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My Storyline Predictions: Oocca, Triforce, MS, Hylian Crest, Etc.


Site Staff
Nov 24, 2009
Redmond, Washington
I've constructed this storyline based on what we know so far about SS, then added in elements from other games that would logically fit this time period. I took some of the ideas that are popping up in discussions, and of course I had to fill in some gaps with my limited imagination.

The only bit of storyline information we have so far is from the Nintendo Roundtable last night, originally posted at IGN:

6:45: How many people remember the scene where Link dives off the cliff in the trailer? That's a very important point for the storyline. This time around, Link is born and raised in a land called Sky Loft, a land floating above the clouds. It may sound unique for someone to live on a floating land, but Link finds it ordinary. A land beneath the clouds is discovered, it's ruled by evil forces, but Link is forced to go there. Link has to travel between the two lands in this adventure. The Skyward Sword is his driving force behind his traveling between lands. That mysterious figure in last year's art is the Skyward Sword. People suspected this to be the Master Sword...but spoiler alert, the Skyward Sword becomes the Master Sword. (laughs).

Sky Loft: Home of the Oocca

I'll start with Sky Loft. It's a land floating in the sky. They say it's unique, but it's actually happened twice before. We had the Palace of Winds in MC, founded by the Wind Tribe after leaving the Wind Ruins on the surface. The only other mention of a race that lives in the sky is the Oocca, in the City of the Sky from TP. Whether or not these are the same is another debate. For now, I'll follow Ben Spyrou's article (a suggested read) and assume MC takes place after the Oocca have died out.

Shad said:
The common opinion is that Hyrule was created by the Hylia people, the race closest to the gods, but truth be told, there's also a theory saying that in ancient times there was a race even closer to the gods than the Hylia people, and THEY created it. And they, simultaneously with the birth of the Hylia people, created a new capital, a capital that floated in the heavens.

So the Oocca originally created Hyrule, then built and moved to a new capital in the sky when the Hylia people were born (whether one caused the other or they just happened at the same time doesn't matter). This capital, thanks to yesterday's new information, is called Sky Loft. And all of its inhabitants are Oocca, including Link. After living in the sky for several generations, the race may have forgotten about the land below, allowing them to re-"discover" it in SS.

Timeline Placement: The Beginning *new section*

Since SS tells the origin of the Master Sword (discussed in the next section), it's safe to say that it will take place before OoT. I say that it's also before MC because the Wind Tribe's backstory doesn't line up with the Oocca's backstory. The Wind Tribe had been living on land with other races before they moved to the sky, while the Oocca left right when the Hylians were first born. The Oocca exodus has to be the first event, then if you believe the Wind Tribe to be the same people then they would have to return to the surface sometime after SS then move back to the clouds a second time. That puts the beginning of the timeline like so:

SS -- (MC) -- OoT -- (MC)

The Skyward Sword: the Driving Force for the Heroic Return*revamped section*

roundtable said:
The Skyward Sword is his driving force behind his traveling between lands.

When I first read that statement, I assumed it meant that the sword is what physically allows him to make his journey. But "driving force" implies a phychological effect that gives one purpose. I made this realization when I watched Aonuma's Gamespot interview:

Aonuma said:
The subtitle, the Skyward Sword, is really the event that both reveals the land to Link and leads him on his journey, that's the Skyward Sword. So when he gets that, that's the event, again, that reveals where Link needs to go and what he needs to do.

This actually reveals just about all of the beginning of the story. The sword must have been created by someone who knew of the troubles on the surface, probably someone in the Hylian Royal Famliy (discussed later), with the aid of whoever the "mysterious figure" is. I'm just going to take a random guess and say she's the Fairy Queen, or a Great Fairy, She could also be a Sage or a Light Spirit (discussed later). Heading into the realm of imagination, this sword is created in order to call the aid of the legendary superior race that lives in the sky. Link receives this call and learns of the land below for the first time, and is forced to travel there to stop the evil forces from acquiring the Triforce.

Returning to the land of developer revelation, the Skyward Sword looks just like the Master Sword and in fact becomes the MS.

SNES LttP Manual (Literal Japanese Translation) said:
The Triforce itself cannot judge between good and evil. That is because only the gods can do that.
However, it could not be assumed that only a good person would get their hands on the Triforce.
For that reason, the people of Hyrule were told by the gods to make something that would repulse any evil that may kidnap the Triforce: the blade of evil's bane.
It was called the Master Sword, and it is said that only a true hero could use it.

If they're making a MS Origin Story, then they had better stick with the one they've already given us. That leads me to believe that the Triforce will be in this game, and is the object saught by the evil forces. I think the goal in this game will be to (gather items, probably, to) transform the Skyward Sword into a new sword with enough power to repulse this evil: the Master Sword.

The Evil Forces of the Land: Another story from Twilight Princess*new section*

With the development of SS overlapping with that of TP, it's possible that Nintendo added bits of story to TP as an introduction to SS, or perhaps with TP's stories fresh in their minds, they wanted their next game to tell the stories TP couldn't complete while they were creating the gameplay that TP couldn't achieve. I've already explained how the Oocca could fit in, and now the possibility of a retelling of the Interloper War has been brought to my attention.

Lanayru said:
For a long time, the world was at peace, with people's hearts being deeply faithful…
But at length, a rivalry ensued over Hyrule, the holy land.
In the midst of the people, persons [NoA: interlopers] who excelled at magic appeared.
With powerful sorcery, they tried to rule the holy land.
But the goddesses sent us light spirits to seal away the gigantic magic of those people.
And that very sorcery is the black power… the Crystal Stone of Shadow [NoA: Fused Shadow].

The Interloper War is the first war since creation. It is likely that the interlopers are the evil forces spoken of in the roundtable and Aonuma's interview. They are after the Sacred Realm, and it's Link's job to, with the help of the Light Spirits, seal away their magic. This would imply that the game would end with the creation of the Twilight Mirror and the interlopers' banishment to the Twilight Realm, along with the destruction (almost) of the Fused Shadow. The construction of the Temple of Time could also follow these events, whether depicted in the game or not, since it was probably constructed by the Oocca and its purpose was to seal the Sacred Realm, along with the Master Sword which is also created in this game.

More Little Details: ehh...subtitles are hard to come by nowadays.

Another interesting point to bring up is the three missing items in the demo. I believe one of them may be the Dominion Rod, hidden from the demo to avoid revealing the storyline implications.

Impaz said:
Ohhh! That rod, by any chance, is it called Copy Rod!? According to the legends of my clan, in the past there was an epoch when the royal family still maintained cultural exchange with the sky. A rod containing a mysterious power was handed down from the people of the sky. That rod was called the Copy Rod. When the royal family sent a message to the sky, they only permitted an approved messenger to the sky to carry that rod.

If this story is about contact between the land and the sky, then this item would logically fit in. Miyamoto (I think it was him, in the Iwata Asks special) said that physically moving blocks looked silly, so maybe we'll be able to magically move statues instead? Though Impaz's story could easily take place after the events of SS, after the two races regain contact with each other.

On a side note, It just hit me that this game's logo features the Hylian Royal Crest (the bird and triforce). This provides added evidence for the existance of the Triforce in the game, as well as another thing to think about. Perhaps the crest was created to represent the Hylians predecessors from the sky?

I'll conclude on a discouraging note. Also from the roundtable:
7:20: You show older Zelda games in the trailer at the start. Do the other games have any impact in Skyward Sword? Nope, sorry.
Does this mean the stories aren't connected? I hope not.

What do you think about Oocca Link? The Triforce? The "mysterious figure?" The Dominion Rod? The SS/MS? The Hylian Crest? The Interlopers? Timeline placement?

update 6/18/10: added titles, new sections as indicated. (timeline, interlopers)
Last edited:


Sage of Tales
A lot of cool theorizing there! It could work! I could see it happen.

I can especially see early Hylians living with the Oocca in the sky capital - living side by side.

Now, if something weird happens like Hylians being hatced from the eggs of the Oocca, I will go absolutely nuts. In one of my fan fictions (The Great Desert) I had Farore as a mad genetic engineer who tweaked DNA and used eggs as early vehicles, and the Oocca were created to be incubators.

Hey, stop looking at me like that. Before the "swordless Link" picture even came out, back quite some time ago, I wrote a short story about Link having a convesation with the *female spirit of his Master Sword* so... sometimes I predict things.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
I think what "You show older Zelda games in the trailer at the start. Do the other games have any impact in Skyward Sword? Nope, sorry." means is that the older games are after SS. The Hylian Crest probably means that the SS (and the Master Sword) is somehow the savior of Hyrule? The D-Rod probably isn't going to appear. I can't say for sure, though. The mysterious figure is probably some "sage" from the land below, she contacts Link because he is obviously a hero. That is my guess,though.
May 26, 2010
Your theory is very similar to mine. I think the dominion rod is going to appear because it was used by the "messenger from the heavens" which could very possibly be Link. Maybe the evil force are the interlopers and their evil magic? The interlopers were sent to the twilight realm and evolved into the twili. Then the sages somehow turned the SS into the MS to protect the triforce from evil.


Site Staff
Nov 24, 2009
Redmond, Washington
I can especially see early Hylians living with the Oocca in the sky capital - living side by side.
But remember,
roundtable said:
A land beneath the clouds is discovered, it's ruled by evil forces, but Link is forced to go there. Link has to travel between the two lands in this adventure.
It seems that the land isn't discovered until just before the game starts. Therefore I find it unlikely for the Hylians and Oocca to know about each other (perhaps the Oocca's knowledge of the Hylia grew into legend, or they left "simultaneously with the birth of the Hylia people" without knowing of their existance in the first place). So if Sky Loft is inhabited by Oocca and Link was born there, I find it logical to assume that Link is Oocca, and the only Hylians you'll meet are on the surface.

The mysterious figure is probably some "sage" from the land below, she contacts Link because he is obviously a hero. That is my guess,though.
Another very good guess. I think it was stated elsewhere that the sages were the ones who forged the MS. This is another possibility.

Maybe the evil force are the interlopers and their evil magic?
That would be too perfect. I don't think Nintendo's nice enough to tie up the interloper story too. They don't like taking too much from other games because it limits the room for creativity. I would love that though. One game that clears up the backstories of 3+ games? Too good to be true. I may still incorporate that into my story though. But I'd have to do more research first.


Something I noticed

Has anyone else noticed that Zordiana kinda looks like Midna's true form?


Site Staff
Nov 24, 2009
Redmond, Washington
You're treading on fan-fic ground.
Yeah, since I can't play the game, that's all I can do. I'm trying not to make up any content, only connections to other things Nintendo has already given us. I'll be more than willing to modify these connections if they give us more details.

I've updated my story with more info on how and why Link gets the SS, where the story falls in the timeline (specifically discussing its relationship with MC), and how the interlopers fit in, and I also modified his quest to include the aid of the Light Spirits. I've marked the updated sections, so check it out!


My idea was we have skyloft and all the people are the evolved form of the oocco, link has a special job within the village who knows what but it is most likely stupid. But (out of two things) 1: which might not happen cuz Nintendo cant have link do something for a strong reason besides saving someone. the village is destroyed or something happens to it, and he meet the master sword girl who tell him of people below that can help him. And link wants to get revenge cuz someone might die, but they wont do that cuz link is pure of heart and all that jazz. 2 is he meet the master sword girl and she tells him there is land below. he trust her and he jumps off or better yet someone in the village maybe a rival or someone he cares about goes down first and he follows behind in search of them. But duh he falls so may be he gets hurt and sheikas (sorry on spelling peeps) or a village take him in and you find out that this village and group of people is the start of the kingdom of hyrule. And theres a leader thats like the king and there his his daughter whom might not be called zelda cuz of that zelda 2 ish. but you find out that this village is trying to rally up the other cultures of hyrule and band together to fight. the guy they are fighting is a evil wizard dude that is strikingly like ganon and the point of the game is you rallying the races to fight and establishing the races provinces and maybe setting up the first sages. whom in turn could send you to get things and at the middle of the game the bad wizard dude is trying to stop the uniting of hyrule and he takes the princess. well the village tells you that they have tried to kill him but nothing does and then the master sword girl sacrafices herself to unite the land and she becomes the sacred sword and link kills the wizard and he vows that his son or family will never stop in trying to take over the land of hyrule. and the game would end making it look like link and zelda together or something and the kingdom starts and then OoT happens. and when they remake OoT for the 3DS the will prob add this content to the story of it. but i know this is a long shot but what do you think


Site Staff
Nov 24, 2009
Redmond, Washington
the point of the game is you rallying the races to fight
I love this. Instead of just fighting the leader of the forces yourself, it would be really fun to gain the trust and respect of the various oppressed cultures, perhaps in a bomber's notebook-esque way, but definately more than just defeating the boss of the local dungeon, though that would be part of it.

I don't have any satisfying theories about the lost, valuable friend yet, but when I do I'll be sure to post them here.


can i tell you guys the personal truth, i work for a branch of nintendo america and this is what is being buzzed around the office.

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