsold for one week. Is that really significant in the long run? It's to be expected that a price drop would instantly increase demand for a couple of weeks, but will it continue to a point where Wii is number four on the list for a while? Other posts commented on how the Wii is losing audience due to its lack of "hard core" titles, and that is why the recent jump in 360 and PS3 sales have occurred combined with the price cut. They also comment on how the Wii will gradually die now that the "big and better boys" have a price cut.

My question: Do you see this happening at all? Nintendo is going to release quite few of first part titles in the next year, including Galaxy 2, Other M, and Zelda Wii among others. I think that this might be able to keep the Wii floating for a while, but what happens after that? Is it true that other than the first party core Nintendo titles, all of the Wii's game are junk and not "hard core" enough to appeal to anyone other than little kids? And do you also see the "big boys" making a come back and squashing the graphically inferior Wii for good?


There's a Bazooka in TP!
Feb 28, 2009
Ontario, Canada
I think Nintendo's steady to above-normal Wii sales will drop and eventually pitter out, but not mainly because of the lack of hard-core titles or due to price competition, but really because everyone who wants one pretty much has one now.

I see them stacking up in stores everywhere I go now whereas before it was rare and bewildering to see one on a shelf. Even with price cuts, the other systems are still stacking up. There's many a skid of the new PS3 Slim sitting around even a couple weeks after launch.

The way they were selling systems hand over fist was unbelievable. I can't find a newer number on sales, but it was predicted they'd break 60 Million by March 2009. They were down to about 100K for July hardware sales, but I think this might just be because everyone's satisfied now.

I suppose a really huge hardcore title might spark sales temporarily, but I doubt it would hold for the long-run. I bought a PS3 slim specifically to play Batman Arkham Asylum and while talking with Best Buy employees the day it came out it was evident that I wasn't the only one with this idea. I don't think a new Metroid or Zelda hardcore title would do that at this point though. If you're into the Nintendo IP's then you already have the system I would imagine.

I think the only thing that could spark a big sales increase would be something similar that PS3 did - a new system. Make a Wii 1.5 with HD capabilities that can upres the 480p of the Wii to at least 720p. The games already have that ability, just the hardware can't output it. Throw on a bigger harddrive, make it available in new colours and call it "Wii HD" or something to get interest going again.

Really, I think the Wii has hit the market they intended it to, and as the systems stands now, it's not going to interest newcomers unless it's drastically different. A few dollars off will not get the rest of the market to jump aboard this late in the console's lifecycle. Systems usually last 5 to 6 years, so it's really at it's half-way point. It's time to ramp it up with a half-way point 1.5 system to get interest back I think.
Aug 4, 2009

Well, I almost look at it as it's due time. The Wii was number one for years, and now the other "big boys" are getting their turn. Turnabout is Fair Play.

Also, Basement, I love the idea of a Wii HD. If it would come out, hopefully the price would be within my budget.

I honestly think Nintendo will release their new Next-Gen console first in the next generation, similar to how Miscrosoft did with the 360 in this generation. It'd make sense.


Soldier, Royal Family
Aug 20, 2009
Well I think we have to look at how lonh Nintendo has been enduring. It's been around since before I was born. In my childhood (mind you I'm only 19) everyone used t ask "Do you play nintendo games?" Now people ask "Do you play video games?"

Regardless, Nintendo has been so long a presence I tihnk that no matter the position relevant to it's competitors, Nintendo will always be strong and something on the minds of well....every gamer no matter what system they own.


Mother Hyrule
May 17, 2009
on a crumbling throne
In terms of console sales, Nintendo was doing a lot better than Sony and Microsoft, hence the drop in both companies' console prices. Not only did the prices drop, but now they'll be sticking with one-size HD packaging- 120G for both systems, so now they won't have to spend even more money making various packages.

However, while their prices have dropped in order to compete with Nintendo's console prices, it seems that this might actually be a good thing. The Wii has a lot of potential, but it seems to be slow on putting out good games. Nintendo itself has stuck to creating fantastic first party games, but 3rd party-wise, it could be better. But since this drop in the competitors' prices, there has been word of more FPS and more T/M-rated games for the Wii. That alone should definitely help Nintendo stay in the console race. They've already started announcing a multitude of horror and survival horror games, and the introduction of Wii Motion Plus is definitely going to bring some new experiences to gaming.

So, yes, it might look a little iffy at first, but this might actually push Nintendo and 3rd parties to pay a little more attention to the older gaming audience. We're all aware of the fact that Nintendo wants to focus on family gaming and casual gamers, but not paying attention to the core gamers has hurt them a little bit in my opinion. I think this move will push them to put out more games for the actual gamers.
Aug 4, 2009
In terms of console sales, Nintendo was doing a lot better than Sony and Microsoft, hence the drop in both companies' console prices. Not only did the prices drop, but now they'll be sticking with one-size HD packaging- 120G for both systems, so now they won't have to spend even more money making various packages.

However, while their prices have dropped in order to compete with Nintendo's console prices, it seems that this might actually be a good thing. The Wii has a lot of potential, but it seems to be slow on putting out good games. Nintendo itself has stuck to creating fantastic first party games, but 3rd party-wise, it could be better. But since this drop in the competitors' prices, there has been word of more FPS and more T/M-rated games for the Wii. That alone should definitely help Nintendo stay in the console race. They've already started announcing a multitude of horror and survival horror games, and the introduction of Wii Motion Plus is definitely going to bring some new experiences to gaming.

So, yes, it might look a little iffy at first, but this might actually push Nintendo and 3rd parties to pay a little more attention to the older gaming audience. We're all aware of the fact that Nintendo wants to focus on family gaming and casual gamers, but not paying attention to the core gamers has hurt them a little bit in my opinion. I think this move will push them to put out more games for the actual gamers.

Core gamers aren't people who like shooters and sports garbage. Core gamers are people who grew up with Mario, Sonic, Zelda, Spyro, Crash, Starfox, and the like. Those used to be the only games out there, but then they bring all this "Shooter" garbage, and it tainted the whole industry. People think core gamers are the ones who play those games, but in reality core gamers are the core of gaming, hence, the 80' and 90's, a/k/a, the Mario/Zelda generation. Shooters ain't got nuthin on those games.


Mother Hyrule
May 17, 2009
on a crumbling throne
Core gamers aren't people who like shooters and sports garbage. Core gamers are people who grew up with Mario, Sonic, Zelda, Spyro, Crash, Starfox, and the like. Those used to be the only games out there, but then they bring all this "Shooter" garbage, and it tainted the whole industry. People think core gamers are the ones who play those games, but in reality core gamers are the core of gaming, hence, the 80' and 90's, a/k/a, the Mario/Zelda generation. Shooters ain't got nuthin on those games.
Hey now, I never said what core gamers are, I only stated that Nintendo hasn't been paying attention to them. I've been playing games long enough (over 20 years) to understand the different types of gamers. Personally, I like shooters (love them, really), and I think they've advanced the gaming industry... but that's beside the point. What I'm saying is that the drop in console prices could very well push Nintendo to pay attention to core gamers and more "mature" gamers instead of focusing mainly on the younger and casual gaming audience. Less Family Circus, moar Metroid. That way, they'd still make a competitive profit. Hope that's been made a little more clear. :)
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