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Navi Vs. Tatl Vs. Ciela.


Hero of Pie
Sep 20, 2011
Which fairy do you like better? I say Ciela, because she wasn't that annoying. (Sorry, that's the only reason I could of.) So, which fairy do like the best? :)
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There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
Tatl, because while bossy she's very far removed from the vexation Navi displayed, and she has beep rather than a ding-ding-ding!

No comment on Ciela, because I haven't played Phantom Hourglass.
Sep 28, 2010
I like them all, but I think Ciela has the most likable personality, she's so cute! Sweet to Link and cheeky to Linebeck, you gotta love her XD
Mar 8, 2017
Which fairy do you like better? I say Ciela, because she wasn't that annoying. (Sorry, that's the only reason I could of.) So, which fairy do like the best? :)
A. She's not as annoying as Navi with that "Hey! Listen", or "Watch out"
B. She Doesn't taunt you when chained in a prison cell unlike a CERTAIN IMP!! [I am not a fan of that imp, or any imp; Because I HATE ANY & ALL DEMONS OF ANY KIND]
C. Doesn't remind you to change your batteries
D. In MY unhumble and Completely Biased Opinion(Hey, I'm being honest; that counts for something), Ciela is only second to Tatl
Feb 13, 2019
This topic was created in 2011 and people are still replying?
Anyway, Tatl-Navi-Ciela.
Going through all the partners:
Midna-Tatl-Ezlo-Linebeck-Spirit Zelda-Red Lions-Navi-Ciela-Fi


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
Ciela is the best. I like her sassy personality. I like her background. She lost her memory and when going through the whole adventure she finds out what actually happened to her. I like her and Linebeck's banter. Yep my fav by far out of those three
Mar 8, 2017
Ciela is the best. I like her sassy personality. I like her background. She lost her memory and when going through the whole adventure she finds out what actually happened to her. I like her and Linebeck's banter. Yep my fav by far out of those three
I Couldn't agree more!! ^_^

although I Prefer Ciela Significantly to Linebeck;

I Never really liked how much of a Pompous A***hole he was!!
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