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New Skyward Sword Video


Hero of the Skies
Aug 24, 2011
Aww damn, please Nintendo, cut it out with all these spoilers! I can't help it, I have to watch them. Also, there is some people saying about how the 8 items on that wheel are the only equitable items, you must have missed the news about the storage bank....


Ash Gala Wonderful!
Mar 9, 2010
49.9°N 8.2°E
Aww damn, please Nintendo, cut it out with all these spoilers! I can't help it, I have to watch them. Also, there is some people saying about how the 8 items on that wheel are the only equitable items, you must have missed the news about the storage bank....
I'm curious about how this will work. In all honesty I think it's kinda stupid, Link could always carry as much as he wanted to so what's the point of starting to limit it now? Does this mean that if we bring the wrong items to an area, we always have to backtrack and get the right ones? Maybe even multiple times? Imagine the following situation: You advanced a bit into a new area and find out you have to use item A to make progress so you backtrack to Skyloft, get it and return to said obstacle. You pass that obstacle, advance even further and now you need item B to pass another obstacle, so you backtrack again...
Or even worse, imagine a large final dungeon in which you have to use (almost) all of your items or abilities, like Ganon's Castle in OoT or Stone Tower Temple in MM. I don't want to clear a part of that dungeon and then have to leave it again and backtrack all the way to Skyloft because I need other items for another part of the dungoen.
I really hope it won't be like that. In that case I'd rather have only 8 items (excluding bottles which apparently use an extra menu) in the whole game if necessary.
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ah what a great video! i've never seen that item before that blows the sand away. is it like a water gun-thing?


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
Skyward Sword is looking better and better.

By the way, take notice at 1:00 the sword is much longer and has the hilt of the Master Sword. Looks like the Goddess Sword will indeed be upgraded much like the Picori Blade was when becoming the Four Sword. (I still think there will be a final transformation in which the original six Sages morph Fi with the Goddess Sword to turn it into the Blade of Evil's Bane, though.)
Sep 25, 2011
Skyward Sword is looking better and better.

By the way, take notice at 1:00 the sword is much longer and has the hilt of the Master Sword. Looks like the Goddess Sword will indeed be upgraded much like the Picori Blade was when becoming the Four Sword. (I still think there will be a final transformation in which the original six Sages morph Fi with the Goddess Sword to turn it into the Blade of Evil's Bane, though.)

Nice catch there. And I think I kinda understand better with the whole analysis option with Phi or Fi means now. If we have more than 8 items but can only hold 8 items it would make sense why they added the whole you're inventory is (insert percentage here) compatible for this area deal. If this is the case then it will indeed make this game all the more challenging and interesting...


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
Going through this screen by screen; might contain spoilers on how I present my thoughts:

- Fighting Ghirahim actually seems pretty easy. He holds his hand out in front of him the entire time and somehow catches the blade. I wonder if we could do a quick feint to deceive him, then land a blow. But all signs point to him being sentient to our movements, and we'll have to outsmart his hand in order to get to him.

- The Deku Babas have a very unique design to their mouths. It shows that Nintendo put a lot of thought into each enemy, making them all the more tougher. Just by watching the video, though, I can tell the Sword Beam is a very efficient strategy to bringing them down in situations where you're low on health. So glad they brought the Beams back.

- Dashing is a suitable substitute for Epona I'll say. It's not as swift as she was, but in this new world it's much easier to traverse on foot and allows for more puzzles and fighting to take place. I also love the new wall-climbing ability. Makes me think Link is being Spider-Man for a couple of seconds.

- Once again, great puzzles for defeating enemies. Glad to see more populars foes, such as Moblins, are making a return. It would be cool if we had to fight one while it wore armor and wielded a giant club, like a Cave Troll from Lord of the Rings.

- A nice batch of tools for this quest, despite them lacking in numbers. But this time they can be upgraded, which is more than enough makes up for that. The controls are also very fluid, although I would've liked to see them in action.

- Sniping is something I look forward to very much! Too bad it doesn't seem the Hawkeye could make it back, but the pointing system is a worthy substitute, as before we had to rely on the alignment between the arrow and our target.

- The aiming system for the bomb is a spectacular! At least you can discern where the bomb will be thrown/rolled instead of guessing where it might end up. Additionally, the option to restore your store of bombs merely by putting their namesake Flowers into the bag is an idea of true genius.

- Controlling the Beetle will require great concentration and willpower, as well as focusing on which direction needs to go. A pity that it appears to be replacing the Boomerang for now, but I feel it fits the game better.

- The Gust Bellow seems to have an endless store of "wind," unlike F.L.U.D.D. with water. Probably the item I find most intriguing and can't wait to try out overall. This could be a tool capable of knocking multiple foes back, where from there we can kill at least one with the new "Ending Blow."

- The Whip has very fluid motions and appears to extend without flying all the way out, despite it wrapping around those poles with ease. This has me feel like Indiana Jones even more than Wind Waker did. :)

- And finally, the old drink-the-potion-while-dashing clip. I can't say much here other than it's about time. I always had to escape to some corner and chug the bottle down before the enemies caught up. Now we don't have to worry about dying while outmatched or hopelessly out-energied.

Overall...Skyward Sword For The Win!


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
- Sniping is something I look forward to very much! Too bad it doesn't seem the Hawkeye could make it back, but the pointing system is a worthy substitute, as before we had to rely on the alignment between the arrow and our target.

If you didn't notice, the game zooms in on the enemy while using the Bow and appears to lock on to the target, so I don't think the absence of the Hawkeye will matter.


Dawn of the Final Day
Sep 16, 2011
Gerudo Valley
Skyward Sword is looking better and better.

By the way, take notice at 1:00 the sword is much longer and has the hilt of the Master Sword. Looks like the Goddess Sword will indeed be upgraded much like the Picori Blade was when becoming the Four Sword. (I still think there will be a final transformation in which the original six Sages morph Fi with the Goddess Sword to turn it into the Blade of Evil's Bane, though.)

That's a great eye to notice that. and notice link has 12 hearts. he starts with 6, and assuming that playthrough is showing no extra pieces of heart, just because it was showing off items, that means maybe 6 dungeons before you get all items and the sword upgraded to almost fully. ( although that could be the final sword, the master sword's design could have changed)


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
That's a great eye to notice that. and notice link has 12 hearts. he starts with 6, and assuming that playthrough is showing no extra pieces of heart, just because it was showing off items, that means maybe 6 dungeons before you get all items and the sword upgraded to almost fully. ( although that could be the final sword, the master sword's design could have changed)

That's jumping to conclusions a bit (as far as the dungeons go). Who's to say some of those Heart Containers didn't come from Pieces of Heart?

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