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Ocarina of Time Nayru's Love


The Real Master of Epona
Jul 10, 2008
The Name is E-Scope
Ok so this is a topic about, "Is Nayru's Love shield really worth the magic?" and other things like, "Have you ever even used it?"

To me Nayru's Love takes up a lot of magic, and it goes by fast. To me what is the pont of having it when you gotta get lots of magic when your done with it. You already have a shield. But then again if it is an ermergency you should use it. Depending on your magic bar.

I've probably used this once or twice. Mostly in the desert to the Spirit Temple. I never liked those little green things that pop out of the sand and attack you. And they always come so many at a time. That is the only time I used it.


Working on a webcomic. :D
Oct 18, 2007
The only time I would use it is if I do a 3-Heart challenge for Ocarina of Time. Could save your butt from those Iron Knuckles. And it comes so late in the game you don't really need it 'cept for Iron Knuckles.
May 25, 2008
In my house
I've never even bothered to get it. For one I could never find it, and never bothered to look on the internet for where it was, and I was quite happy with Just Din's fire.


The Real Master of Epona
Jul 10, 2008
The Name is E-Scope
I've never even bothered to get it. For one I could never find it, and never bothered to look on the internet for where it was, and I was quite happy with Just Din's fire.

Yes, you really only need Din's Fire and I usually just get it to get 100% on the game *all hearts, medallions, stones, items, etc.*
May 16, 2008
Kentucky, USA
Din's Fire helps out alot and you do actually need it. Both in the graveyard, under the grave, and in other places such as the Light Medallion portion of Ganon's Castle, you use Din's Fire to light torches to unlock doors.

But no, I never really used Nayru's Love. I did a couple of times just to see what it looked like and see what it could do, but if I were to go back and beat the game right now, I could guarantee that I would never use it.
Oct 20, 2008
As previously said, I used Din's Fire much more than Nayru's love, which I used about once or so.
Like Judai said, it could be helpful in situations where you're fighting a Iron Knuckle, or only have a few hearts left/doing the three heart challenge.

Other than that, I only used it about once to try and cross the sand to the Spirit Temple without the enemies there attacking me. And maybe once during a miniboss battle, where it really didn't help that much.


Nyanko Sensei
Oct 18, 2007
The Netherlands
Yes i also used din 's fire more then the other spell stones.

I used Farore 's wind once in the entire game. that was in water temple. i was missing a small key to gain acces to the big key. So i made a save point in front of the boss room.

With Nayru 's love.
I ónly used it for fun sometimes, but its that kinda of important item if you ask me. And yes its wasting alot of magic from you. Even with the end battle with ganondorf/ganon, the upgraded defence of your hearts are enough to maintain health. not to mention potions and fairies.

So yeah if you are greedy to waste your rupees or lazy to catch fairies, then Nayru 's love is The item for U.

Hylian Hobbit

Delightfully Delicious ;P
Aug 20, 2008
I think I used it once or twice just to test it out, and I was really dissapointed. I wish you could turn it on and off instead of waiting for it to wear off. Or if you could use other magic items while shielded by it, then it would be awesome.

Like previously said, I can see it being helpful if you are doing the three heart challenge, but overall it's a pretty useless item.


Lushier than Mercy!
Apr 14, 2008
Newfoundland, Canada
I used to use Nayru's Love all the time, but the last number of times I've played the game, I haven't even gotten it to use. It did really help me out a lot the first few times I played parts of the game.


Sep 15, 2008
I never used... i always thought it was completely useless... it could have been useful if OoT had a place like the Cave of Ordeals... In fact, the only spell i used was Din's Fire


Shut up and go away
Sep 18, 2008
the middle of nowhere
I don't know Nayru's love kinda helps when your using it to fight Hard sub bosses like the Iron Knuckles and DARKLINK. Also.... you cannot really get hurt if you happen to land link wrong.. savy


Sep 15, 2008
You are only supposed to get Nayru's Love after Water Temple, unless you play it to the long hookshot and leave it for later... or do the GERUDO DESERT AS A KID thingie...stilll... i think it is rather useless... Also, Farore's Wind is something like a prototype of the Oocoo/Oocoo Jr mechanics


Shut up and go away
Sep 18, 2008
the middle of nowhere
You are only supposed to get Nayru's Love after Water Temple, unless you play it to the long hookshot and leave it for later... or do the GERUDO DESERT AS A KID thingie...stilll... i think it is rather useless... Also, Farore's Wind is something like a prototype of the Oocoo/Oocoo Jr mechanics

OOccoo and Ooccoo jr. are pretty useful in TP... and.. back when i was a noob, Fayror's wind cam in handy.. So i see where your coming at SK

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