TP Zelda, because even though she was flat, at least she didn't do what SS Zelda did. I could go off on a huge tangent and then some about how I dislike SS Zelda, but I'll just keep it at "some minor character flaws".
SS Zelda obviously. She had character development and, well, a character. TP Zelda was just there.
SS Zelda obviously. She had character development and, well, a character. TP Zelda was just there.
I could not agree more. While I liked them both...
Twilight Princess' Zelda seemed "tacked on" to the story. Her role appeared strong at the beginning; and then it just...fell off. It almost felt as though the story could have gone on just fine without her, and they (whoever's in charge of story) found cheap ways to keep her involved. They were essentially trying too hard.
Skyward Sword's Zelda was actually an integral part of the story and underwent significant character development to tie things up. It was also refreshing to see her in a more mundane role at the beginning, as she wasn't necessarily "a princess" for once and it showed in her attire. I also felt "more connected" to her.
In my opinion, one flaw exists in SS Zelda's character: she looked "weak". Ugh... That is not the word I'd prefer to use, but it pretty much sums things up. TP Zelda looked a lot more like she could put up a decent fight, which refreshingly detracted a bit of the stereotypical "damsel in distress" we are so used to. She even participated in the final battle. Sure, SS Zelda was obviously adept in magic (by the end of the plot) and she did participate in the finale, but she was not "physically there" in the heat of things, like TP Zelda. One could argue the question, however, did the whole damsel in distress thing actually "work" this time around (SS). Hmm... *deep breath* ...tangent ...tangent.
I could go off on a huge tangent and then some about how I dislike SS Zelda, but I'll just keep it at "some minor character flaws".
Hard choice, but I prefer Zelda as a wise, adult woman instead of a humble teenager.