A Link In Time Aug 17, 2012 You're never able to quite fulfill your promise of maintaining activity here, eh? How goes it? Make a post and we'll chat in the Shoutbox.
You're never able to quite fulfill your promise of maintaining activity here, eh? How goes it? Make a post and we'll chat in the Shoutbox.
A Link In Time Jun 16, 2012 Hey. It's 5:00 a.m. but most be some reasonable time in Australia. How are you doing? Did you watch the ZD stream?
Hey. It's 5:00 a.m. but most be some reasonable time in Australia. How are you doing? Did you watch the ZD stream?
A Link In Time Apr 13, 2012 Sorry, bro but there are some things you should never make fun of and death certainly is one of them.
Sorry, bro but there are some things you should never make fun of and death certainly is one of them.
A Link In Time Mar 8, 2012 I'm glad to finally see you here. and yes, our long arguments were epic. :xd: How is Australia treating you? It's summer almost fall over there, right? As for Halo, 4 remains my most anticipated Game of the Year. (Got it?)
I'm glad to finally see you here. and yes, our long arguments were epic. :xd: How is Australia treating you? It's summer almost fall over there, right? As for Halo, 4 remains my most anticipated Game of the Year. (Got it?)
A Link In Time Feb 4, 2012 I saw your article...get it published. Also, are you able to access the Shoutbox again?
D D DeletedUser9 Jan 31, 2012 Hm, well I'm not sure what might be the problem then. Try messaging David or Kitsu and asking them, because they know more about this kind of thing than I do. And thanks.
Hm, well I'm not sure what might be the problem then. Try messaging David or Kitsu and asking them, because they know more about this kind of thing than I do. And thanks.